Durham Castle and Cathedral World Heritage Day Celebrations
10 April 2024 - 10 April 2024
10:00AM - 5:00PM
Durham Castle and Cathedral World Heritage Site
Free for all!
It’s war and peace on the World Heritage Site on Wednesday 10th April!
Re-enactors at Durham Castle
We open from 10am with a delicious brunch and guided tour of Durham Castle (charge and pre-booking applies).
The fun continues all day (whatever the weather).
Durham Castle is open free from 12pm and Vanguard Norman soldiers will be battling in the courtyard (last admission 4pm).
Visitors to the Cathedral can get arty and make one of the 15,000 Peace Doves that will hang in the nave in the summer as part of artist Peter Walker’s new installation (donations welcome). Access to the Lego cathedral is free. Charges apply for Cathedral tours, Museum entry and Tower climb. The Undercroft café and shop will be open and the Cathedral will be selling ice cream on Palace Green.
Palace Green Library is open free from 10am – 5pm. Discover the breathtaking 17th Century Bishop Cosin’s Library, learn about the World Heritage Site with one of our fabulous volunteers and get hands on with history in the Museum of Archaeology! There are drop-in crafts and activities from 1-5pm.
Free talks and tours will be running on the hour every hour from 11am - 4pm from 7 Owengate. Join our medieval monk on a tour of herbs and plants. Meet actor David Napthine recreating the life and times of 18th century Durham astronomer, mathematician, instrument maker, architect and garden designer Thomas Wright. Have a free guided tour of the World Heritage Site and see inside the chapel of St Mary the Less at St John’s College on the Bailey.
This is a fun day out for everyone and we hope to see you there!
Pre-booking required for Brunch with Guided Tour at Durham Castle (charge applies)