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Ustinov College Travel Awards

Ustinov College Travel Awards of £100 are available to assist current Ustinov students to attend academic conferences, workshops (linked to their studies), University sport or wider student experience (WSE) opportunities (theatre, music etc.). Ustinov College Travel Awards are not available for fieldwork, attending summer schools or career fairs. 

The application cycle for 2023-24 is now closed and will reopen in the next academic year.
Deadline for applications:
  • Michaelmas term- Friday 24th November 2023
  • Epiphany term - Friday 23rd February 2024
  • Easter term - Friday 24th May 2024

How to Apply

Ustinov College Travel Awards are available to assist current Ustinov students to attend academic conferences and workshops linked to their studies. You do not have to be presenting a paper at the conference to be eligible for the award, but preference may be given to applicants who are presenting a paper.

The award panel meets once each term, and decisions are usually communicated within two weeks of the panel meeting.

To apply for a Ustinov College Travel Award, complete the form below, and ask your supervisor to submit a supporting letter to which must be received by the deadline. Please note applications cannot be considered without a supporting letter.

Terms and Conditions

  • The Travel Award can be used to cover travel costs, conference fees, accommodation and subsistence. (linked to studies or WSE opportunities)
  • Ustinov College Travel Awards are not available for fieldwork, attending summer schools or career fairs.
  • Applicants may only receive one Ustinov College Travel Award per academic year.
  • Travel and other expenditure under the grant must take place before the next term’s deadline for applications. Applications for retrospective travel are only permitted in exceptional circumstances. The awards panel meets once every term.
  • Successful applicants must submit proof of their attendance, as well as a short report or article about their trip which may be published in the College magazine and online blog, The Ustinovian, and on the College website.
  • Names of award holders and photos submitted as part of the report will be published on the College website - any award holder who does not wish their photo / name to appear on the website should inform the Membership Secretary (Admissions) at the point of the award being made.

Application form

Please click here to access the the application form. 


University student
I am developing MammalWeb, a new web platform where anyone can help to classify wild animals photographed with motion triggered wildlife cameras. I signed up to present my work at the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology in Montpellier. All of this helped a 1st year PhD student like me to find their bearing during the beginning of their research career.

Pen Yuan Hsing
PhD Biosciences