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Who leads, and who follows? Our centre aims to advance theory on leadership and communicate this knowledge to practitioners. We focus on the study of leadership and followership, as well as the intersection of this research with key organisational behaviour topics such as identity, trust, and social networks.
An important aspect of our centre is collaboration and mentorship. We supervise PhD students in this field, have events with renowned international speakers, and work in international collaborations—all for the purpose of advancing the study of leadership and followership.
Latest News
February 2025
- Funding: both Janey Zheng and Bart de Jong obtained £5,000 of research funding from the Faculty Primary Research Support Fund.
- Event: virtual seminar talk by Nathan Eva (Monash U., Australia) entitled "An Inconvenient Truth: A Comprehensive Examination of the Added Value (or Lack Thereof) of Leadership Measures”
- Event: seminar talk and workshop by Maïlys George (IESE, Spain) entitled "Identity Threat Under Scrutiny: Insights from My Research Program and Future Directions" and “Research Productivity: Harnessing Collective Wisdom to Achieve Your Goals”
- Publication: Revisiting Leadership as a Relationship, edited volume by Olga Epitropaki
- Publication: Conspiratorial Beliefs and Vaccine Acceptance by Yingli Deng
- Publication: Romance of Leadership in Times of Crisis by Birgit Schyns.
- Publication: Pursuing Leader Identity by Richard Morgan, Susanne Braun, and Olga Epitropaki.
January 2025
- Publication: Authorship Experiences for Women vs. Men, co-authored by Bart de Jong.
- Publication: Consequences of Employee Voice by Karolina Nieberle.
- New member: Zi Ye, Postdoctoral Research Associate
December 2024
- Achievement: Ziya Ete passed his viva with no corrections is now Dr Ziya Ete.
- Event: Academy of Management Journal Paper Development Workshop, Dec 2. Hosted by DUBS and CLF.
November 2024
- Funding: Matt Sjoberg won a $2,000 grant from Gorilla Experiment Builder
- Certification: Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy awarded to Tim Holmes and Kiki Chalkiadaki.
- Awards: Jakob Stollberger was awarded the Barsade Prize - for the paper that most significantly advanced theoretical and empirical understanding of emotions in organizations - at Wharton University for his 2024 Organization Science article on emotional complexity.
- Publication: Motivational climates, narcissism, and trust in leader-follower dyads by Susanne Braun
- Event: seminar talk by Rebecca Greenbaum (Rutgers University) entitled “Coping with the threat of family financial pressure: A threat rigidity perspective on bottom-line mentality”
October 2024
- Publication: How we get along depends on how you make me feel by Jakob Stollberger
- Publication: Follower identification, voice, and leader consultation by Karolina Nieberle and Birgit Schyns
- New member: Xinchen Wang, PhD student
- New member: Xuanling Feng, PhD student
- Publication: a review and meta-analysis on felt trust in organizations by Bart de Jong and Janey Zheng.
September 2024
- New member: Nora Berghoff, Postdoctoral Researcher
- Publication: Vulnerable narcissists and abusive supervision by Susanne Braun, Birgit Schyns, and Bob Lord.
- Publication: Leadership behaviors, psychological distance, and remote work by Anders Marstand and Olga Epitropaki.
- New member: Jakob Stollberger, Professor in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour
July 2024
- Awards: a meta-analysis paper on team trust by Bart de Jong (published in 2016 in the Journal of Applied Psychology) was a finalist for the Most Influential Article Award by the Conflict Management Division of the Academy of Management.
- New role: Maria Kakarika has been promoted to Full Professor
- Awards: Outstanding Reviewer Award for Kiki Chalkiadaki from the OB Division of the AOM Annual Meeting.
- Publication: Trickle-down effects of women in leadership roles by Andrew Parker.
June 2024
- Awards: multiple CLF members receive recognition from DUBS for their research contributions: Janey Zheng, Yingli Deng, Susanne Braun, Bart de Jong, Olga Epitropaki, Marisa Plater
- Event: seminar talk by Cynthia Wang (Northwestern) on "Novel Perspectives on Perspective-Taking"
May 2024
- New role: Anders Marstand is now Associate Editor at the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (AJG 4)
- Event: 7th Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium (IPLS), organized by Olga Epitropaki
- Event: seminar talk by Don Moore (UC Berkeley) on "Excessive certainty"
- Event: seminar talk by Michael Palanski (Rochester Institute of Technology) on "An Academic’s Applied Theoretical Guide to Developing More Mature Leaders"
- Visiting professor: Roger Gill
April 2024
- Publication: Political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior by Olga Epitropaki
- Publication: Reluctance to lead by Olga Epitropaki
- Publication: Competitive rewards and bottom-line mentality by Yingli Deng
- Award: conference paper on felt trust by Bart de Jong and Janey Zhang recognized among the top 10% best submissions of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting and included in the AOM Best Paper Proceedings
- Event: two-day workshop on “Meta-analysis in Management” facilitated by Prof. Bart de Jong
- New member: Bilal Bilal (Assistant Professor)
- Publication: Early-career unemployment scarring and leadership role occupancy by Olga Epitropaki
March 2024
- Event: seminar talk by Dr Michelle Hammond (Oakland University) on "Multidomain leader identity" and PhD workshop on "Navigating academic careers", as part of IAS project with PIs Karolina Nieberle & Janey Zheng.
- New member: Xiaoyu Gan (Teaching Assistant)
February 2024
- New member: Flora Song (PhD student)
- New member: Prof Barbara Bechter
- Publication: Shared leadership configurations in teams by Bart de Jong
- Event: "The Future of Ethical Leadership Research" and "The Ethical Implications of Crowdsourcing Research": seminar talks by Prof. Suzanne van Gils (BI Norwegian Business School) on February 14.
- Event: Theory Building Workshop I: Defining and conceptualizing constructs by Dr. Omar Solinger (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on February 5.
- Event: Theory building workshop II: Combining perspectives to build theory by Dr. Omar Solinger (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on February 6.
January 2024
- Publication: Multiplex relationships across the work-nonwork domain by Andrew Parker
- Event: Recordings of TEDx-style "Deep Dive into the Future of Work" event now available on YouTube.
December 2023
- Publication: Narcissism and Leader-Member Exchange by Birgit Schyns
- New member: post-doc Matt Sjoberg
- Event: Am I enabling my abusive supervisor?: seminar talk by Prof. Wing Lam (Alliance Manchester Business School) on December 1.
November 2023
- Publication: Leaders’ Narcissistic Rivalry and Abusive Supervision by Birgit Schyns.
- Publication: Sexualization of job candidates by Maria Kakarika.
- Publication: Self-Worth in Entrepreneurship by Susanne Braun.
- Event: Critical re-appraisal of scholarly assumptions about creativity: seminar talk by Prof. Giles Hirst (Australian National University) on November 6.
October 2023
- New CLF member: Assist/Prof Jane Zhang.
- Event: A Psychological Perspective on the Study of Decent Work: seminar talk by Prof. Ryan Duffy, (University of Florida) on October 23.
- Publication: The double-edged sword of career support mentoring by Hong Deng and Yanjun Guan.
- Publication: COVID-19 and life satisfaction by Yanjun Guan and Hong Deng.
September 2023
- Research award: Yingli Deng nominated for Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research.
- New CLF member: Assist/Prof Richard Morgan.
- New CLF director: Prof. Bart de Jong.
- Event: Identity perspective for creative leadership: seminar talk by Assoc/Prof Kimberly Jaussi (Binghamton University) on September 13.
- Publication (Open Access): Leader identity dynamics by Susanne Braun, Bob Lord, and Angelique Fu.
August 2023
- New role: Yingli Deng has been promoted to Associate Professor.
- Event: The Knowledge Production System: seminar talk by Prof. Matt Cronin (George Mason University) on August 30.
- Publication: Narcissistic leadership during COVID-19 by Birgit Schyns.
- Research awards: three out of the five papers nominated for the 2023 Leadership Quarterly Decennial Award were written by CLF members: Braun et al. (2013), Epitropaki et al. (2013), and Schyns & Schilling (2013)! And the winner is …. SCHYNS & SCHILLING (2013)! Epitropaki et al. (2013) was the runner-up.
June 2023
- Event: CLF members speak on Deep dive into the future of work TEDx-style event.
- Publication (Open Access): Supervisor monitoring and follower felt trust by Janey Zheng, Susanne Braun, and Birgit Schyns.