Staff profile
Dr Maria Kakarika
Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Leadership
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Professor of Organizational Behaviour & Leadership in the Business School |
Maria Kakarika is a Professor in Leadership and Organizational Behavior at Durham University Business School. She received a PhD in Organizational Behavior from IE Business School, an MSc in Industrial Relations & Personnel Management from the London School of Economics, and a BSc in Economics & Business Administration from the Aristotle University. She also held a visiting position at the W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University and posts in France before joining Durham University Business School in 2022.
Maria’s research uses leadership and identity theories to better understand how leaders and followers construct or protect their identity and repsond to feedback. Her ongoing projects on follower perceptions of their leaders focus on novel antecedents such as leaders’ physical activity, gestures and silence. Maria is further interested in gender differences in various organizational pheonomena, such as workplace bullying, gossip and female sexualization. She also takes a multi-disciplinary approach and studies the links of leadership with crisis and entrepreneurship, CEO ethics and careers.
Her research has been published at the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, Journal of Vocational Behavior, British Journal of Management, Journal of Managerial Psychology and the Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings and cited at the Financial Times and the Huffington Post.
Maria has been teaching change management and leadership development to executives and international MBAs, as well as to MSc students, and has consulted executives and start-up teams on leadership and team dynamics. She is an Associate Editor at Group & Organization Management and the Director of the Durham DBA. Prior to her academic career she worked in the banking industry and filled positions in HR training and development.
Research interests
- Gender
- Identity
- Leadership
- Sexualization
- Social perceptions
- Gossip
Journal Article
- Guillén, L., Kakarika, M., & Heflick, N. (2024). Sexualize one, objectify all? The sexualization spillover effect on female job candidates. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(4), 576-594.
- Kakarika, M., Taghavi, S., & González-Gómez, H. (2024). Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality- and Gender-Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip. Journal of Business Ethics, 189(2), 329-344.
- Kakarika, M., Biniari, M., Guillén, L., & Mayo, M. (2022). Where does the heart lie? A multistage process model of entrepreneurial passion and role identity management. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(9), 1562-1578.
- Lianidou, T., Lytle, A., & Kakarika, M. (2022). Deep-level dissimilarity and leader–member exchange (LMX) quality: the role of status. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 37(4), 379-393.
- Kakarika, M., Lianidou, T., Qu, Y. (., & Bligh, M. C. (2022). Organizational Behaviour in the COVID‐19 Context: Effects of Supervisor‐Directed Deviance on Retaliation against Subordinates. British Journal of Management, 33(1), 435-454.
- Mayo, M., Kakarika, M., Mainemelis, C., & Deuschel, N. T. (2017). A metatheoretical framework of diversity in teams. Human Relations, 70(8), 911-939.
- Kakarika, M., González-Gómez, H. V., & Dimitriades, Z. (2017). That wasn't our deal: A psychological contract perspective on employee responses to bullying. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 100, 43-55.
- Mayo, M., Kakarika, M., Pastor, J. C., & Brutus, S. (2012). Aligning or Inflating Your Leadership Self-Image? A Longitudinal Study of Responses to Peer Feedback in MBA Teams. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 11(4), 631-652.
- Hamori, M., & Kakarika, M. (2009). External labor market strategy and career success: CEO careers in Europe and the United States. Human Resource Management, 48(3), 355-378.
Supervision students
Aaran Pereira
Ahmed Alriyami
Alice Ambrose-Thurman
Amine Salame
Garrit Lange
Carlos Pullen Ferreira
Elaine Scott
Hader Ali
Paolo Gonzales
Leanne Welford
Madeeha Lakhani
Madeleine De Matteis
Mohamed Aliter Aliter
Olayimika Phillips
Olu Adenubi
Rana Shehab
Reagan Nyandoro
Shengke Zeng
Xinchen Wang
Zehua Li
Zied Hamdi
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