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In a significant step forward in her career, Vicky Sykes-Kondic is set to embark on the Durham Online MBA (OMBA) programme after completing her learning as part of our first cohort of the Senior Leader Apprenticeship (SLA).

The Importance of Flexibility in Learning 

Reflecting on her decision to pursue the OMBA, Vicky shares, "I had always wanted to do an MBA, so being able to complete the SLA with the support of my employer and then easily progress onto the OMBA was ideal. I already knew that I could manage the workload and that it was the right qualification for me." She highlights the flexibility of the OMBA, allowing her to either follow the career pathways designed for the full-time MBA course or mix the modules to broaden her knowledge further. 

Vicky’s journey into the OMBA began with her joining one of the full-time MBA cohorts for her first module, which involved three days of block teaching rather than online. "It was great to meet and learn with them," she recalls. "Learning from other students and growing my network is an important part of the course." 

Recommending the SLA to OMBA Pathway 

She credits the SLA with preparing her well for the OMBA. "The modules on the SLA had already given me a broader business understanding and a better grasp of the direction I want to go with my career. I was then able to choose my remaining modules with that knowledge and the support of the team at Durham." 

So far, Vicky has seen several benefits from the OMBA. "The OMBA has given me the opportunity to take my study further with the flexibility of it being online or face-to-face block teaching. The modules offered and the experts brought in to speak are excellent and relevant to the changing world of business." 

When asked if she would recommend the SLA to OMBA route, Vicky responds enthusiastically. "The SLA route is a great way to use the apprenticeship levy, which many employers are already paying. The SLA gives you the opportunity to gain access to world-class teaching at the Business School, with the support of your employer and the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). Once the SLA is complete, you have also completed the core modules of the MBA, making it easy to progress onto the OMBA." 

Vicky Sykes-Kondic's journey is a testament to the seamless integration of the SLA and OMBA programmes at our School, offering a flexible and comprehensive pathway for aspiring business leaders. 

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