Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor in the Business School |
Bernd Brandl was educated at the University of Graz and the University of Vienna (both in Austria) as well as at the University of Bologna (Italy). He started his academic career as a Lecturer at the University of Graz and later at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria). He then took up the post as an Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna (Austria) and later acted at the University of Vienna in various positions (i.e., Associate Professor and Temporary Professor).
In course of his positions at the University of Vienna he acted as Head of Department (2010 – 2011) and many other leadership and organizational positions (e.g., programme and curriculum development) for many years. At the University of Vienna he gained his “Habilitation” in 2009 which is the highest academic qualification a scholar can achieve by his or her own pursuit in Austria (and Germany). In 2012 he moved to the United Kingdom to work as a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of York and later at the University of Newcastle.
In his research he is dealing with methodological, empirical and theoretical research questions in the fields of comparative employment relations and international HRM. He is disseminating his research in various outlets (i.e. academic journals, policy reports, books) as well as on the occasion of research seminars and international conferences. He gave many invited presentations at seminars and conferences (including plenary and semi-plenary presentations). He was also the main coordinator (i.e. Chair) of Research Network 17 on Work, Employment and Industrial Relations at the European Sociological Association. Among various duties in this position he was organising yearly workshops and panels at many international conferences including at Universities in: Durham (2023), Manchester (2019), Athens (2017), Prague (2015), Dublin (2014), Turin (2013), Lisbon (2012), Geneva (2011).
For more than two decades, Bernd Brandl has provided regular policy analysis and advice as expert/consultant for various international institutions including the European Commission (EC/EU) (based in Brussels), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (based in Washington), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (based in Paris), and the International Labour Organisation (ILO)/United Nations (UN) (based in Geneva).
From 2013 until 2020 he was a member of the Advisory Committee to the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND, Dublin), a specialist agency of the European Commission. In this position he participates actively at high-level European Union policy workshops and meetings in many European countries and provides input for policy reports and policy briefs which are used by European Union policy makers to make informed policy decisions.
Bernd Brandl is also involved in externally fundend reserach projects for more than two decades. He was Principal Investigator (PI) and main coordinator for many national and international research projects as well as partner and national coordinator for many more funded research projects. The list of funders include the European Commission, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) among many more. The budget of all research projects exceeded the million pound/euro mark many years ago and many projects were embedded in international networks (e.g. with Universities in Austria, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden).
Professor Brandl welcomes PhD applicants interested in researching (examples):
- the use of new technologies (such as for example analytical methods, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Data Mining, etc.) in HRM and industrial relations
- the role of employer and business organizations in different countries and industries (especially in Latin American, African and Asian countries)
- the role and effects of collective wage bargaining
- the European and transnational coordination between trade unions and/or companies and/or business and employer organizations
- the European governance of work and labour
Country comparative research as well as country case studies on Latin American, African and Asian countries on the topics above is very welcome.
Students interested in a PhD in the fields outlined or related areas and fields above should contact Professor Brandl via email.
Mini Biography
Bernd Brandl is dealing with methodological, empirical and theoretical research questions in the fields of employment relations and international HRM. In particular, much of his thematic and theoretical research focused on comparative cross-country analyses of different employment relations and labour market systems, institutions and policies.
He is disseminating his research in various academic outlets (i.e. academic journals, books) as well as in reports which are relevant for informed policy/decision makers. He has given more than more than200 presentations at seminars and international conferences (including various invited plenary and semi-plenary presentations). His research is also found to be of interest by various international organizations as he worked as an advisor/consultant for various organisations (e.g. International Monetary Fund, International Labour Organization, and European Commission).
Research interests
- HR Analytics (Big Data, AI, Data Mining)
- Employment Relations
- International Human Resource Management
- Collective Bargaining
- Business Interest Organizations
Esteem Indicators
- 2023: Associate Editor for Labour and Industry:
- 2023: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2023 :
- 2022: Associate Editor of the European Journal of Industrial Relations:
- 2020: Senior Associate Editor: Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance: Senior Associate Editor
Authored book
- Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Meardi, G. (2011). From national to sectoral industrial relations: Developments in sectoral industrial relations in the EU. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
- Baglioni, M., & Brandl, B. (2011). Perspectives for Industrial Relations in Europe. Peter Lang
- Schweiger, G., & Brandl, B. (2010). Der Kampf um Arbeit: Dimensionen und Perspektiven. VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden
Chapter in book
- Brandl, B. (2025). Developments in social dialogue and collective bargaining. In J. Heyes, J. Leschke, K. Newsome, M. Reich, & A. Wilkinson (Eds.), Research Handbook on Decent Work in a Post-COVID-19 World (212-224). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kiu, T., Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2024). From Business Analytics to HR Analytics: Common Conceptual and Methodological Grounds. In V. Fernandez (Ed.), A Research Agenda for HR Analytics (40-53). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Brandl, B. (2024). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Important Datasets in the Field of Comparative Employment Relations. In J. Parker, N. Donnelly, S. Ressia, & M. Gavin (Eds.), Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations (161-174). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Brandl, B., Larsson, B., Lehr, A., & Molina, O. (2022). Conclusions. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory (244-255). Routledge
- Brandl, B., Larsson, B., Lehr, A., & Molina, O. (2022). Introduction. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory. Routledge
- Brandl, B. (2022). From Factors to Actors: Networks and Network Theory in Comparative Industrial Relations. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory. Routledge.
- Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2022). International Networks and the Activities of Peak Employers’ Associations: Do As I Do?. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory (177-194). Routledge
- Brandl, B. (2015). Much Ado About Nothing? A Comparative Analysis of the Political Effects of Social Pacts. In C. L. Ibsen, & L. K. Høgedal (Eds.), Økonomi og Arbejdei det 21. Århundrede: et festskrift til Flemming Ibsen. Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag
- Bechter, B., & Brandl, B. (2015). Recent Developments in European Industrial Relations. In E. Union (Ed.), Industrial Relations in Europe 2014. European Commission: Brussels
- Brandl, B. (2014). Eine Untersuchung von Untersuchungen zur wahren und wahrscheinlichen Rolle der Religion in der Erklärung wirtschaftlichen Wachstums (An Investigation of analyses on the true and probable role of religion in explaining economic growth). In R. König (Ed.), Religion und Kapitalismus (Religion and Capitalism) (240-271). Ferstl & Perz, Vienna
- Brandl, B. (2013). Benefits of Union Membership. In V. Smith (Ed.), SAGE Sociology of Work Encyclopedia (914-917). SAGE Publications.
- Brandl, B. (2013). Collective Bargaining. In V. Smith (Ed.), SAGE Sociology of Work Encyclopedia (98-103). SAGE, Los Angeles et al
- Brandl, B., & Leoni, T. (2013). Gewerkschaft, Lohnfindung und Wirtschaftspolitik: Der österreichische Weg im Wandel der Zeit (Trade Unions, Wage Determination, and Economic Policy: The Austrian Way in the Course of Time). In P. Brigitte (Ed.), Wissenschaft über Gewerkschaft (15-37). Analysen und Perspektiven. ÖGB-Verlag, Vienna
- Bechter, B., & Brandl, B. (2013). Overview of European, national and public sector industrial relations. In E. Union (Ed.), Industrial Relations in Europe 2012 (21-52). European Commission: Brussels
- Traxler, F., & Brandl, B. (2011). The economic impact of collective bargaining. In S. Hayter (Ed.), The Role of Collective Bargaining in the Global Economy: Negotiating for Social Justice (227-253). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, Northampton
- Baglioni, M., & Brandl, B. (2011). Changing labour relations between path dependency and global trends – An introduction. In M. Baglioni, & B. Brandl (Eds.), Changing Labour Relations between Path Dependency and Global Trends (9-17). Peter-Lang, Frankfurt am Main
- Brandl, B., Glassner, V., & Traxler, F. (2011). Cross-border bargaining coordination as a means of defending national labour standards. In O. Struck (Ed.), Industrial Relations and Social Standards in an Internationalized Economy (89-102). Rainer Hampp Verlag, München
- Brandl, B. (2010). Die positiven Auswirkungen der Tarifbindung. WISO Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Zeitschrift (79-94). (33)
- Brandl, B., & Schweiger, G. (2010). Perspektiven des Kampfes um und für Arbeit. In G. Schweiger, & B. Brandl (Eds.), Arbeitskampf und Kampf um Arbeit (9-15). VS-Verlag, Wiesbaden
- Brandl, B., & Traxler, F. (2010). Differenze e analogie nelle cause dei conflitti di lavoro. Quaderni Rassegna Sindacale (15-40). (4). Lavoro
- Brandl, B. (2010). Dimensionen der Arbeitsbeziehungen und Streikaktivität im Ländervergleich: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse. In G. Schweiger, & B. Brandl (Eds.), Arbeitskampf und Kampf um Arbeit (73-100). VS Verlag
- Brandl, B. (2010). Perceptions about decent work: The role of self interest, ideology and moral sentiments. In C. Bagusat, W. J. Keenan, & C. Sedmak (Eds.), Decent Work and Unemployment (27-39). Lit
- Brandl, B., & Fölzer, C. (2008). Regional structural change at the interface between old and new member states: The case of Austrian regions. In C. Krieger-Boden, E. Morgenroth, & G. Petrakos (Eds.), The Impact of European Integration on Regional Structural Change and Cohesion (119-132). Routledge
- Brandl, B. (2008). The trade-off between productivity and job growth in Europe and the role of social partners in socioeconomic policy-making. In O. Neumaier, G. Schweiger, & C. Sedmak (Eds.), Perspectives on Work: Problems, Insights, Challenges (127-136). Lit
- Brandl, B., & Traxler, F. (2008). Das System der Lohnführerschaft in Österreich: Eine Analyse der empirischen Relevanz. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (9-31). (1)
- Traxler, F., Brandl, B., & Pernicka, S. (2007). Business associability, activities and governance: Crossnational findings. In G. Huemer, & F. Traxler (Eds.), The Handbook of Business Interest Associations, Firm Size and Governance: A Comparative Analytical Approach (351-403). Routledge
- Brandl, B. (2007). Automated modelling in empirical social sciences using a Genetic Algorithm. In A. Quesada-Arencibia, J. C. Rodriguez, R. Moreno-Diaz Jr., & R. Moreno-Diaz (Eds.), Computer Aided System Theory (912-919). Springer Verlag
- Brandl, B. (2007). Robustness of econometric variable selection methods. In K.-H. Waldmann, & U. Stocker (Eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2006 (239-244). Springer Verlag
- Brandl, B., Keber, C., & Schuster, M. G. (2006). Data Mining for ‘big data’ macroeconomic forecasting: A complementary approach to factor models. In H.-D. Haasis, H. Kopfer, & J. Schönberger (Eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2005 (483-488). Springer-Verlag, Berlin et al
- Brandl, B. (2006). Herausforderungen und "State of the Art“. Ansätze bei der ökonometrischen Variablenselektion (234-237). (4). WiSt
- Brandl, B. (2005). Exchange rates: Predictable but not explainable?. Data Mining with leading indicators and technical trading rules (195-209). Folia Oeconomica
- Brandl, B. (2004). Machine learning in economic forecasting and the usefulness of economic theory: The case of exchange rate forecasts. In T. Simons, & M. George (Eds.), Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences (964-966)
- Brandl, B. (2003). Integrating exchange rate theory in data mining. In U. Leopold-Wildburger, F. Rendl, & G. Wäscher (Eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (504-509). Springer Verlag
- Beinsen, L., & Brandl, B. (2003). The ability of Artificial Neural Networks to exploit non-linearity by data mining models compared to statistical methods. In U. Leopold-Wildburger, F. Rendl, & G. Wäscher (Eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (510-515). Springer, Berlin et al
Edited book
Journal Article
- Grimshaw, D., Brandl, B., Bertranou, F., & Gontero, S. (2024). Tracing the potential benefits and complex contingencies of multilevel collective bargaining. International Labour Review, 163(4), 657-675.
- Lehr, A., Jansen, G., & Brandl, B. (2024). All about power after all? A multilevel analysis of employers’ organization membership in Europe. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 62(2), 233-261.
- Brandl, B. (2023). The co-operation between business organizations, trade unions and the state during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative analysis of the nature of the tripartite relationship. Industrial Relations, 62(2), 145-171.
- Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2023). Het gebruik van human resources analytics door bedrijven: mogelijkheden, kansen en motivatie. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 39(1), 125-129.
- Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2022). The role of the capability, opportunity, and motivation of firms for using human resource analytics to monitor employee performance: A multi‐level analysis of the organisational, market, and country context. New Technology, Work and Employment, 37(3), 398-424.
- Liang, Y., Aroles, J., & Brandl, B. (2022). Charting Platform Capitalism: Definitions, concepts and ideologies. New Technology, Work and Employment, 37(2), 308-327.
- Brandl, B. (2022). Everything We Do Know (and Don’t Know) About Collective Bargaining: The Zeitgeist in the Academic and Political Debate on the Role and Effects of Collective Bargaining. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 44(3), 660 - 678.
- Brandl, B., & Braakmann, N. (2021). The Effects of Collective Bargaining Systems on the Productivity Function of Firms: An Analysis of Bargaining Structures and Processes and the Implications for Policy Making. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(3), 218-236.
- Braakmann, N., & Brandl, B. (2021). The Performance Effects of Collective and Individual Bargaining: A Comprehensive and Granular Analysis of Different Bargaining Systems on Company Productivity. International Labour Review, 160(1), 43-64.
- Bechter, B., Braakmann, N., & Brandl, B. (2021). Variable Pay and/or Collective Wage Bargaining? Complements or Substitutes?. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 74(2), 443-469.
- Brandl, B. (2021). Trust as the cement in the employment relationship? The role of trust in different workplace employment relations regimes. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 8(4), 80-96.
- Brandl, B. (2020). Variations and (a)symmetries in trust between employees and employers in Europe: Some (not so) well-known stylized facts. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 26(3), 313-329.
- Brandl, B. (2020). Trust Relationships in Employment Relationships: the Role of Trust for Firm Profitability. International Journal of the Economics of Business, 28(1), 139-161.
- Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2019). The Strange Non-Death of Employer and Business Associations: An Analysis of their Representativeness and Activities in Western European Countries. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40(4), 932-953.
- Bechter, B., & Brandl, B. (2019). The Hybridization of National Collective Bargaining Systems: The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Transformation of Collective Bargaining in the European Union. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40(3), 469-489.
- Brandl, B., & Ibsen, C. (2019). Collective Wage Bargaining and the Role of Institutional Stability: A Cross-National Comparison of Macroeconomic Performance. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(3), 677-694.
- Brandl, B., & Lehr, A. (2018). A problem of embeddedness? A micro-theoretical model of trade union action and interaction in Europe. Employee Relations, 40(3), 500-514.
- Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Prosser, P. (2017). Engagement in European Social Dialogue: an investigation into the role of social partner structural capacity. Industrial Relations Journal, 48(4), 365-382.
- Brandl, B., & Ibsen, C. (2017). Instability and Change in Collective Bargaining: An Analysis of the Effects of Changing Institutional Structures. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(3), 527-550.
- Bechter, B., & Brandl, B. (2015). Measurement and Analysis of Industrial Relations Aggregates: What is the Relevant Unit of Analysis in Comparative Research?. European Political Science, 14(4), 422-438.
- Brandl, B., Strohmer, S., & Traxler, F. (2013). Foreign direct investment, labour relations and sector effects: US investment outflows to Europe. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(17), 2381-3304.
- Brandl, B. (2013). Die Repräsentativität von Arbeitgeberverbänden in Europa: Eine Standortbestimmung des “deutschen Modells”. WSI-Mitteilungen, 2013(7), 510-518
- Brandl, B. (2012). Successful Wage Concertation: The Economic Effects of Wage Pacts and their Alternatives. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(3), 482-501.
- Traxler, F., & Brandl, B. (2012). Collective Bargaining, Inter-Sectoral Heterogeneity and Competitiveness: A Cross-National Comparison of Macroeconomic Performance. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(1), 73-98.
- Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Meardi, G. (2012). Sectors or Countries? Typologies and Levels of Analysis in Comparative Industrial Relations. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18(3), 185-202.
- Bechter, B., Brandl, B., Pitlik, H., & Schwarz, G. (2011). Die Akzeptanz von sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischen Maßnahmen. Mehr Politik als Sozial- und Wirtschaftspolitik? (Support for Economic and Social Policy: More Politics than Economic Policy?). Austrian Journal of Political Science, 40(3), 217-235
- Bechter, B., Brandl, B., & Meardi, G. (2011). Die Bestimmungsgründe der (Re-)Sektoralisierung der industriellen Beziehungen in der Europäischen Union (The Determinants of (Re-)Sectoralization of Industrial Relations in the European Union)
- Pitlik, H., Schwarz, G., Bechter, B., & Brandl, B. (2011). Near Is my Shirt, But Nearer Is My Skin: Ideology or Self-Interest as Determinants of Public Opinion on Fiscal Policy Issues. Kyklos, 64(2), 271-290
- Brandl, B., & Traxler, F. (2011). Labour Relations, the Economic Governance and the Crisis: Turning the Tide again?. Labor History, 52(1), 1-22
- Traxler, F., & Brandl, B. (2010). Preconditions for Pacts on Income Policy: Bringing Structures back in; A Comparison of Western Europe, 1980-2003. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16(1), 73-90.
- Traxler, F., & Brandl, B. (2010). Collective Bargaining, Macroeconomic Performance, and the Sectoral Composition of Trade Unions. Industrial Relations, 49(1), 91-115
- Brandl, B., & Traxler, F. (2010). Labour Conflicts: A Cross-national Analysis of Economic and Institutional Determinants, 1971-2002. European Sociological Review, 26(5), 519-540
- Brandl, B., Leopold-Wildburger, U., Mietek, A., & Pickl, S. (2010). How do Commission Rates Influence a Firm’s Success? Statistical Analysis of a Corporate Strategy Simulation Experiment. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 18(4), 553-566.
- Brandl, B., Strohmer, S., & Traxler, F. (2010). US Foreign Direct Investment, Macro Markets and Labour Relations: The Case of Enlarged Europe. Industrial Relations Journal, 41(6), 622-638
- Brandl, B. (2009). Bayesian Model Averaging and Model Selection: Two Sides of the Same Coin in the Identification of Determinants of Trade Union Density?. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 17(1), 13-29.
- Brandl, B., Leopold-Wildburger, U., & Pickl, S. (2009). Increasing of the fitness of fundamental exchange rate forecast models. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, 4(16), 779-798
- Traxler, F., & Brandl, B. (2009). Towards Europeanization of Wage Policy: Germany and the Nordic Countries. European Union Politics, 10(2), 177-201
- Traxler, F., Brandl, B., & Glassner, V. (2008). Pattern Bargaining: An Investigation into its Agency, Context and Evidence. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 46(1), 33-58.
- Brandl, B. (2008). An Optimized Forecast Specification for Economic Activity: An Automated Discovery Approach Using a Genetic Algorithm
- Traxler, F., Brandl, B., Glassner, V., & Ludvig, A. (2008). Can Cross-Border Bargaining Coordination work? Analytical Reflections and Evidence from the Metal Industry in Germany and Austria. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 14(2), 217-237.
- Brandl, B. (2008). Die Heterogenität von Akteuren am Devisenmarkt: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage im monetären und realwirtschaftlichen Sektor. Bank-Archiv, 56(5), 321-328
- Brandl, B., Keber, C., & Schuster, M. G. (2006). An Automated Econometric Decisions Support System: Forecasts for Foreign Exchange Trades. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 14(4), 401-415
- Brandl, B., & Traxler, F. (2005). Industrial Relations, Social Pacts and Welfare Expenditures: A Cross-national Comparison. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43(4), 635-658.
Supervision students
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