Staff profile
Professor Riccardo Scarpa

Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Business School | |
Management Board Member in the Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience |
Riccardo Scarpa is an applied economist who was educated at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (M.A.1995, Ph.D.1999), with a first degree (Laurea) in Agricultural Science from the University of Tuscia, Italy (1988) and an MSc in Environmental Impact Assessment from University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (1990). In 1998 he was appointed as an R.A. in Newcastle and then as a lecturer (in Newcastle 2000 and in York 2001). In 2005 he was appointed as full professor at the Waikato Management School in NZ, where he still has academic involvement. In 2012-2014 he held the Gibson Chair in Environmental, Rural and Food Economics at Queens University Belfast. Since 2014 he has held an associate professorship at the University of Verona at the Management Dpt. Ric has acted as an expert for several national and international funding agencies as evaluator of research grant proposal. He has also acted as external and internal member of several promotion and PhD examination committees, including a role as OECD member of the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” in Public Economics and Finance (sector 13/A3) for the Italian Government in 2013-14. Since 2022 he has the Italian full professor habilitation in the sector of Public Finance and Agricultural Economics and Rural Appraisal.
Publishing and editorial engagement
Ric has co-authored over 175 peer-reviewed papers which have been published in a variety of academic journals, including all top field journals in environmental and agricultural economics. Ric has acted as academic reviewer for over 100 academic journals and as an associate editor or member of the editorial board of several field journals. He has supervised over 25 PhD students, most of whom went on to take positions either in academia, or research institutions, or in the international civil service (UN, WB, EU commission). His publications have been cited more than 6700 times in ISI journals (h-index 42). He has served in various editorial roles in all international agricultural economics journals. In the last 15 years he has been consistently ranked in the top 1% of REPECS authors for H-index in economics and in the top 5% for most other indicators. His work is top-ranked cited in the REPECS sub-disciplines for agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics, discrete choice analysis, tourism economics.
Ric has a keen interest in making his research relevant to society and has been engaged in a variety of consultancy tasks using advanced stated choice survey design to derive estimates of nonmarket goods. His consultancy engagements touched on the economics of water, energy and transport utilities in the UK, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. More consultancy tasks were for international research organisations (e.g. FAO, CGIAR, OECD, etc.) and land management agencies (various national and regional parks) as well as local authorities.
His most recent World Bank consultancy (2019-2020) involved participating in the team that evaluated the cost of environmental degradation in 2017 for the coastal area of the country of Georgia.
He is listed in the “top Italian Scientists List” for the macro area “business sciences”.
Current research projects and relevant links
Research interests
- Econometrics of discrete choice
- Public goods and quasi-public good valuation and financing
Chapter in book
- Koundouri, P., Scarpa, R., & Stithou, M. (2014). A Choice Experiment for the Estimation of the Economic Value of the River Ecosystem: Management Policies for Sustaining NATURA (2000) Species and the Coastal Environment. In P. Koundouri, & A. Nikos (Eds.), Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece (101-112). Springer Verlag.
- Ruto, E., & Scarpa, R. (2010). Using choice experiments to investigate preferences for cattle traits in Kenya. In J. Bennett, & E. Birol (Eds.), Choice Experiments in Developing Countries: Implementation, Challenges and Policy Implications (244-260). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Beharry-Borg, N., & Scarpa, R. (2010). Researcher-selected versus respondent-selected attributes: improved coastal water quality in Tobago. In J. Bennett, & E. Birol (Eds.), Choice Experiments in Developing Countries (67-86). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K
- Beharry, N., & Scarpa, R. (2008). Valuing improved coastal water quality for beach recreation on the Caribbean island of Tobago. In P. Kumar, & R. Muradian (Eds.), Payment for Ecosystems Services. Oxford University Press, U.K
- Campbell, D., Hutchinson, W., & Scarpa, R. (2008). Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specific WTP estimates for landscape improvements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland. In E. Birol, & P. Koundouri (Eds.), Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective (58-81). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K
Journal Article
- Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., & Hensher, D. (online). Preferences for tap water attributes within couples: An exploration of alternative mixed logit parameterizations. Water Resources Research,
- Bazzani, C., Scarpa, R., Capitello, R., & Begalli, D. (2025). Reporting nutritional information on wine packaging: Does it affect consumers’ choices? Evidence from a choice experiment in Italy. Food Policy, 131, Article 102800.
- Franceschinis, C., Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., & Kessels, R. (2025). Individual preferences for food items within couples: Validating choice experiments predictions with real purchases data. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 69(1), 7-24.
- Franceschinis, C., Scarpa, R., & Thiene, M. (2024). Nudging consumers' choices for niche milk: a real purchase experiment. Food Policy, 128, Article 102729.
- Cameron, M. P., Newman, P. A., Chakrapani, V., Shunmugam, M., Roungprakhon, S., Rawat, S., Baruah, D., Nelson, R., Tepjan, S., & Scarpa, R. (2024). Stated preferences for new HIV prevention technologies among men who have sex with men in India: A discrete choice experiment. PLoS ONE, 19(7), Article e0289396.
- Pellegrini, A., Lombardi, G. V., Scarpa, R., & Rose, J. M. (2024). A nonparametric random effects model for the valuation of forest recreation services: An application to forest sites in Tuscany, Italy. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 68(2), 229-252.
- Atzori, R., Pellegrini, A., Lombardi, G., & Scarpa, R. (2023). Response times and subjective complexity of food choices: A web-based experiment across 3 countries. Social Science Computer Review, 41(4), 1381–1404.
- Bellelli, F. S., Scarpa, R., & Aftab, A. (2023). An empirical analysis of participation in international environmental agreements. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 118, Article 102783.
- de Villiers, C., Cho, C., Turner, M., & Scarpa, R. (2023). Are Shareholders Willing To Pay For Financial, Social And Environmental Disclosure? A Choice-Based Experiment. European Accounting Review, 32(1), 1-28.
- Bellelli, F. S., Aftab, A., & Scarpa, R. (2023). The Participation Dilemma: A Survey of the Empirical Literature on International Environmental Agreement Ratification. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 17(1), 3-21.
- Franceschinis, C., Scarpa, R., Rossetto, L., & Thiene, M. (2022). Is local and organic produce less satiating? Some evidence from a field experiment. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 49(5), 1146-1178.
- Pellegrini, A., Rose, J., & Scarpa, R. (2022). Multiple herbicide use in cropland: A discrete continuous model for stated choice data. Land Economics, 98(2), 355-375.
- Asiago-Reddy, E., McPeak, J., Scarpa, R., Braksmajer, A., Ruszkowski, N., McMahon, J., & London, A. (2022). Perceived access to PrEP as a critical step in engagement: A qualitative analysis and discrete choice experiment among young men who have sex with men. PLoS ONE, 17(1), Article e0258530.
- Kassie, G. T., Zeleke, F., Birhanu, M. Y., & Scarpa, R. (2022). Would a simple attention-reminder in discrete choice experiments affect heuristics, preferences, and willingness to pay for livestock market facilities?. PLoS ONE, 17(7), Article e0270917.
- Dorgali, M., Longo, A., Vass, C., Shields, G., Harrison, R., Scarpa, R., & Boeri, M. (2022). A General Public Study on Preferences and Welfare Impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance in the United Kingdom. PharmacoEconomics, 40(1), 65-76.
- Crastes Dit Sourd, R., Beaumais, O., Mahieu, P., Martinez-Camblor, P., & Scarpa, R. (2021). A Contingent Valuation Test for Measuring the Construct Validity of Willingness-to-pay Estimates derived from choice-experiments. Land Economics, 97(3), 608-625.
- Scarpa, R., Bazzani, C., Begalli, D., & Capitello, R. (2021). Resolvable and near-epistemic uncertainty in stated preference for olive oil: an empirical exploration. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(2), 335-369.
- Aftab, A., Ahmed, A., & Scarpa, R. (2021). Farm Households’ Perception of Weather Change and Flood Adaptations in Northern Pakistan. Ecological Economics, 182, Article 106882.
- Scarpa, R., Franceschinis, C., & Thiene, M. (2021). Logit Mixed Logit Under Asymmetry and Multimodality of WTP: a Monte Carlo Evaluation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103(2), 643-662.
- Arata, L., Guastella, G., Pareglio, S., Scarpa, R., & Sckokai, P. (2021). Do city dwellers care about peri-urban land use? The case of environment-friendly agriculture around Milan. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64(6), 1044-1066.
- Silz-Carson, K., Chilton, S., Hutchinson, W., & Scarpa, R. (2020). Public Resource Allocation, Strategic Behavior, and Status Quo Bias in Choice Experiments. Public Choice, 185(1-2), 1-19.
- Pedersen, L., Mørkbak, M., & Scarpa, R. (2020). Handling resolvable uncertainty from incomplete scenarios in future doctors' job choice – probabilities vs discrete choices. Journal of Choice Modelling, 34, Article 100199.
- De Salvo, M., Scarpa, R., Capitello, R., & Begalli, D. (2020). Multi-country stated preferences choice analysis for fresh tomatoes. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 9(3), 241-262.
- Thiene, M., Franceschinis, C., & Scarpa, R. (2019). Congestion management in protected areas: accounting for respondents’ inattention and preference heterogeneity in stated choice data. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 46(5), 834-861.
- Ndebele, T., Marsh, D., & Scarpa, R. (2019). Consumer switching in retail electricity markets: Is price all that matters?. Energy Economics, 83, 88-103.
- Masiero, M. F., C. Mattea, S. T., M., D. P., & D. Scarpa, R. (2018). Ecosystem services' values and improved revenue collection for regional protected areas. Ecosystem Services, 34(A), 136-153.
- Bennett, M., Gong, Y., & Scarpa, R. (2018). Hungry Birds and Angry Farmers: Using Choice Experiments to Assess “Eco-compensation” for Coastal Wetlands Protection in China. Ecological Economics, 154, 71-87.
- Thiene, M., Scarpa, R., Longo, A., & Hutchinson, W. (2018). Types of front of pack food labels: Do obese consumers care? Evidence from Northern Ireland. Food Policy, 80, 84-102.
- Caputo, V., Scarpa, R., Nayga, J. R., & Ortega, D. (2018). Are Preferences for Food Quality Attributes Really Normally Distributed? An Analysis using Flexible Mixing Distributions. Journal of Choice Modelling, 28, 10-27.
- Agnoli, L., Boeri, M., Scarpa, R., Capitello, R., & Begalli, D. (2018). Behavioural patterns in Mediterranean-style drinking: Generation Y preferences in alcoholic beverage consumption. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 75, 117-125.
- Caputo, V., van Loo, E., Scarpa, R., Nayga Jr., R., & Verbeke, W. (2018). Comparing Serial, and Choice Task Stated and Inferred Attribute Non-Attendance Methods in Food Choice Experiments. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69(1), 35-57.
- Mariel, P., Scarpa, R., & Vega-Bayo, A. (2018). Joint parental school choice: exploring the influence of individual preferences of husbands and wives. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 68, 23-35.
- Matthews, Y., Scarpa, R., & Marsh, D. (2017). Cumulative attraction and spatial dependence in a destination choice model for beach recreation. Tourism Management, 66, 318-328.
- Phillips, Y., Scarpa, R., & Marsh, D. (2017). Stability of willingness-to-pay for coastal management: a choice experiment across three time periods. Ecological Economics, 138, 64-73.
- Thiene, M., Shaw, D., & Scarpa, R. (2017). Perceived risks of mountain landslides in Italy: stated choices for subjective risk reductions. Landslides, 14(3), 1077-1089.
- Johnston, R., Boyle, K., Adamowicz, W., Bennett, J., Brouwer, R., Cameron, T., Hanemann, W., Hanley, N., Scarpa, R., Tourangeau, R., & Vossler, C. (2017). Contemporary Guidance for Stated Preference Studies. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(2), 319-405.
- Franceschinis, C., Thiene, M., Scarpa, R., Rose, J., Moretto, M., & Cavalli, R. (2017). Adoption of renewable heating systems: An empirical test of the diffusion of innovation theory. Energy, 125, 313-326.
- Caputo, V., Scarpa, R., & Nayga, R. (2017). Cue versus independent food attributes: the effect of adding attributes in choice experiments. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44(2), 211-230.
- Gibson, J., Scarpa, R., & Rohorua, H. (2017). Estimating the willingness to pay for Warmer and Drier Homes. New Zealand Economic Papers, 51(1), 15-27.
- Thiene, M., Swait, J., & Scarpa, R. (2017). Choice set formation for outdoor destinations: the role of motivations and preference discrimination in site selection for the management of public expenditures on protected areas. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 81, 152-173.
- McMichel, A., Boeri, M., Rolison, J., Kane, J., O’Neill, F., Kee, F., & Scarpa, R. (2017). The influence of genotype information on psychiatrists’ treatment recommendations: more experienced clinicians know better what to ignore. Value in Health, 20(1), 126-131.
- Fu, B., Dyer, F., Kravchenko, A., Dyack, B., Merritt, W., & Scarpa, R. (2017). A note on communicating environmental change for non-market valuation. Ecological Indicators, 72, 165-172.
- Matthews, Y., Scarpa, R., & Marsh, D. (2017). Using virtual environments to improve the realism of choice experiments: a case study about coastal erosion management. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 81, 193-208.
- Mattea, S., Franceschinis, C., Scarpa, R., & Thiene, M. (2016). Valuing landslide risk reduction programs in the Italian Alps: the effect of visual information on preference stability. Land Use Policy, 59, 176-184.
- Franceschinis, C., Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., Rose, J., Moretto, M., & Cavalli, R. (2016). Exploring The Spatial Heterogeneity of Individual Preferences for Ambient Heating Systems. Energies, 9(6), Article 407.
- Newman, P., Cameron, S., Roungprakhon, S., Tepjan, S., & Scarpa, R. (2015). Acceptability and Preferences for Hypothetical Rectal Microbicides among a Community Sample of Young Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Thailand: A Discrete Choice Experiment. AIDS and Behavior, 20(11), 2588-2601.
- Yao, R., Scarpa, R., Rose, J., & Turner, J. (2015). Experimental Design Criteria and Their Behavioural Efficiency: An Evaluation in the Field. Environmental and Resource Economics, 62(3), 433-455.
- Mkwara, L., Marsh, D., & Scarpa, R. (2015). The effect of within-season variability on estimates of recreational value for trout anglers in New Zealand. Ecological Economics, 119, 338-345.
- Thiene, M., Scarpa, R., & Louviere, J. (2015). Addressing preference heterogeneity, multiple scales and attribute attendance with a correlated finite mixing model of tap water choice. Environmental and Resource Economics, 62(3), 637-656.
- Aravena, C., Martinsson, P., & Scarpa, R. (2014). Does money talk? — The effect of a monetary attribute on the marginal values in a choice experiment. Energy Economics, 44, 483-491.
- Rungie, C., Scarpa, R., & Thiene, M. (2014). The influence of individuals in forming collective household preferences for water quality. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68(1), 161-174.
- Campbell, D., Hensher, D., & Scarpa, R. (2014). Bounding WTP distributions to reflect the ‘actual’ consideration set. Journal of Choice Modelling, 11, 4-15.
- Boeri, M., Scarpa, R., & Chorus, C. (2014). Stated choices and benefit estimates in the context of traffic calming schemes: Utility maximization, regret minimization, or both?. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 61, 121-135.
- Yao, R., Scarpa, R., Turner, J., Barnard, T., Rose, J., Palma, J., & Harrison, D. (2014). Valuing biodiversity enhancement in New Zealand's planted forests: Socioeconomic and spatial determinants of willingness-to-pay. Ecological Economics, 98, 90-101.
- Tee, J., Scarpa, R., Marsh, D., & Guthrie, G. (2014). Forest valuation under the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: a real options binomial tree with stochastic carbon and timber prices. Land Economics, 90(1), 44-60.
- Cicia, G., Cembalo, L., Del Giudice, T., & Scarpa, R. (2013). Country-of-origin effects on Russian wine consumers. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 19(4), 247-260.
- Thiene, M., Scarpa, R., Galletto, L., & Boatto, V. (2013). Determinants of WTP for Prosecco wine: a latent class regression with attitudinal responses. British Food Journal, 11(2), 279-289.
- Cameron, M., Newman, P., Roungprakhon, S., & Scarpa, R. (2013). The Marginal Willingness-to-Pay for Attributes of a Hypothetical HIV Vaccine. Vaccine, 31(36),
- Thiene, M., Scarpa, R., Galletto, L., & Boatto, V. (2013). Sparkling wine choice from supermarket shelves: the impact of certification of origin and production practices. Agricultural Economics, 44, 523-536
- Caputo, V., Nayga, R., & Scarpa, R. (2013). Food miles or carbon emissions? Exploring labeling preference for food transport footprint with a stated choice study. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 57, 465-482.
- Scarpa, R., Zanoli, R., Bruschi, V., & Naspetti, S. (2013). Inferred and stated attribute non-attendance in food choice experiments. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95(1), 165-180.
- Campbell, D., Hensher, D., & Scarpa, R. (2012). Cost thresholds, cut-offs and sensitivities in stated choice analysis: identification and implications. Resource and Energy Economics, 34(3), 396-411.
- Stefani, G., Scarpa, R., & Cavicchi, A. (2012). Exploring consumer’s preferences for farmed sea bream. Aquaculture International, 20(4), 673-691.
- Stithou, M., & Scarpa, R. (2012). Collective versus voluntary payment in contingent valuations for the conservation of marine biodiversity: an exploratory study from Zakynthos, Greece. Ocean & Coastal Management, 56, 1-9.
- Nocella, G., Boecker, A., Hubbard, L., & Scarpa, R. (2012). Eliciting consumer preferences for certified animal-friendly foods: can elements of the theory of planned behavior improve choice experiment analysis?. Psychology and Marketing, 29(11), 850-868
- Day, B., Bateman, I., Carson, R., Dupont, D., Louviere, J., Morimoto, S., Scarpa, R., & Wang, P. (2012). Ordering Effects and Choice Set Awareness in Repeat-Response Stated Preference Studies. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 63, 73-91
- Zanoli, R., Scarpa, R., Napolitano, F., Piasentier, E., Naspetti, S., & Bruschi, V. (2012). Organic label as an identifier of environmentally related quality: A consumer choice experiment on beef in Italy. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 28(1), 70-79
- Cicia, G., Cembalo, L., del Giudice, T., & Scarpa, R. (2011). The impact of country-of-origin information on consumer perception of environmental environment-friendly characteristics
- Campbell, D., Hensher, D., & Scarpa, R. (2011). Non-attendance to attributes in environmental choice analysis: a latent class specification. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 54(8), 1061-1076
- Scarpa, R., Notaro, S., Louviere, J., & Raffaelli, R. (2011). Exploring Scale Effects of Best/Worst Rank Ordered Choice Data to Estimate Benefits of Tourism in Alpine Grazing Commons. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(3), 813-828
- Willis, K., Scarpa, R., Gilroy, R., & Hamza, N. (2011). Renewable energy adoption in an ageing population: Heterogeneity in preferences for micro-generation technology adoption. Energy Policy, 39(10), 6021-6029
- Marsh, D., Mkwara, L., & Scarpa, R. (2011). Do Respondents’ Perceptions of the Status Quo Matter in Non-Market Valuation with Choice Experiments? An Application to New Zealand Freshwater Streams. Sustainability, 3(9), 1593-1615.
- Vermeulen, B., Goos, P., Scarpa, R., & Vandebroek, M. (2011). Bayesian Conjoint Choice Designs to Measure the WTP. Environmental and Resource Economics, 48, 129-149
- Scarpa, R., & Thiene, M. (2011). Organic food choices and Protection Motivation Theory: addressing the psychological sources of heterogeneity
- Beharry-Borg, N., & Scarpa, R. (2010). Valuing quality changes in Caribbean coastal waters for heterogeneous beach visitors. Ecological Economics, 69, 1124-1139
- Nocella, G., Hubbard, L., & Scarpa, R. (2010). Farm Animal Welfare, Consumer Willingness to Pay, and Trust: Results of a Cross-National Survey. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 32(2), 275-297.
- Scarpa, R., & Hess, S. (2010). Specification and interpretation issues in behavioural models used for environmental assessment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 15(7), 367-442
- Scarpa, R., & Willis, K. (2010). Willingness-to-pay for renewable energy: Primary and discretionary choice of British households’ for micro-generation technologies. Energy Economics, 32(1), 129-136
- Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., & Hensher, D. (2010). Monitoring choice task attribute attendance in non-market valuation of multiple park management services: Does it matter?. Land Economics, 86(4), 817-839
- Thiene, M., & Scarpa, R. (2009). Deriving and testing efficient estimates of WTP distributions in destination choice models. Environmental and Resource Economics, 44(3), 379-395.
- Kaval, P., Stithou, M., & Scarpa, R. (2009). Social values of biodiversity conservation: for the endangered loggerhead turtle and monk seal. International journal of ecological economics and statistics, 14(P09), 67-76
- Campbell, D., Hutchinson, W., & Scarpa, R. (2009). Using choice experiments to explore the spatial distribution of willingness to pay for rural landscape improvements. Environment and Planning A, 41(97-111),
- Beharry-Borg, N., Hensher, D., & Scarpa, R. (2009). An analytical framework for joint vs separate decisions by couples in choice experiments: the case of coastal water quality in Tobago. Environmental and Resource Economics, 43(1), 95-117
- Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., & Galletto, L. (2009). Consumers WTP for wine with certified origin: preliminary results from Latent Classes based on attitudinal responses. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 15, 231-248.
- Matthews, D., Hutchinson, W., & Scarpa, R. (2009). Testing the stability of the benefit transfer function for discrete choice contingent valuation data. Journal of Forest Economics, 15(1-2), 131-146.
- Scarpa, R., Gilbride, T., Campbell, D., & Hensher, D. (2009). Modelling attribute non-attendance in choice experiments for rural landscape valuation. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36(2), 151-174.
- Hynes, S., Hanley, N., & Scarpa, R. (2008). Effects on Welfare Measures of Alternative Means of Accounting for Preference Heterogeneity in Recreational Demand Models. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(4), 1011-1027.
- Scarpa, R., & Rose, J. (2008). Design efficiency for non-market valuation with choice modelling: how to measure it, what to report and why. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 52(3), 253-282.
- Ruto, E., Garrod., G., & Scarpa, R. (2008). Valuing animal genetic resources: a case study of cattle in Kenya using choice experiments. Agricultural Economics, 38, 89-98.
- Roessler, R., Drucker, A., Scarpa, R., Markemann, A., Lemke, U., Thuy, L., & Valle Zárate, A. (2008). Using choice experiments to assess smallholder farmers' preferences for pig breeding traits in different production systems in North–West Vietnam. Ecological Economics, 66(1), 184-192
- Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., & Train, K. (2008). Utility in Willingness to Pay Space: A Tool to Address Confounding Random Scale Effects in Destination Choice to the Alps. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 90(4), 994-1010.
- Campbell, D., Hutchinson, W., & Scarpa, R. (2008). Incorporating discontinuous preferences into the analysis of discrete choice experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics, 41, 401-417
- Thiene, M., & Scarpa, R. (2008). Hiking in the Alps: exploring substitution patterns of hiking destinations. Tourism Economics, 14(2), 263-282
- Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., & Marangon, F. (2008). Using flexible taste distributions to value collective reputation for environmentally-friendly production methods. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56, 145-162
- Leon-Gonzalez, R., & Scarpa, R. (2008). Improving multi-site benefit functions via Bayesian model averaging: A new approach to benefit transfer. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 56(1), 50-68
- Cembalo, L., Cicia, G., del Giudice, T., Scarpa, R., & Tagliafierro, C. (2008). Beyond Agropiracy: The Case of Italian Pasta in the United States Retail Market. Agribusiness, 24(3), 403-413.
- Campbell, D., Scarpa, R., & Hutchinson, W. (2008). Assessing the spatial dependence of welfare estimates obtained from discrete choice experiments. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 1(2-3), 117-126.
Supervision students
Daniel Leppert
Kalila Mackenzie
Manuel Barrientos
Shan Jia
Yuan Liu
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