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Yanlu Zhao

Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Business School


Yanlu Zhao is an associate professor in Operations Management at Durham University Business School. His research and teaching focus on data-driven service operations and supply chain management. He has published in several academic journals such as Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Transportation Science, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, IISE Transactions, and regularly presents his research at international conferences in Europe, Asia, and the United States. He received his doctoral degree from ESSEC Business School in France, and he also holds a master degree in management science and engineering from Tsinghua University, China. In 2019, he visited the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics (IORA) at National University of Singapore as a research scholar.  In 2022, he won the ESSEC Foundation PhD award. In 2024, he is on research leave to visit the Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. More information about Dr. Zhao can be accessed by

Mini Biography

Yanlu Zhao is an associate professor in Operations Management. His research interests in data-driven service operations, including network optimization, Markov decision process, dynamic programming, machine learning and their applications in the operational context, such as the appointment scheduling, vehicle routing, online platforms, healthcare system and digital travel planning.

Research interests

  • Applications: data-driven service operations and supply chain management, such as appointment scheduling, vehicle routing problem, online platforms optimization and data analytics in healthcare system
  • Methodologies: Dynamic programming, Machine learning, Markov decision process, Mixed-integer programming, Queue theory.


Journal Article

Supervision students

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