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Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a data centre?

A data centre hosts data and computing equipment, providing the infrastructure required for IT systems. The proposed Data Centre at Aykley Heads would house a supercomputer, a highly advanced computing machine designed for exceptionally fast data processing and complex calculations.

What would the data centre at Aykley Heads be used for?

The proposed Data Centre at Aykley Heads would house a supercomputer, a highly advanced computing machine designed for exceptionally fast data processing and complex calculations. It would be used for advanced research and development, with a particular focus on research into Artificial Intelligence.

How would the data centre be funded?

The University is currently seeking funding for the project, as we believe it to have significant potential for the city, county and region.

How does this fit with the Aykley Heads Masterplan?

The Aykley Heads Masterplan was granted outline planning permission for the development of a Business Park with supporting retail and leisure uses in 2021. This site comprises Plot D of the Masterplan area.

When will the centre operate?

The supercomputer would operate 24 hours a day. Security would be in place throughout. The facility’s main activities would take place during regular working hours.

How will the facility be accessed?

The facility would be accessed from the north-east via an active travel route for pedestrians, and a separately proposed road for vehicles off Aykley Heads Way.

Will there be any public access to the facility?

We plan to develop a public education space, including a glass wall through which visitors can observe the supercomputer. 

If approved, when will construction begin and when will the centre open?

The project is dependent on investment. The earliest construction would begin is May 2025, with the earliest opening date being February 2026.

Will any new jobs be created by the proposals?

The facility would directly create about 15 jobs to operate the supercomputer. We anticipate the creation of many more jobs in the businesses attracted to Aykley Heads by the supercomputer.

What will happen to areas currently used for recreational parking?

The Council and the University are aware that members of the community currently park on land in and around the site (Plot D of the Aykley Heads Masterplan) for purposes including dog walking. Through ongoing work on the wider Aykley Heads site, the Council is considering potential alternative locations for community/recreational parking. Any such parking provision would be managed and restricted.

What sustainability measures will the development include?

Parking on site would have electric vehicle charging. Landscaping aims to make the most of existing trees and parking. The adjacent sustainable drainage system ponds and footpath would be improved with further landscaping and planting provided to the north and east of the site to ensure the building nestles within existing woodland as far as possible.

How does this fit with the University’s Strategy?

The Data Centre forms part of the University’s Science Transformation Programme, which aims to secure the University’s place at the forefront of science research and teaching.