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Georgios P. Piperopoulos


Prof Georgios Piperopoulos Honorary Professor in Management and Marketing in the Business School


Professor Dr Georgios P. Piperopoulos received his Bachelor’s, Master’s and Ph.D. degrees studying sociology and psychology at American, German and Austrian Universities. Spanning a career both as an academic and practitioner for over 5 decades at both sides of the Atlantic he is now retired from his chair as Professor in Management, Communication and Public Relations, Department of Business Administration, at the University of Macedonia, in Thessaloniki, Greece. He was part of the faculty team which developed and introduced three decades ago the MBA programs at the University of Macedonia. In addition to developing and teaching both u/g and p/g courses at the University of Macedonia he also designed and taught Leadership, Communication, Stress Management, Communication and Psychological Operations courses at the Supreme Joint War College (Army, Navy, Air Force) of the Hellenic Armed Forces; the Hellenic Army Staff training School; the Hellenic Police Continuing Education Centre and the United Nations Peace Serving Operations Training Centre in Greece (UNPSOTC). As a practitioner, Professor Piperopoulos held a variety of top managerial posts in large multinational enterprises and public organizations in the USA and Greece and was a management consultant to various Greek national and multinational enterprises. He has been a prominent guest on Greek TV and radio programs as an expert commentator on sociological, psychological and business themes, while he also hosted for several years his weekly TV and radio programs entitled ‘I Communicate Therefore I am’ in Greek National TV and Radio stations in Greece. His publications include several textbooks and bestselling practitioner books in Greek and English, while he also authored hundreds of articles and editorials in leading Greek Newspapers and magazines. His currently available 5 e-books have already surpassed the 1,500,000 downloads globally (See them below). He joined Durham University Business School as Honorary Professor in Management and Marketing in late 2019 and in 2022 his appointment was extended to 2025. He had earlier served as a visiting Professor, in the Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University and Newcastle University Business School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.


Most recent authored books 5 (https//

Piperopoulos, G. & Piperopoulou, A.N. Addictions: An Eternal Human Condition

Piperopoulos, G.  Control your Stress & Manage your time!..

Piperopoulos, G. Fundamentals of Communication, PR and Leadership – (I Communicate Therefore I am.)

Piperopoulos, G. & Piperopoulou, A.N. Managing Primary and Secondary Schools – A Primer.

Piperopoulos, G. Psychologically Safe Workplaces: Utopia Revisited.