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Research Commercialisation and the creation of spinout companies

Durham University takes responsibility for the commercialisation of its research and knowledge seriously as a distinctive form of knowledge transfer from the Institution. It has a structured and systematic approach supported by an experienced team of professional staff.

We define commercialisation to refer to any mechanism by which intellectual property, knowhow or expertise is developed and delivered into markets or paid for applications.  It includes spinout companies, including both for-profit companies and social enterprises, licensing and sale of IP, and the commercialisation of know-how and expertise.

Durham University’s IP policy holds the following strategic values with respect to exploitation of Intellectual Property:

  1. The Research and Engagement Strategy sets out a long-term vision of research that leads to benefits to society where “high quality research – including research engagement and impact - expands knowledge and deepens understanding of humanity and the natural world. More applied research generates impact by developing practices, technologies and policies which deliver social, economic, cultural and environmental benefits.”

  2. It is our public duty to disseminate the outputs of research undertaken within the University and it is required by UKRI that this transfer of knowledge is directly to industry and commerce in appropriate cases.

  3. Raising revenue through licensing fees, royalties or equity sale is a by-product, not a primary objective. For example, University spinouts create value for Durham University in several domains as they support impact case studies, act as customers of research and other services from the University, become research partners in collaborative research projects and provide dividends or capital gains through shares owned by the University.

The policy expects that Intellectual Property originating from its activities should be exploited and transferred into use wherever possible and by the most effective means. Identified aims include the delivery of impact – into the economy, social and environmental development and regional economic growth and to support academic endeavour which provides a high-quality translation mechanism for our academic staff and encourages academic staff to locate and prosper at the University.

The University’s Strategy Refresh has placed strong emphasis on further strengthening the impact of the University’s research on the economy, society and on environmental priorities, including through commercialisation.

Durham University and the Spinout Review

An independent report by Professor Irene Tracey and Doctor Andrew Williamson of university eco-systems and practice supporting spinout companies was published on 21 November 2023.  The UK Government’s prompt response fully accepted the recommendations of the Spinout Review. Durham University has substantively adopted the Review’s best practices.
Read our full statement of adoption.

Northern Accelerator

Northern Accelerator is an innovative collaboration between Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland, Teesside and York Universities.

It has transformed research commercialisation in the North East, helping address regional imbalance and strengthening the region’s knowledge economy.

Northern Accelerator supports academics and business leaders to create promising spinout businesses from their world-leading academic research. These businesses create high quality jobs and raise significant investment in the North East and North Yorkshire.

Northern Accelerator is funded by Research England’s Connecting Capability Fund and the InTUNE partnership which is funded by the  UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North of Tyne Combined Authority and Durham County Council.

Find out more about Northern Accelerator (external link)