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Professor Mariannunziata Liguori

Professor of Accounting

Professor of Accounting in the Business School


Professor Mariannunziata (Mariann) Liguori is Professor of Accounting at Durham University Business School, where she moved after working at Queen’s University Belfast and Bocconi University (Milan, Italy). In 2007/2008 she was invited, as a visiting scholar, for a research period at the University of Alberta Business School, in Canada.

She was awarded her PhD by Bocconi University, Milan. Her main research interests relate to accounting in the public and not-for-profit sectors, and include: (i) processes of change in management accounting and control; (ii) accounting and performance-management change in public and not-for-profit sectors: tools, rhetoric and organisational dynamics; and (iii) governance and management-control systems in outsourcing and privatisation practices of public services.

In 2015 she has been elected secretary of the British Accounting and Finance Association’s Public Services and Charities Special Interest Group. She is a member of the editorial board of Financial Accountability & Management and of the Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management. She has edited a number of Special Issues in important journals in the area and published in a number of other leading journals in the field, such as Accounting, Auditing and Accountability JournalCritical Perspectives on Accounting, Organisations Studies and Public Administration.

Mini Biography

Professor Mariannunziata (Mariann) Liguori is Professor of Accounting at Durham University Business School, where she moved after working at Queen’s University Belfast and Bocconi University. She has been secretary of the British Accounting and Finance Association’s Public Services and Charities SIG since 2015. She is a member of the editorial board of Financial Accountability & Management and of Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management. Her research interests relate to processes of accounting change, control of outsourced public services and performance management in the public and not-for-profit sectors.

Research interests

  • Accounting and performance-management change in public and not-for-profit sectors: tools, rhetoric and organisational dynamics
  • Governance and management-control systems in outsourcing and privatisation practices of public services
  • Processes of change in management accounting and control


Authored book

Chapter in book

Journal Article


Supervision students

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