Staff profile
Affiliation |
Associate Professor in the Business School |
Dr. Efpraxia D. Zamani is an Associate Professor of Information Systems. Before joining Durham University Business School, Efpraxia was a Senior Lecturer at the Information School, University of Sheffield (UK).
Her research interests are found at the intersection of organisational and social aspects of Information Systems, with an emphasis on the implications of emerging technologies. Her work has appeared in the Information Systems Journal, the Journal of Information Technology, Government Information Quarterly, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others. In 2024, Efpraxia received the AIS Sandra Slaughter Service Award in recognition of her leadership and service within the Association for Information Systems (AIS).
Efpraxia currently serves as the co-chair for the AIS Women's Network College and as Vice President for the UK Academy of Information Systems.
Funded Projects (indicative)
- Beyond Smart Specialisation: Seeking Evidence of Network Weaving Effects of Green and Digital Place-Based Innovation Policy, IRC Flexible Fund Round 1, Innovation & Research Caucus
- Training young researchers on shaping Metaverse for business and social value (AGORA) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01-01 (UKRI EPSRC funding)
- TAS Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Impact & Legacy - RRI Education Toolkit, UKRI TAS HUB
- Inclusive Digital Futures: Informing Debates and Services Roll Out In South Yorkshire, QR Policy Fund, Research England
- Digital inclusion network development: A case study in Derbyshire, The British Academy Policy Insight Case Studies
- The impact of the digitalisation of social care on older informal carers, HEIF Fund, Research England
- Co-creating a ‘peer researchers toolkit’ for LGBTQ+ informal carers, QR Policy Fund, Research England
- Intersectional Approaches to Design and Deployment of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub (TAS Pump Priming Fund)
- The Elicitation of Cybersecurity Narratives: Bricoleur Story Completion, Decision Making & Security Design, Discribe Hub+ Commissioning Call - round 2 (ESRC Digital Security by Design (DSbD) project)
- Embedding EDI in Usability, Higher Education Innovation Fund (Policy Support Fund) - Research England
- Understanding Digital Poverty in South Yorkshire, Higher Education Innovation Fund - Research England
Research interests
- Digital poverty and digital inequalities
- Making sense of emerging technologies
- Information Systems and Technology in the workplace
Esteem Indicators
- 2025: Associate Editor - Information Systems Journal:
- 2024: Co-Chair of the AIS Women's Network College:
- 2024: AIS 2024 Sandra Slaughter Service Award:
- 2024: Vice President of the UK Academy for Information Systems :
- 2023: Editorial Board member at the Information Technology for Development (ITD) journal:
- 2022: Associate Editor at European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS):
- 2022: British Academy of Management – Peer Review College :
- 2021: Senior Editor at Information Technology & People (ITP) journal:
- 2021: Co-ordinating Editor at Information Systems Frontiers journal:
- 2021: Award for Outstanding Contribution as Track Chair (AI in IS Research and Practice) – 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021):
- 2021: Runner Up for the SIG GTM Best Paper Award (Grounded Theory Methodology Special Interest Group of the Association for Information Systems) for the paper: - “Generative mechanisms of workarounds, discontinuance and reframing: a study of negative disconfirmation with consumerised IT”:
- 2013: Best Paper Award for the paper A Sensemaking Approach to Tablet Users’ Accommodating Practices, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS):
Journal Article
- Shen, M., & Zamani, E. (online). Gender differences in remote work: a study on the boundary management tactics of women and men. Information Technology & People,
- Alotaibi, N. H., Zamani, E., & Dasuki, S. (online). M-Government and Saudi Women’s Empowerment: A Capability Approach Perspective. Information Technology for Development,
- Zhang, J., Zamani, E. D., Gerli, P., & Mora, L. (online). Co‐constructing cooperative value ecosystems: A critical realist perspective. Information Systems Journal,
- Zamani, E. D., Watson‐Manheim, M. B., Abbott, P., & Lin, A. (online). The new wave of 'hybrid' work: An opportunity to revise assumptions and build theory. Information Systems Journal,
- Rousaki, A., Zamani, E. D., Sbaffi, L., Hamblin, K., & Black, R. (2024). The Digitalization of Social Care in England and Implications for Older, Unpaid Carers: Constructionist Thematic Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, Article e60056.
- Xie, H., Checco, A., & Zamani, E. D. (2024). The Unintended Consequences of Automated Scripts in Crowdwork Platforms: A Simulation Study in MTurk. Information Systems Frontiers, 26(1), 159-175.
- Zamani, E. D., & Andrade, A. D. (2024). Understanding local social processes in ICT4D research. Information Technology for Development, 30(3), 351-353.
- Stige, Å., Mikalef, P., Zamani, E., & Zhu, Y. (2024). Artificial Intelligence (AI) and User Experience (UX) design: A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Information Technology & People, 37(6), 2324-2352.
- Rutter, S., Zamani, E., McKenna-Aspell, J., & Wang, Y. (2024). Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion in usability testing: recommendations and a research agenda. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 188, Article 103278.
- Spanaki, K., Zamani, E. D., Jayawickrama, U., Olan, F., Liu, S., & Pappas, I. O. (2024). Information Management in Times of Crisis: the Role of Mindfulness and Digital Resilience for Individuals and Organisations. Information Systems Frontiers, 26, 369-374.
- Zamani, E. D., Griva, A., Spanaki, K., O'Raghallaigh, P., & Sammon, D. (2024). Making sense of business analytics in project selection and prioritisation: insights from the start-up trenches. Information Technology & People, 37(2), 895-918.
- Zamani, E. D., Sbaffi, L., & Kalua, K. (2024). Addressing the information needs of informal carers in Malawi: a healthcare intervention based on co-creation. Journal of Documentation, 80(1), 131-157.
- Zamani, E. D., & Rousaki, A. (2024). Reconsidering government digital strategies within the context of digital inequalities: the case of the UK Digital Strategy. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), Article 1410.
- Jyoti, C., & Efpraxia, Z. (2023). Understanding and exploring the value co-creation of cloud computing innovation using resource based value theory: An interpretive case study. Journal of Business Research, 164, Article 113970.
- Zamani, E. D., Smyth, C., Gupta, S., & Dennehy, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence and big data analytics for supply chain resilience: a systematic literature review. Annals of Operations Research, 327(2), 605-632.
- Griva, A., Kotsopoulos, D., Karagiannaki, A., & Zamani, E. D. (2023). What do growing early-stage digital start-ups look like? A mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Information Management, 69, Article 102427.
- Polyviou, A., & Zamani, E. D. (2023). Are we Nearly There Yet? A Desires & Realities Framework for Europe’s AI Strategy. Information Systems Frontiers, 25(1), 143-159.
- He, Y., Zamani, E., Yevseyeva, I., & Luo, C. (2023). Artificial Intelligence–Based Ethical Hacking for Health Information Systems: Simulation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, Article e41748.
- Sbaffi, L., Zamani, E., & Kalua, K. (2023). Promoting Well-being Among Informal Caregivers of People With HIV/AIDS in Rural Malawi: Community-Based Participatory Research Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, Article e45440.
- Zamani, E. D., & Spanaki, K. (2023). Affective temporal experiences and new work modalities: The role of Information and Communication Technologies. Journal of Business Research, 154(113311),
- Tiwari, A. A., Gupta, S., Zamani, E. D., Mittal, N., & Agarwal, R. (2023). An Overarching Conceptual Framework for ICT-enabled Responsive Governance. Information Systems Frontiers, 26, 1161–1182.
- Zamani, E. D., Griva, A., & Conboy, K. (2022). Using Business Analytics for SME Business Model Transformation under Pandemic Time Pressure. Information Systems Frontiers, 24(4), 1145-1166.
- Choudrie, J., Zamani, E., & Obuekwe, C. (2022). Bridging the Digital Divide in Ethnic Minority Older Adults: an Organisational Qualitative Study. Information Systems Frontiers, 24(4), 1355-1375.
- Roe, M., Spanaki, K., Ioannou, A., Zamani, E. D., & Giannakis, M. (2022). Drivers and challenges of internet of things diffusion in smart stores: A field exploration. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 178, Article 121593.
- Zamani, E. D., & Pouloudi, N. (2022). Shared mental models and perceived proximity: a comparative case study. Information Technology & People, 35(2), 723-749.
- Zamani, E. D. (2022). The Bitcoin protocol as a system of power. Ethics and Information Technology, 24(1), Article 14.
- Zamani, E. D., Pouloudi, N., Giaglis, G. M., & Wareham, J. (2022). Appropriating Information Technology Artefacts through Trial and Error: The Case of the Tablet. Information Systems Frontiers, 24(1), 97-119.
- He, Y., Zamani, E. D., Lloyd, S., & Luo, C. (2022). Agile incident response (AIR): Improving the incident response process in healthcare. International Journal of Information Management, 62, Article 102435.
- Zamani, E. D., & Pouloudi, N. (2021). Generative mechanisms of workarounds, discontinuance and reframing: a study of negative disconfirmation with consumerised IT. Information Systems Journal, 31(3), 384-428.
- Zamani, E. D., Pouloudi, N., Giaglis, G., & Wareham, J. (2021). Accommodating Practices During Episodes of Disillusionment with Mobile IT. Information Systems Frontiers, 23(2), 453-475.
- Zamani, E., He, Y., & Phillips, M. (2020). On the Security Risks of the Blockchain. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60(6), 495-506.
- Flick, C., Zamani, E. D., Stahl, B. C., & Brem, A. (2020). The future of ICT for health and ageing: Unveiling ethical and social issues through horizon scanning foresight. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 155, Article 119995.
- Zamani, E. D., & Giaglis, G. M. (2018). With a little help from the miners: distributed ledger technology and market disintermediation. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 118(3), 637-652.
- Choudrie, J., Zamani, E. D., Umeoji, E., & Emmanuel, A. (2017). Implementing E-government in Lagos State: Understanding the impact of cultural perceptions and working practices. Government Information Quarterly, 34(4), 646-657.
- Choudrie, J., & Zamani, E. D. (2016). Understanding Individual User Resistance and Workarounds of Enterprise Social Networks: The Case of Service Ltd. Journal of Information Technology, 31(2), 130-151.
Supervision students
Georgia Donta
Myrto Dimitriou
Shiyi Zhou
Sohee Kim
Bill Pan
Zhansaule Kimel
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