Examples of our actions towards SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
We have mapped the SDGs onto our research, teaching, wider student experience & global activities. We use this information to assess our impact, identify gaps and consider where to focus efforts to deliver an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable institution. Read our Annual Report
The N8 Research Partnership, the strategic collaboration of the eight most research-intensive Universities in the North of England: Durham, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York, is working to create the basis for supporting economic growth focused on the green economy. N8 Net Zero North will drive growth in the green economy in the North of England and beyond by co-producing research & innovation with businesses & other stakeholders to meet real-world challenges
The N8 Research Partnership
Wider Student Experience
The Matariki Network Global Citizenship programme enables students to gain a Global Citizenship micro-credential, demonstrating to the world that participants developed the skills to tackle complex global issues. Students will also become apart of the 117,000+ Global Common Purpose Alumni network made up of students, emerging and senior leaders from across the world.
The Matariki Network Global Citizenship programme
We have partnered with industry, for example with our award-winning strategic partnership with P&G, enabling unique and globally scalable innovations that have improved billions of consumers' lives around the world.
Partnership improved billions of consumers' lives around the world
Local and Regional
We’re proud to be working together with partners for the good of our city, county and region we’ve been part of for nearly 200 years. One key partner is our local authority, Durham County Council, and now we’ve committed to strengthening our already successful partnership. In line with County Durham’s Economic Inclusive green strategy, we are creating innovation plans that will help the county accelerate towards an inclusive, green and sustainable future.
Find out about our Memorandum Of Understanding with DCC
Governance and Policy
The Sustainable Development Goals Disclosure Recommendations offer a new approach for businesses and other organisations to address sustainable development issues aligned to the three most influential and popular reporting frameworks. They attempt to establish a best practice for corporate reporting on the SDGs and enable more effective and standardized reporting and transparency on climate change, social and other environmental impacts.
Sustainable Development Goals Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations
University and industry renewable energy partnership
A project to improve wind turbine technology that involves researchers at Durham University has been shortlisted for a global sustainability award. The partnership, specifically aims to support research into real-life issues identified by industrial partners.
More examples of our work towards SDG17
Relationships with regional NGOs and government for SDG policy
SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals