6 December 2022 - 6 December 2022
10:30AM - 12:00PM
Room 215 Durham Business School Durham University Mill Hill Lane Durham DH1 3LB UK
Professor Stewart Miller will be giving a talk on CSR violations among domestic and foreign firms.
Professor Stewart Miller
Abstract: CSR violations among domestic and foreign firms: a study of environmental misconduct in the United States. The present study develops a theoretical framework to examine local media coverage of CSR violations by domestic and foreign firms. Specifically, we draw upon two literatures – expectation violation theory and the ingroup-outgroup literature – to examine how foreignness influences the likelihood of local media coverage following environmental misconduct and whether foreignness moderates the effect of CSR reputation on local media coverage. Using firm-level data on environmental violations in the United States, we find support for our hypotheses, thus contributing to the corporate social responsibility and liability of foreignness literatures and providing new insights for the liability of good reputation literature.
Biography: Stewart Miller is Professor of Management in the Department of Management at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Also, he is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at UT Health - San Antonio. His research interests include international strategy, liability of foreignness, internationalization, corporate social responsibility, executive misconduct, and research methods. He has taught various international courses as well as research methods.
He has over 60 publications include scholarly articles, cases, teaching notes, and book chapters. His articles have appeared in Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Organization Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Global Strategy Journal, Management International Review, International Business Review and Long-Range Planning, International Journal of Operations & Production Management among others. Also, he co-authored (with H. Deresky) the textbook, International Management (10th edition). He was President (2018-2022) and a Co-Founder of the Academy of International Business Research Methods SIG (RM-SIG). Now he is Immediate Past President of the RM-SIG. He was the 2020 Chapter Chair for the AIB Southeast US Chapter. He is a Consulting Editor for Journal of International Business Studies. Lastly, he loves flying airplanes.
1030-1100: Networking
1100-1200: CSR violations among the domestic and foreign firms: A study of environmental misconduct in the United States