Staff profile
Professor Carol Adams
Emeritus Professor
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Emeritus Professor in the Business School | +44 (0) 191 33 45425 |
Professor Carol Adams MSc PhD CA FAICD is an internationally recognised researcher in corporate accounting and reporting and its role in the relationships between business, society and the environment. Her research has been published in Accounting Organizations and Society, Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, British Accounting Review, European Accounting Review, Accounting and Business Research, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Abacus, Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal, Financial Accountability and Management, Accounting Forum, Business Strategy and Environment.
Carol’s work has accrued approx. 20,000 citations and her Google Scholar H Index is 52. Her 2002 and 2004 sole authored articles are the 8th and 11th most cited articles in the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal where she has four of the top 40 cited papers published in the journal’s 30 year history. She also has the 2nd most cited article in the British Accounting Review; the 4th most cited article in Critical Perspectives in Accounting; the 5th most cited article in Accounting Forum; and, the 5th and 7th most cited articles in the Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal.
Carol has received research funding from the Australian Research Council, ESRC, UNCTAD-ISAR and several international professional accounting bodies.
Carol is Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal which she established to promote research that addresses practice and policy issues capable of improving the relationships between accounting, organisations and sustainable development.
Carol has sought to advance practice and policy with respect to integrating sustainability considerations into organisations through applied research, leadership, standard setting, advisory work and educating the next generation of business leaders for over two decades. She has authored several industry/professional reports, has made submissions to numerous public consultations and writes on her website at
Policy influencing work
Carol is currently Chair of the Global Reporting Initative's (GRI) Global Sustainability Standards Board, a member of the Australian Accounting Standards Board's Sustainability Reporting Project Advisory Panel. She served as technical expert to the UNDP's SDG Impact Team in 2020 and 2021 contributing to the development of SDG Impact Standards. She is a past Chair of GRI's Stakeholder Council, on which she served from 2013-2019). She is currently Chair of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland’s (ICAS) Sustainability Panel and member of their Policy Leadership Board. She is also currently a member of the Taxonomy Advisory Group for the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative. She served on the ACCA's Global Forum on Sustainability (2011-2021) and the Climate Disclosure Standards Board’s Technical Working Group (2015-2021). She was a member of the International Integrated Reporting Council’s Capitals Technical Collaboration Group.
Advisory work
Carol consults to multi-national companies and other organisaitons on corporate reporting and integrating sustainability into business practices. She is currently working with CIPFA to update their public sector sustainablity reporting guidelines. Recent assignments include work with the Royal Bank of Scotland, Cbus Superannuation Fund (Australia) and Baillie Gifford.
Background and Leadership
Carol has a financial audit background with KPMG and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with ICAS. She holds an MSc in Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics and a PhD in International Corporate Reporting from the University of Glasgow. She has held senior management positions in Universities including as Head of School, Faculty Acting Dean and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Sustainability) and has previously held Professor of Accounting positions at Monash University and the University of Glasgow. She has served on a number of Boards in the finance, education and not-for-profit sectors. She has also served as a member of the Sustainability Advisory Board for Fuji Xerox Australia and Sustainability Leadership Advisor to the Commonwealth Education Trust. She is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD). She is an Honorary Research Fellow at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.
Mini Biography
Professor Carol Adams MSc PhD CA FAICD is an internationally recognised researcher in corporate accounting and reporting and its role in the relationships between business, society and the environment. She is founding editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal.
Research interests
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Corporate reporting
- Integrated reporting
- Sustainability reporting
- Integrating sustainability into corporate practices
Esteem Indicators
- 2023: Chair, Global Sustainability Standards Board, GRI:
- 2022: Member of the Australian Accounting Standards Board's Sustainability Reporting Advisory Panel:
- 2021: Chair, Sustainability Panel, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland since 2021 (member since2014):
- 2021: Member, Policy Leadership Board, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland since 2021:
- 2020: Member, Public Finance International Advisory Panel, Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy since 2020:
- 2020: Technical Expert, UNDP SDG Impact Team 2020-2021:
- 2019: Chair, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Stakeholder Council 2017-2019:
- 2015: Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors:
- 2015: Member, Climate Disclosure Standards Board Technical Working Group 2015-2021:
- 2013: Member, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Stakeholder Council 2013-2019:
- 2011: Member, Global Sustainability Forum, ACCA, 2011-2021:
- 2011: Winner: Best First Time report, ACCA Sustainability Reporting Awards 2011: Led the team that developed the report as PVC (Sustainability) at La Trobe University
- 2009: Founding Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal:
Authored book
- Adams, C. (2015). Understanding Integrated Reporting: A concise guide to integrated thinking and the future of corporate reporting. Do Sustainability
- Gray, R., Adams, C., & Owen, D. (2014). Accounting, Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Accounting for Society and the Planet. Pearson
- Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2004). The Development of Corporate Web-Sites and implications for Ethical, Social and Environmental Reporting through these Media. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)
- Gray, R., Owen, D., & Adams, C. (2003). Accounting and Accountability: Changes and Challenges in Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting. Hakuto-shobo Publishing Company
- Gray, R., Owen, D., & Adams, C. (1996). Accounting and Accountability: Changes and Challenges in Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting. Prentice Hall International
Chapter in book
- Adams, C. (in press). Accounting and Sustainability: An Introduction. In C. Adams (Ed.), Handbook of Accounting and Sustainability. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Adams, C., Hoque, Z., & McNicholas, P. Case studies and action research. In Z. Hoque (Ed.), Methodological issues in accounting research. (2nd). Spiramus
- Wijesinghe, N., Abhayawansa, S., & Adams, C. (2023). Reporting on Key Performance Indicators Related to Non-financial Capitals: Evidence from Sri Lankan Integrated Report Preparers. In K.-H. Lee, S. Senaratne, & N. Gunarathne (Eds.), Integrated Reporting (IR) for Sustainability: Business Cases in South Asia. Springer Verlag.
- Adams, C., Alhamood, A., He, X., Tian, J., Wang, L., & Wang, Y. (2022). The development and implementation of GRI Standards: practice and policy issues. In C. Adams (Ed.), Handbook of Accounting and Sustainability. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Rob, G., Adams, C., & Owen, D. (2018). Social and Environmental Accounting and the Critical Accounting Project(s): In search of creative tension?. In R. Roslender (Ed.), The Routledge Companion of Critical Accounting (241-257). Routledge
- Gray, R., Owen, D., & Adams, C. (2010). Some theory for social accounting? A review essay and a tentative pedagogic categorisation of theorisations around social accounting. In M.-G. Baldarelli (Ed.), Civil Economy, Democracy, Transparency and Social and Environmental Accounting Research Role. McGraw-Hill: Rome
- Gray, R., Owen, D., & Adams, C. (2009). Some theories for social accounting?: A review essay and a tentative pedagogic categorisation of theorisations around social accounting. In M. Freedman, & B. Jaggi (Eds.), Sustainability, Environmental Performance and Disclosures (1-54). Emerald.
- Adams, C., & Narayaran, V. (2007). The standardisation of sustainability reporting. In J. Unerman, B. O'Dwyer, & J. Bebbington (Eds.), Sustainability Accounting and Accountability. Routledge: Oxford
- Adams, C., Hoque, Z., & McNicholas, P. (2006). Case studies and action research. In Z. Hoque (Ed.), Methodological Issues in Accounting Research: Theories and Methods (361-373). Spiramus Press: Biggleswade
- Adams, C., & Zutshi, A. (2005). Corporate disclosure and auditing. In R. Harrison, T. Newholm, & D. Shaw (Eds.), Ethical Consumer (207-217). Sage: Thousand Oaks
- Guthrie, J., & Adams, C. (2005). Social and environmental reporting. In R. Staib (Ed.), Environmental Management and Decision-Making for Business (159-165). Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke
- Weetman, P., Jones, E., Adams, C., & Gray, S. (2004). Measurement in UK accounting standards: a case of increasing disharmony in relation to US GAAP and IASs. In C. Nobes (Ed.), Developments in International Accounting: International Harmonization of Accounting. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham
- Adams, C., Frost, G., & Webber, W. (2004). Triple bottom line reporting: a review of the literature. In A. Henriques, & J. Richardson (Eds.), The Triple Bottom Line: Does it all Add Up? (17-25). Earthscan
- Adams, C., Weetman, P., Jones, E., & Fray, S. (2004). Reducing the burden of US GAAP reconciliations by foreign companies listed in the US: the key question of materiality. In C. Nobes (Ed.), Developments in International Accounting: General Issues and Classification. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Adams, C., Frost, G., & Gray, S. (2003). Corporate environmental and social reporting. In F. Choi (Ed.), International Finance and Accounting Handbook. (3rd Edition.). John Wiley: Oxford
- Gray, R., Owen, D., & Adams, C. (2001). What is social accounting?. In R. Starkey, & R. Welford (Eds.), Earthscan Reader in Business and Sustainable Development (122-125). Earthscan
- Roberts, C., Gray, S., & Adams, C. (1997). Corporate social and non-financial disclosures. In F. Choi, & G. Mueller (Eds.), Handbook of International Accounting and Finance. John Wiley: Oxford
- Adams, C. (1996). The IASC's comparability project: will it bridge the divide between UK and US GAAP?. In J. Blake, & M. Hossain (Eds.), Readings in International Accounting (111-117). International Thomson Business Press: London
- Adams, C., & Roberts, C. (1994). The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC): a role playing case to determine the possible future agenda for the IASC. In J. Schweikart, S. Gray, & C. Roberts (Eds.), International Accounting: A Case Approach (138-145). McGraw Hill: London
Edited book
Journal Article
- Vigneau, L., & Adams, C. (2023). The Failure of Transparency as Self-Regulation. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(4), 852-876.
- Adams, C., & Mueller, F. (2022). Academics and policy makers at odds: the case of the IFRS Foundation Trustees’ Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 13(6), 1310-1333.
- Abhayawansa, S., & Adams, C. (2022). Towards a conceptual framework for non-financial reporting inclusive of pandemic and climate risk reporting. Meditari Accountancy Research, 30(3), 710-738.
- Adams, C., & Abhayawansa, S. (2022). Connecting the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing and calls for ‘harmonisation’ of sustainability reporting. Critical Perspectives On Accounting, 82, Article 102309.
- Abhayawansa, S., Adams, C., & Neesham, C. (2021). Accountability and Governance in Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals: Conceptualising how governments create value. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 34(4), 923-945.
- Adams, C. A. (2020). Sustainability reporting and value creation. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 40(3), 191-197.
- Tyson, T., & Adams, C. (2020). Increasing the scope of assurance research: new lines of inquiry and novel theoretical perspectives. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 11(2), 291-316.
- Adams, C. (2019). The Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Volume 10: the next 10 years. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 10(2), 230-234.
- Adams, C., & Larrinaga, C. (2019). Progress: Engaging with organisations in pursuit of improved sustainability accounting and performance. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 32(8), 2367-2394.
- Ferdous, M., Adams, C., & Boyce, G. (2019). Institutional drivers of environmental management accounting adoption in public sector water organisations. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 32(4), 984-1012.
- Adams, C. (2018). Debate: Integrated reporting and accounting for sustainable development across generations by universities. Public Money & Management, 38(5), 332-332.
- Adams, C. (2017). Editorial: Losses, tributes and carrying on. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 8(5),
- Adams, C. (2017). Conceptualising the contemporary corporate value creation processes. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 30(4), 906-931.
- Narayanan, V., & Adams, C. (2017). Transformative change towards sustainability: the interaction between organisational discourses and organisational practices. Accounting and Business Research, 47(3), 344-368.
- Adams, C., Potter, B., Singh, P., & York, J. (2016). Exploring the implications of integrated reporting for social investment (disclosures). The British Accounting Review, 48(3), 283-296.
- Young, S., Nagpal, S., & Adams, C. (2016). Sustainable Procurement in Australian and UK Universities. Public Management Review, 18(7), 993-1016.
- McPhail, K., & Adams, C. (2016). Corporate respect for Human Rights: meaning, scope, and the shifting order of discourse. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 29(4), 650-678.
- Coulson, A., Adams, C., Nugent, M., & Haynes, K. (2015). Exploring metaphors of capitals and the framing of multiple capitals: challenges and opportunities for IR. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 6(3), 290-314.
- Adams, C. (2015). The International Integrated Reporting Council: a call to action. Critical Perspectives On Accounting, 27(3), 23-28.
- Adams, C. (2015). 2015 Five years on: research that makes a difference to the relationship between organisations,society and the environment. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 6(1),
- Adams, C., Muir, S., & Hoque, Z. (2014). Measurement of sustainability performance in the public sector. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 5(1), 46-67.
- Adams, C. (2013). Sustainability reporting and performance management in Universities: challenges and benefits. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 4(3), 384-391.
- Williams, S., & Adams, C. (2013). Moral accounting? Employee disclosures from a stakeholder accountability perspective. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 26(3), 449-495.
- Yang Spencer, S., Adams, C., & Yapa, P. (2013). The mediating effects of the use of an environmental information system on top management's commitment and environmental performance. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 4(1),
- Adams, C., Heijltjes, M., Jack, G., Marjoribanks, T., & Powell, M. (2011). The development of leaders able to respond to climate change and sustainability challenges: the role of business schools. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 2(1), 165-171
- Hoque, Z., & Adams, C. (2011). The rise and use of balanced scorecard measures in Australian government departments. Financial Accountability and Management, 27(3), 308-334
- Adams, C. (2010). Sustainability research in need of a multi-disciplinary approach and a practice and policy focus?. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 1(1),
- Adams, C., & Petrella, L. (2010). Collaboration, connections and change. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 1(2), 292-296
- Adams, C., & Whelan, G. (2009). Conceptualising future change in corporate sustainability reporting. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 22(1), 118-143.
- Zutshi, A., Sohal, A., & Adams, C. (2008). Environmental management system adoption by government departments/agencies. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 21(5), 525-539
- Adams, C. (2008). A Commentary on: corporate social responsibility reporting and reputation risk management. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 21(3), 365-370.
- Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2008). Integrating sustainability reporting into management practices. Accounting Forum, 32(4), 288-302.
- Adams, C., & Gonzalez, C. (2007). Engaging with organisations in pursuit of improved sustainability accountability and performance. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 20(3), 333-355.
- Adams, C., & McNicholas, P. (2007). Making a difference: sustainability reporting, accountability and organisational change. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 20(3), 382-402.
- Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2007). Managing social and environemntal performance: do companies have adequate information?. Australian Accounting Review, 17(3), 2-11
- Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2006). Accessibility and functionality of the corporate web site: implications for sustainability reporting. Business Strategy and the Environment, 15(4), 275-287
- Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2006). The internet and change in corporate stakeholder engagament and communication strategies on social and environmental performance
- Adams, C., & McPhail, K. (2004). Reporting and the politics of difference: (non)disclosure on ethnic minorities. Abacus: A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies, 40(3), 405-435.
- Adams, C. (2004). The ethical, social and environmental reporting - performance portrayal gap. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 17(5), 731-757.
- Adams, C., & Evans, R. (2004). Accountability, completeness, credibility and the audit expectations gap
- Adams, C. (2002). Internal organisational factors influencing corporate social and ethical reporting: beyond current theorising. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 15(2), 223-250.
- Adams, C., & Kuasirikun, N. (2000). A comparative analysis of corporate reporting on ethical issues by UK and German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 9(1), 53-80
- Adams, C., & Harte, G. (2000). Making discrimination visible: the potential for social accounting. Accounting Forum, 24(1), 56-79.
- Adams, C., Weetman, P., Jones, E., & Gray, S. (1999). Reducing the burden of US GAAP reconciliations by foreign companies listed in the US: the key question of materiality. Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 8(1), 1-22
- Weetman, P., Jones, E., Adams, C., & Gray, S. (1998). Profit measurement in UK accounting standards: a case of increasing disharmony in relation to US GAAP and IASs. Accounting and Business Research, 28(3), 189-208.
- Adams, C., & Harte, G. (1998). The Changing portrayal of the employment of women in British banks' and retail companies' corporate annual reports. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 23(8), 781-812.
- Adams, C., Hill, W., & Roberts, C. (1998). Corporate social reporting practices in Western Europe: legitimating corporate behaviour?. The British Accounting Review, 30(1), 1-21
- Adams, C., & McMillan, K. (1997). Internationalising financial reporting in a newly emerging market economy: the Polish example. Advances in international accounting, 10, 201-221
- Roberts, C., Adams, C., Woo, R., & Wu, X. (1995). Chinese accounting reform: the internationalisation of financial reporting. Advances in international accounting, 8, 201-221
- Adams, C., & Roberts, C. (1995). Corporate ethics: an issue worthy of report?. Accounting Forum, 19(2/3), 128-142
- Adams, C., Coutts, A., & Harte, G. (1995). Corporate equal opportunities (non) disclosure. The British Accounting Review, 27(2), 87-108.
- Adams, C., & Roberts, C. (1994). International accounting education in the UK. Accounting Education, 3(2), 167-181.
- Adams, C., Weetman, P., & Gray, S. (1993). Reconciling national with international accounting standards: lessons from a study of Finnish corporate reports. Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 2(3), 471-494
- Abayo, A., Adams, C., & Roberts, C. (1993). Measuring the quality of corporate disclosure in less developed countires with particular reference to Tanzania. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 2(2), 145-158
- SDG Disclosures: A consultation paper. CAS
- Adams, C., Druckman, P., & Picot, R. Sustainable Development Goal Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations. ACCA, Chartered Accountants ANZ, ICAS, IFAC, IIRC and WBA
- Grosser, K., Adams, C., & Moon, J. Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace: A study of corporate disclosure. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
- Adams, C. Sustainable Development Goal Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations: Feedback on the consultation responses. ACCA, IIRC and WBA
- Adams, C. (2017). The Sustainable Development Goals, integrated thinking and the integrated report. IIRC and ICAS
- Hoque, Z., & Adams, C. (2008). Measuring and Reporting Performance of Government Departments in Australia. CPA Australia, Melbourne
- Adams, C., & Harte, G. (1999). Towards Corporate Accountability for Equal Opportunities Performance. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
- Adams, C. (1999). The Nature and Processes of Corporate Reporting on Ethical Issues. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
- Adams, C., Hill, W., & Roberts, C. (1995). Environmental, Employee and Ethical Reporting in Europe. (41). Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
- Adams, C., Weetman, P., & Gray, S. (1993). Issues in International Accounting Harmonisation: the Significance of UK/US Accounting Differences and Implications for the IASC's Comparability Project. Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Newspaper/Magazine Article
- Adams, C. Investors are asking the wrong questions on sustainability
- Adams, C. (2020). Neurodiversity at work benefits everyone – why companies are hiring autistic people
- Adams, C. (2000). [Opinion article on accountability] Help firms to open up
Other (Print)
- Adams, C. (in press). How does responsible investing fit with the SDGs?
- Adams, C. (online). Non execs need the right skills for effective integrated reporting
- Adams, C. (online). VW Scandal: ethics versus profit
- Adams, C. (online). The evolution of corporate reporting
- Adams, C. A. What Next? Agreement on a Two-Pillar Approach to Sustainability Reporting
- Adams, C. A. (in press). Investors Need Sustainable Development Thinking
- Adams, C. A. No Investment Returns on a Dead Planet
- Adams, C. (online). How Integrated Reporting can help boards understand ESG risk: lessons from South Africa and Australia
- Adams, C., & Abhayawansa, S. We studied the world's top airlines and hospitality firms – many are still poor at reporting risks around climate and pandemics
- Adams, C. A. Explainer: The Global Reporting Initiative and the GSSB’s sustainability reporting standards – what you need to know
- Adams, C. (in press). Sustainability reporting and trust in banks
- Adams, C. (2021). A prototype climate disclosure standard with a flawed conceptual framework
- Adams, C. (2020). Europe needs mandatory non-financial reporting to underpin COVID recovery
- Adams, C., & Cho, C. (2020). Sustainable development is too important for political posturing
- Adams, C. (2020). Accountants can help meet the Sustainable Development Goals
- Adams, C., & Weldin, K. (2014). What is sustainability reporting? And what has it got to do with the CFO?
- Adams, C. (2014). Changing the way business is done: A critical review of two South African integrated reports
- Adams, C. (2013). The role of leadership and governance in transformational change towards sustainability
- Adams, C. (2011). Sustainability comes first
- Adams, C. (2011). Sustainability reporting key to long-term viability
- Adams, C. (2009). Why corporate disclosure on diversity issues matters
- Adams, C., Burritt, R., & Frost, G. (2008). Environmental management
- Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2006). CSR Reporting
- Adams, C. (2005). The ethical, social and environmental reporting portrayal gap
- Adams, C. (2004). Triple bottom line reporting
- Zutshi, A., & Adams, C. (2004). Voluntary guidelines: are they enough to sustain the environment?
- Adams, C. (2001). Better environmental reporting is the key
- Adams, C. (2001). Green fingers
- Adams, C. (2000). The extent of stakeholder engagement and AA1000
- Adams, C. (2000). Responsible Care in changing times
- Adams, C., & Laing, Y. (2000). How to research a company
- Adams, C. (2000). Ethical Reporting: past and future
- Adams, C. (2000). The ISEA professional qualification
- Adams, C. (1999). Reporting on equal opportunities: could do better
- Adams, C. (1999). Greater accountability: a role for AA1000
- Adams, C., Hill, W., & Roberts, C. (1995). Social and environmental reporting in Europe
- Adams, C., Ironside, C., & Milner, M. (1994). Improving teaching and learning at the University of Glasgow through the use of computers
- Adams, C. (1992). Too wide a GAAP
- Adams, C. (2023). Public sector sustainability reporting: time to step it up. [No known commissioning body]
- Adams, C., Alhamood, A., He, X., Tian, J., Wang, L., & Wang, Y. (2021). The Double-Materiality Concept: Application and Issues. Global Reporting Initiative
- Adams, C. (2018). Let's talk value: How universities create value for students, staff and society
- Boyce, G., & Adams, C. (2011). Incorporating climate change impacts and adaptation into capital investment decision making. [No known commissioning body]
- Adams, C., Burritt, R., & Frost, G. (2008). Integrating Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Performance and Stakeholder Engagement. [No known commissioning body]
- Adams, C., & Frost, G. (2006). Accounting for ethical, social, environmental and economic issues: towards an integrated approach. [No known commissioning body]
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