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Associate Professor in the Business School+44 (0) 191 33 46352
Associate Professor in Economics, Business School, Durham University in the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience+44 (0) 191 33 46352


Ashar Aftab is an environmental economist specialising in agri-environmental land use issues, particularly agricultural externalities. He is interested in using choice experiments to design incentives that mitigate environmental problems in developing countries and/or made worse by climate change. He is an expert in modelling interdisciplinary agri-environmental catchment systems using nonlinear biophysical economic optimization. He is currently working on incentivising flood adaptation/mitigation measures and policies to control diffuse pollution using spatial targeting in agricultural landscapes.

Dr Aftab holds an MSc and PhD from the University of Edinburgh.

PhD Supervision

Prospective PhD students interested in researching interdisciplinary environmental issues are encouraged to contact him. 

Research interests

  • Agricultural economics
  • Environmental economics
  • Economics of climate change in developing countries
  • Economics of diffuse/nonpoint water pollution and flooding


Journal Article

Working Paper

Supervision students

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