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Explore Durham’s history with new app

Durham is a uniquely beautiful and historic place to live and study. Now you can explore its past with a new interactive app. 

Google customer ratings more important than hygiene ratings

A good Google review rating from customers is more important for restaurants, and more likely to draw in customers, than a good health and safety rating, according to new research from the Business School.
Table full of food

The benefits of having a world-leading university at the heart of our city and a final thank you for your support

Vice Chancellor, Stuart Corbridge, comments on how having a world-leading university at the heart of our city, county and region is of immense benefit to our communities and the local economy and expresses his thanks as his role comes to an end.
Banner image of Vice Chancellor, Stuart Corbridge

New funding to turn research into business

More successful businesses and more and better jobs are in the making, thanks to new funding for an innovative research commercialisation programme.
Group stood outside Palatine Centre for Northern Accelerator project

Funding boost for sustainable cleaning products

A partnership which hopes to help re-invent everyday cleaning products to meet the world’s sustainability challenges has been awarded £1.9m from the UK Government.
A range of household cleaning products such as pan and brush and sponges

Unravelling the Sun’s knotty problem

Our mathematicians are helping to unravel the knotty problem of how solar energy is injected into the Sun’s atmosphere before being released into space.
Magnetic loops on the Sun

Gigantic helium balloon to launch space telescope

Our astronomers are part of an international team building a new kind of telescope.

Reducing social housing stigma in England

A new report investigating the stigma attached to social housing in England has revealed its significant negative impact to residents’ lives and wellbeing. The research, by Dr Mercy Denedo of the School and Dr Amanze Ejiogu of the University of Leicester School of Business, identified the actions of the Government, social housing providers and the media as the key influencers behind such perceptions.
Social housing block against the sky

Record number of Durham stars at Tokyo Olympics

We’re proud to have one current and seven former students representing their home nations at the upcoming Tokyo Olympic Games. We have a rich history of sporting success: since 2013, we’ve been Britain’s Number 1 Team Sport University, supporting over 50 capped internationals per year as well as an ever-growing performance and participation programme.
Student Fiona by Olympics rings and playing hockey

Proudly supporting Durham’s UK City of Culture bid

County Durham has launched its bid to be named UK City of Culture 2025 and we’re very proud to be a principal partner in this exciting initiative.
Durham Castle and grounds

University to offer free Skills Bootcamps as part of a national scheme

We are delighted to be able to offer two national Skills Bootcamps, which have been developed by the Department for Education to boost career prospects in the technology sector.

Top 20 in UK for student satisfaction

Our overall student satisfaction rating is 81%, placing us in the Top 20 in the UK and Top 4 in the Russell Group of elite UK universities. The National Student Survey (NSS), an independent annual survey, evaluates how satisfied students are with the quality of their experience at university.
Students on Lower Mountjoy site