Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Associate Professor in the Business School | +44 (0) 191 33 46357 |
Lucia's research interests include applications of game theoretical concepts and nonlinear dynamic modelling to study environmental and natural resources issues. In particular, her research concerns the sustainability of the commercial exploitation of the fishery and the stability of international environmental agreements to reduce pollution emissions.
Lucia teaches Business Competition and Natural Resource Management.
Mini Biography
Lucia's research interests include applications of game theoretical concepts and nonlinear dynamic modelling to study environmental and natural resources issues. In particular, her research concerns the sustainability of the commercial exploitation of the fishery and the stability of international environmental agreements to reduce pollution emissions.
Research interests
- Natural Resource Economics (Fishery and Pollution)
- Static and Dynamic Games (Non-Cooperative Games)
Chapter in book
- Bischi, G., Lamantia, F., & Sbragia, L. Competition and Cooperation in Natural Resources Exploitation: an Evolutionary Game Approach. In C. Carraro, & V. Fragnelli (Eds.), Game Practice and the Environment (187-211). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Lamantia, F., Radi, D., & Sbragia, L. (2016). Dynamic Modeling in Renewable Resource Exploitation. In G. I. Bischi, A. Panchuk, & D. Radi (Eds.), Qualitative theory of dynamical systems, tools and applications for economic modelling : lectures given at the COST Training School on new economic complex geography at Urbino, Italy, 17-19 September 2015 (257-289). Springer Verlag.
Journal Article
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (online). Learning under Partial Cooperation and Uncertainty
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (2023). Self-image and the Stability of International Environmental Agreements. Ecological Economics, 211, Article 107869.
- Bischi, G. I., & Sbragia, L. (2023). Evolutionary Dynamics in Heterogeneous Oligopolies for the Exploitation of Renewable Natural Resources. Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali, 2023(1), 35-64.
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (2020). Intra-brand competition in a differentiated oligopoly. Journal of Economics, 132(1), 1-40.
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (2019). The Impact of Adaptation on the Stability of International Environmental Agreements. Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(2), 697-725.
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (2017). Adaptation to Climate Change: Commitment and Timing Issues. Environmental and Resource Economics, 68(4), 975-995.
- Breton, M., Sbragia, L., & Zaccour, G. (2010). A Dynamic Model for international environmental agreements. Environmental and Resource Economics, 45(1), 25-48.
- Bischi, G., Lamantia, F., & Sbragia, L. (2009). Strategic interaction and imitation dynamics in patch differentiated exploitation of fisheries. Ecological Complexity, 6(3), 353-362.
- Bahn, O., Breton, M., Sbragia, L., & Zaccour, G. (2009). Stability of international environmental agreements: an illustration with asymmetrical countries. International Transactions in Operational Research, 16(3), 307-324.
- Chiarella, C., Dieci, R., Gardini, L., & Sbragia, L. (2008). A model of financial market dynamics with heterogeneous beliefs and state-dependent confidence. Computational Economics, 32(1/2), 55-72.
- Bischi, G., Sbragia, L., & Szidarovszky, F. (2008). Learning the Demand Function in a Repeated Cournot Oligopoly Game. International Journal of Systems Science, 39(4), 403-419.
- Bischi, G., Naimzada, A., & Sbragia, L. (2007). Oligopoly Games with Local Monopolistic Approximation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 62(3), 371-388.
- Naimzada, A., & Sbragia, L. (2006). Oligopoly Games with nonlinear demand and cost functions: Two bounded rational adjustment processes. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 29(3), 707-722.
- Lamantia, F., & Sbragia, L. (2006). A dynamic model of patch differentiated of fisheries
Working Paper
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (2021). Self-image and the stability of international environmental agreements
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (2017). The impact of adaptation on the stability of international environmental agreements
- Breton, M., & Sbragia, L. (2016). Adaptation to climate change: Commitment and timing issues
Supervision students
Frances Sealy
Silvia Sanz Diaz
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