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Our Publications


Ahmed, H. Crowdfunding and Entrepreneurial/SME Finance: Regulatory Framework for Financial Inclusion. Journal of Banking Regulation (2025)

Karamatzanis, G., Tilba, A., Nikolopoulos, K. (online). Corporate Governance Reporting, Disclosures, Monitoring, and Decision‐Making: The Role of Big Data Analytics and Technological Tools. Corporate Governance: An International Review (2025)

Millar, J., Mueller, F. Politics and Personalities: The 1986 Commonwealth Games as Strategic Action Field. Public Management Review (2025)

Ahmed, H. Islamic Normative Legal Theory: Framework and Applications. Journal of Law and Religion (2025)

He, G., Li, Z., Yu, L., & Zhou, Z. (online). Does commercial reform embracing digital technologies mitigate stock price crash risk?. Journal of Corporate Finance (2025)

Ahmed, W., Hardey, M., Vidal-Alaball, J. (in press). Organ Donation Conversations on X: A Social Network Analysis and Developing the OrgReach Social Media Marketing Strategy. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2025)


Vickers, P., ... Cui, H., Hardy, M., Sheppard,J., et. al., Development of a novel methodology for ascertaining scientific opinion and extent of agreement. PLoS ONE (2024)

Aad, S., Dagher, G. K., Hardey, M., How does cultural upbringing influence how university students in the Middle East utilize ChatGPT technology?. Administrative Sciences (2024)

Ahmed, H., Security tokens, ecosystems and financial inclusion: Islamic perspectives. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (2024)

Aad, S., Dagher, G. K., Hardey, M. How does cultural upbringing influence how university students in the Middle East utilize ChatGPT technology?. Administrative Sciences (2024)

Aly, D., Hasan, A., Obioru, B., Nakpodia, F. Corporate Governance and Environmental Disclosure: A Comparative Analysis. Corporate Governance (2024)

He, G., Shen, D., The impact of superstition on corporate tax avoidance: How do CEOs trade off risks associated with tax avoidance? Journal of Accounting Literature (2024)

Denedo, M., How to make universities more inclusive for black academics. Times Higher Education (2024)

Ezeani, E., Bilal, B., & Samuel, F., CEO Age and Capital Structure Dynamics: The Moderating Effect of Overconfidence and Tenure. International Journal of Finance & Economics (2024)

Franssen, B., Freeman, J., Aiyenitaju, O., Babajide, B., Denedo, M., Kator Iorfa, S., & Oyedijo, A. . Unblocking the Pipeline: Supporting the Retention, Progression and Promotion of Black Early-Career Academics. Higher Education Policy Institute (2024)

Kyiu, A., Tawiah, B., Boasiako, K., & Adasi Manu, S. Third-party auditor liability risk and trade credit policies. The British Accounting Review (2024)

Nakpodia, F., Sakariyahu, R., Fagbemi, T., Adigun, R., & Dosumu, O. (online). Sustainable Development Goals, Accounting Practices and Public Financial Management: A Pre and Post COVID-19 Assessment. The British Accounting Review (2024)

Adamolekun, G., Kyiu, A. Corporate carbon footprint and market valuation of restructuring announcements. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2024)

Ahmed, H., Security tokens, ecosystems and financial inclusion: Islamic perspectives. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (2024)

Aad, S., Hardey, M., Generative AI: Hopes, Controversies, and the Future of Faculty Roles in Education. Quality Assurance in Education (2024)

Raaper, R., Hardey, M., Aad, S. #Studytalk in marketised higher education: Student influencers as emerging support providers. Studies in Higher Education (2024)

Ahmed, W., Hardey, M., Winters, B. D., & Sarwal, A., Racial Biases Associated with Pulse Oximetry: Longitudinal Social Network Analysis of Social Media Advocacy Impact. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2024)

Usman, M., Nwachukwu, J., Ezeani, E., Salem, R. I. A., Bilal, B., & Kwabi, F. O. . Audit quality and classification shifting: evidence from UK and Germany. Journal of Applied Accounting Research (2024)

Bilal, B., Ezeani, F., Usman, M., Komal, B., & Gerged, A. M. Impact of ownership structure and cross‐listing on the role of female audit committee financial experts in mitigating earnings management. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (2024)

Audit quality and classification shifting: evidence from UK and Germany

Almaghrabi, K. S., Slack, R., Tsalavoutas, I., & Tsoligkas, F., Capitalised development costs and future cash flows: The effect of CEO overconfidence and board gender diversity. The British Accounting Review (2024)

He, G., Li, A. Z., The Roles of Financial Analysts in the Stock Market. In C. Few Lee, A. C. Lee, & J. C. Lee (Eds.), Handbook of Investment Analysis, Portfolio Management, and Financial Derivatives (2024)

Komal, Bushra; Bilal, Bilal; Ye, Chengang; Salem, Rami. The impact of audit committee effectiveness on firms’ outcomes in China: a systematic review, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management (2024)

Zebian, Talal; Harris, Terry; Abdelsalam, Omneya. Adaptability culture and meeting or beating analysts’ estimates. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2024)

Areneke, Geofry; Tunyi, Abongeh; Nakpodia, FranklinInvestigating the mediating role of national governance bundles and institutional ownership on the risk governance disclosure and market valuation nexus: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Corporate Governance (2024)

Ezeani, Ernest; Bilal, Bilal; Samuel, Fulgence, CEO Age and Capital Structure Dynamics: The Moderating Effect of Overconfidence and Tenure. International Journal of Finance & Economics (2024)

Aly, Doaa; Hasan, Arshad; Obioru, Bolanle; Nakpodia, FranklinCorporate Governance and Environmental Disclosure: A Comparative Analysis. Corporate Governance (2024)

Nakpodia, Franklin; Sakariyahu, Rilwan; Fagbemi, Temitope; Adigun, Rasheed; Dosumu, Oluwatoyin. Sustainable Development Goals, Accounting Practices and Public Financial Management: A Pre and Post COVID-19 Assessment. The British Accounting Review (2024)

Abdelsalam, Omneya; Ahelegbey, Daniel Felix; Yassine, EssanaaniThe nexus of conventional, religious and ethical indexes during crisis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2024)

Elsayed, Ahmed H; Asutay, Mehmet; ElAlaoui, Abdelkader O; Bin Jusoh, Hasim. Volatility Spillover Across Spot and Futures Markets: Evidence from Dual Financial SystemResearch in International Business and Finance (2024)

Costa, Mabel D.; Opare, Solomon, Impact of Corporate Culture on Environmental Performance. Journal of Business Ethics (2024)

Temitope Fagbemi, Oluwatoyin Dosumu, Rasheed Adigun, Franklin Nakpodia, Rilwan Sakariyahu. Resilience and adaptation of third sector organisations (TSOs) during crisis situations: Insights from a Sub-Saharan African economy. Financial Accountability and Management (2024)

Ogunyemi, Titilayo; Adegbite, Emmanuel; Nakpodia, Franklin; Yekini, Kemi; Ayios, Angela. Socially Responsible Purchasing (SRP) in the Supply Chain Industry: Meanings and Influences. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (2024)

Abdelsalam, Omneya; Mollah, Sabur; El-Masry, Ahmed; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili. Do political connections matter for bank efficiency in times of crisis? International Journal of Finance and Economics (2024)

Harris, Terry. Managers’ perception of product market competition and earnings management: a textual analysis of firms’ 10-K reports. Journal of Accounting Literature (2024)

Book Chapter

Ahmed, H., Cryptoassets as property (maal): Islamic legal and ethical foundations and evaluative framework. In S. Nazim Ali, & Z. H. Jumat (Eds.), Islamic Finance in the Digital Age (2024)


Hardey, M., Aad, S., After Generative AI: Preparing Faculty to Transform Education, Learning, and Pedagogy  (2024)


Harris, Terry. Book Review: Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? by Mark Fisher, 2009, United Kingdom, Zero Books, 81 pp., ISBN 9781846943171. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal (2023)

Alexakis, Christos; Chantziaras, Antonios; Economou, Fotini; Eleftheriou, Konstantinos; Grose, Christos. Animal Behavior in Capital markets: Herding formation dynamics, trading volume, and the role of COVID-19 pandemic. North American Journal of Economics and Finance (2023)

He, Guanming; Li, Zhichao; Shen, Dongxiao. How to make long-term investments in a stock market? A generic strategy for investors. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies (2023)

Wan-Mohamad, Wan Izyani Adilah; Miller, Anthony D.; Abdullah, Norhayati. Corporate Governance and Disclosure For the Sustainability of Islamic Insurance Companies. In N. Abdullah, W. I. A. Wan-Mohamad, & N. Ahmad (Eds.), Business Sustainability In The 21st Century: Issues And Challenges. Penerbit UniSZA. (2023)

He, Guanming; Ren, Helen Mengbing. Derivative disclosures and managerial opportunism. Journal of Futures Markets (2023)

Fenton, Alex; Ahmed, Wasim; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Boardman, Rosy; Kavanagh, Emma. Women’s Football Subculture of Misogyny: The Escalation to Online Gender-Based Violence. European Sport Management Quarterly (2023)

Abdelsalam, Omneya; Azmi, Wajahat; Disli, Mustafa; Kowsalya, V. Bank lending cyclicality and ESG activities: Global evidence. Finance Research Letters (2023)

Nakpodia, Franklin. Corporate Governance and Family Business: A Perspective Article. Journal of Family Business Management (2023)

Abraham, Santhosh; Slack, Richard. Understanding Fund Manager readership of annual report risk disclosure. Accounting Forum (2023)

Yusuff, K; Whittle, A; Mueller, F. Accounting for the “harms” of social media firms: Dialogic accountability and discursive contestation in public hearings. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2023)

He, Guanming; Li, Zhichao; Yu, Ling; Zhou, Zhanqiang. Contribution to poverty alleviation: A waste or benefit for corporate financing? Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2023)

He, Guanming; Sun, Yun; Li, Zhichao. Does analysts’ industrial concentration affect the quality of their forecasts? Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (2023)

Kyiu, Anthony; Tawiah, Bernard; Boamah, Evans Ofosu. Employees’ reviews and stock price informativeness. Economics Letters (2023)

Muñoz-Roman, Pablo; Braun, Susanne; Chowdhury, Farzana; Barton, Marieshka; Jayne-Little, Nicola; Komes, Jessica; Rowland, Joanne; Sykes, Katherine; Smith, Jason; Talbot-Jones, Clare; Taggart, Adele. The Deterioration of Self-Worth in Entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing Insights (2023)

He, Guanming; Li, Zhichao; Slack, Richard. The economic consequences of corporate social irresponsibility and policy implications. In F. Moshirian, & C. Park (Eds.), Climate Change and Climate Finance: Current Experience and Future Directions, Asian Development Bank (2023)

Audretsch, David B.; Belitski, Maksim; Caiazza, Rosa; Chowdhury, Farzana; Menter, Matthias. Entrepreneurial growth, value creation and new technologies. The Journal of Technology Transfer (2023)

Tutu, Patrick K.; Nakpodia, Franklin; Areneke, Geofry. Central Banking and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Insights from Ghana. In Central Banking in a Post-Pandemic World: Challenges, Opportunities, and Dilemmas (2023)

Kyiu, Anthony; Tawiah, Vincent. IFRS 9 implementation and bank risk. Accounting Forum (2023)

Lauwo, Sarah; Egbon, Osamuyimen; Denedo, Mercy; Ejiogu, Amanze. Counter-conducting environmental injustices and (un)accountability: Ken Saro-Wiwa’s accounts of the Ogoni struggles. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2023)

Ashiru, Folajimi; Adegbite, Emmanuel; Nakpodia, Franklin. Nigerian professional investors' sense-making of the impact of shareholder activism on corporate accountability. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (2023)

Nehme, Rabih; Kozah, Cheikh Edmond; Sadaka, Sami; Michael, Amir. Accountants' Behaviour, Performance Evaluation and Educational System. Australasian accounting business and finance journal (2023)

Costa, Mabel D; Habib, Ahsan. Cost stickiness and firm value. Journal of Management Control (2023)

Nakpodia, Franklin; Ashiru, Folajimi; You, Jacqueline Jing; Oni, Oluwasola. Digital technologies, social entrepreneurship and resilience during crisis in developing countries: evidence from Nigeria. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research (2023)

Koulikidou, Kleopatra; Chantziaras, Antonios; Dedoulis, Emmanouil; Leventis, Stergios. Regulatory enforcement, foreignness and language negativity: Evidence from SEC comment letters. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (2023)

Wu, Chloe Yu-Hsuan; Hsu, Hwa-Hsien; Lin, Che-Hung. Do family ownership and control influence the consequences of IFRS adoption? Corporate Governance (2023)

Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Ahmed, Habib; Husam Helmi, Mohamad. Determinants of financial stability and risk transmission in dual financial system: Evidence from the COVID pandemic. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2023)

Ahmed, Wasim; Önkal, Dilek; Das, Ronnie; Krishnan, Satish; Olan, Femi; Hardey, Mariann; Fenton, Alex. Developing Techniques to Support Technological Solutions to Disinformation by Analysing Four Conspiracy Networks During COVID-19. Transactions on Engineering Management (2023)

Dionysiou, Dionysia; Slack, Richard; Tsalavoutas, Ioannis; Tsoligkas, Fanis. Reporting of R&D: Disclosure Without Recognition? (2023)

Chowdhury, Farzana; Audretsch, David B. Paradoxes of accelerator programs and new venture performance: Do varieties of experiences make a difference? Small Business Economics (2023)

Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Ahmed, Wasim; Fenton, Alex; Koral, Chris. Enlightened Participation: SME Perspectives about Net Zero on Social Media using the Action Case Approach. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review (2023)

Adams, Carol. Public sector sustainability reporting: time to step it up (2023)

Chen, L.; He, G.; Krishnan, G. Does CEO debt-like compensation mitigate corporate social irresponsibility? Accounting Forum (2023)

Harris, Terry. Competition Culture and Corporate Finance: A Measure of Firms’ Competition Culture Based on a Textual Analysis of 10-K Filings. Palgrave Macmillan (2023)

Ahmed, Wasim; Das, Ronnie; Vidal-Alaball, Josep; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Fuster-Casanovas, Aïna. Analysing Twitter’s Role in Combating the Magnetic Vaccine Conspiracy Theory Using Social Network Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2023)

Millar, John; Mueller, Frank; Carter, Chris. Grassroots accountability: the practical and symbolic aspects of performance. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2023)

Nakpodia, Franklin. Editorial: The new global marketplace — Exploring business management issues in emerging markets. Corporate and Business Strategy Review (2023)

Abu Bakar, Norhidayah; Abdelsalam, Omneya; Taamouti, Abderrahim; Elmasry, Ahmed. The market uncertainty of ethically compliant equity: An integrated screening approach. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2023)

Wilson, John; Tilba, Anna. Business History and the ‘Practical Turn’. Management and Organizational History (2023)

Vigneau, Laurence; Adams, Carol. The Failure of Transparency as Self-Regulation. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (2023)

Hasan, Arshad; Riaz, Zahid; Nakpodia, Franklin. Explicating the contextuality of corporate governance through ownership structure and family management: Evidence from an emerging economy. Corporate Governance (2023)

Changwony, F.K; Kyiu, A.K. Business strategies and corruption in small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises: The impact of business group affiliation, external auditing, and international standards certification. Business Strategy and the Environment (2023)

Billah, Mabruk; Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Hadhri, Sinda. Asymmetric relationship between green bonds and Sukuk markets: The role of global risk factors. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2023)

Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Downing, Gareth; Lau, Chi Keung Marco; Sheng, Xin. Exploring the role of oil shocks on the financial stability of Gulf Cooperation Council countries. International Journal of Finance and Economics (2023)

Habib, Ahsan; D' Costa, Mabel; Al‐Hadi, Ahmed Khamis. Consequences of local social norms: A review of the literature in accounting, finance, and corporate governance. Accounting and Finance (2023)

Balcilar, Mehmet; Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Hammoudeh, Shawkat. Financial connectedness and risk transmission among MENA countries: Evidence from connectedness network and clustering analysis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (2023)

Costa, Mabel D.; Habib, Ahsan. Local creative culture and audit fees. The British Accounting Review (2023)

Disli, Mustafa; Aysan, Ahmet F.; Abdelsalam, Omneya. Favoring the small and the plenty: Islamic banking for MSMEs. Economic Systems (2023)

McLean, Tom; McGovern, Tom; Slack, Richard; McLean, Malcolm. Quaker accountability regimes: The case of the Richardson family networks, 1840 – 1914. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2023)

He, G. How do insider trading incentives shape nonfinancial disclosures? Evidence from product and business expansion disclosures. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2023)

He, G.; Ren, H.M. Are financially constrained firms susceptible to a stock price crash? European Journal of Finance (2023)

Kyiu, A.; Jones, E.; Li, H. Stock return synchronicity in a weak information environment: Evidence from African markets. International Journal of Managerial Finance (2023)



Habib, A.; Costa, M.D. Cost stickiness and stock price crash risk. Accounting and Finance (2022)

Costa, M.D.; Opare, S. Cost asymmetry around seasoned equity offerings. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (2022)

Bhuiyan, M.B.U.; Sangchan, P.; Costa, M.D. Do Co-opted boards affect the cost of equity capital? Finance Research Letters (2022)

Ashiru, Folajimi; Nakpodia, Franklin; You, Jacqueline. Adapting Emerging Digital Communication Technologies for Resilience: Evidence from Nigerian SMEs. Annals of Operations Research (2022)

Amin, Sakib; Marsiliani, Laura; Renström, Thomas; Taghizadeh-Hesary, Farhad. The Vulnerability to Oil Price Shocks of the Bangladesh Economy. In F. Taghizadeh-Hesary, & D. Zhang (Eds.), The Handbook of Energy Policy (2022)

Alroomi, Azzam; Karamatzanis, George; Nikolopoulos, Kostas; Tilba, Anna; Xiao, Shujun. Fathoming empirical forecasting competitions’ winners. International Journal of Forecasting (2022)

Amin, Sakib; Jamasb, Tooraj; Llorca, Manuel; Marsiliani, Laura; Renström, Thomas. Decarbonisation Policies and Energy Price Reforms in Bangladesh. Energy Policy (2022)

Denedo, Mercy; Ejiogu, Amanze. Stigma and Social Housing in England: Feedback on the consultation responses (2022)

Baboukardos, Diogenis; Seretis, Evangelos; Slack, Richard; Tsalavoutas, Yannis; Tsoligkas, Fanis. Companies’ readiness to adopt IFRS S2 climate-related disclosures. Adam Smith Observatory of Corporate Reporting Practices (2022)

Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Ali Nasir, Muhammad. Central Bank digital currencies: An Agenda for future research. Research in International Business and Finance (2022)

Harvey, Charles; Gibson, Alison; Maclean, Mairi; Mueller, Frank. Philanthropy and the sustaining of global elite university domination. Organization (2022)

Whittle, A.; Mueller, F. Membership Categorisation Analysis: Developing Awareness of Categories and their Consequences. In E. Darics (Ed.), Language Awareness in Business and the Professions (2022)

Slack, R. Capital market perspectives on sustainability accounting and reporting. In C. Adams (Ed.), Handbook of Accounting and Sustainability (2022)

Tilba, Anna. Appearance or substance of Stewardship and ESG reporting: the challenges of translating ‘commitment’ into tangible outcomes. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (2022)

Fenton, Alex; Cooper-Ryan, Anna Mary; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Ahmed, Wasim. Football Fandom as a Platform for Digital Health Promotion and Behaviour Change: A Mobile App Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022)

Tilba, A; Wilson, S; Katelouzou, D; Hannigan, R. The influence of the UK Stewardship
Code 2020 on practice and reporting

Ashiru, F; Adegbite, E; Nakpodia, F; Koporcic, N. Relational governance mechanisms as enablers of dynamic capabilities in Nigerian SMEs during the COVID-19 crisis. Industrial Marketing Management (2022)

Yazici, Ayse. Decentralized Matching at Senior-Level: Stability and Incentives. Journal of Mathematical Economics (2022)

Sohag, Kazi; Hammoudeh, Shawkat; Elsayed, Ahmed; Mariev, Oleg; Safonova, Yulia. Do Geopolitical Events Transmit Opportunity or Threat to Green Markets? Decomposed Measures of Geopolitical Risks. Energy Economics (2022)

Matsane, Ayanda; Nakpodia, Franklin; Areneke, Geofry. Assessing the value relevance of fair value measurements: A South African perspective. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in the Society (2022)

Al-Aamri, Ibrahim Ali; Hussain, Simon; Su, Chen; Hsu, Hwa-Hsien. The importance of brokerage house size in determining the utility of IFRS8 segment data to financial analysts. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (2022)

Adams, Carol; Mueller, Frank. Academics and policy makers at odds: the case of the IFRS Foundation Trustees’ Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (2022)

Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Sousa, Ricardo M. International Monetary Policy and Cryptocurrency Markets: Dynamic and Spillover Effects. European Journal of Finance (2022)

Sikalidis, Alexandros; Bozos, Konstantinos; Chantziaras, Antonios; Grose, Christos. Influences of family ownership on dividend policy under mandatory dividend rules. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (2022)

Ghafran, C.; O'Sullivan, N.; Yasmin, S. When does audit committee busyness influence earnings management in the UK? Evidence on the role of the financial crisis and company size. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation (2022)

Ahmed, Habib; Aassouli, Dalal. Entrepreneurial finance, agency problems and Islamic ethics: complementarities and constraints. Venture Capital (2022)

He, G.; Lin, T. Does air pollution impair investment efficiency? Economics Letters (2022)

Trinh, Vu Quang; Cao, Ngan Duong; Phan, Loc Thanh; Nanyondo, Mary. The Chair-CEO Chronological Age Gap and Bank Performance: The Effects of Financial Crisis Shock. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics (2022)

Mueller, F.; Whittle, A.; Addison, S. Official Truth, Applied Deconstruction and Post-Inquiry Sensemaking in the Mull of Kintyre Helicopter Crash. Human Relations (2022)

Audretsch, David B.; Belitski, Maksim; Chowdhury, Farzana; Desai, Sameeksha. CEO gender, institutional context and firm exports. International Business Review (2022)

Brieger, Steven A.; Chowdhury, Farzana; Hechavarría, Diana M.; Muralidharan, Etayankara; Pathak, Saurav; Lam, Yan Tong. Digitalization, Institutional Voids and New Venture Internationalization. Journal of International Management (2022)

Ahmed, Wasim; Fenton, Alex; Hardey, Mariann; Das, Ronnie. Binge Watching and the Role of Social Media Virality towards promoting Netflix’s Squid Game. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review (2022)

Olan, Femi; Arakpogun, Emmanuel; Suklan, Jana; Nakpodia, Franklin; Damij, Nadja; Jayawickrama, Uchitha. Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Sharing: Contributing Factors to Organizational Performance. Journal of Business Research (2022)

Tawiah, V; Li, G; Zakari, A; Kyiu, A. Blockchain technology and environmental efficiency: Evidence from US-listed firms. Business Strategy and the Environment (2022)

Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Naifar, Nader; Nasreen, Samia. Financial Stability and Monetary Policy Reaction: Evidence from the GCC Countries. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (2023)

Mazzi, F.; Slack, R.; Tsalavoutas, I.; Tsoligkas, F. Exploring investor views on accounting for R&D costs under IAS 38 Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (2022)

Amin, S; Jamasb, T; Llorca, M; Marsiliani, L; Renstrom, T. The Case of Waste to Energy in Bangladesh. In L. Arthur, M. Hughes, & D. Hondo (Eds.), Prospects for Transitioning from a Linear to Circular Economy in Developing Asia (2022)

Hardey, Mariann. Household Self-Tracking During a Global Health Crisis (2022)

Hardey, Mariann; James, Simon J. Digital Seriality and Narrative Branching: Season One, the Podcast Serial. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (2022)

Chowdhury, Farzana; Boone, Jonathan. Who Helps the Helpers? Resilience and Challenges of Business Accelerators and Incubators during the Pandemic in the U.K (2022)

Elsayed, Ahmed H.; Gozgor, Giray; Yarovaya, Larisa. Volatility and Return Connectedness of Cryptocurrency, Gold, and Uncertainty: Evidence from the Cryptocurrency Uncertainty Indices.  Finance Research Letters (2022)

Tawiah, V; Kebede, J; Kyiu, A. Corruption, Chinese investment, and trade: Evidence from Africa. Journal of Emerging Market Finance (2022)

Elsayed, A.H.; Gozgor, G.; Lau, C. Risk Transmissions between Bitcoin and Traditional Financial Assets during the COVID-19 Era: The Role of Global Uncertainties. International Review of Financial Analysis (2022)

Elsayed, A.H.; Naifar, N.; Saudi Arabia, R.; Tiwari, A.K. Dependence structure and dynamic connectedness between green bonds and financial markets: fresh insights from time-frequency analysis before and during COVID-19 pandemic. Energy Economics (2022)

Wilson, JF; Jones, GI; Toms, S; Tilba, A; Buchnea, E; Wong, N. Business History. A Research Overview (2022)

Nakpodia, F.; Olan, F. Corporate Governance Reform in Nigeria: Upstream and Downstream Interventions. Corporate Governance (2022)

Adams, C.A. Accounting and Sustainability: An Introduction. In C. Adams (Ed.), Handbook of Accounting and Sustainability (2022)

Hardey, Mariann. Tracking the Trackers: Self-Tracking in Households as Social Practice. Digital Health (2022)