Our actions towards SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
We are a diverse community and are committed to promoting equality and diversity for all staff and students. In fact, this is one of our 8 core values and forms part of our Strategic Plan. We are working towards embedding equality & diversity at all levels of our organisation.
Local and Regional
Policy and Governance
Modern Slavery Statement
More examples of our work towards SDG 8
Employment practice unions recognition
Durham University as a body recognise unions and labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining) for all, including international staff and women. Our evidence below confirms the Recognition Agreement signed between Durham University and UCU partners which became effective from 1 January 2022 and will be reviewed annually thereafter.
Employment Practice Unions Recognition
Policies on pay scale equity
Durham University has a comprehensive policy on pay scale equity, including a commitment to monitor and address gender pay gaps. Each year, we publish our Gender Pay Gap Diversity Report, which assesses pay scale equity, outlines our current position, and details strategic aims to eliminate gender-based pay disparities.
Gender Pay Gap Diversity Pay Report 2023
Equality Objectives - Durham University
Microsoft Word - EDI Policy March 2024 Reviewed SM.docx