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Neither the Albanian Dëftesë Pjekurie (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) nor the Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore (Diploma of State Matura) are currently accepted for direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare / Bachelor (First Level (University) Diploma / Bachelor's degree) with an overall mark of 9/10 or above;
Master Shkencave (master of science) or the kandidat i shkencave with an overall mark of 9/10 or above;
Please note the Diplomë Universitare alone is not sufficient preparation for postgraduate study at Durham University.
The Bátxelor is accepted with a minimum grade of 8.5/10.
The Armenian Certificate of Secondary General Education alone is not accepted for undergraduate direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
A Level
Araratian Baccalaureate
Two years at an Armenian University
A*A*A in extended level subjects
An average of 80% or a GPA of 3.3/4.0
A*AA in extended level subjects
AAA in extended level subjects
AAB in extended level subjects
ABB in extended level subjects
Bachelor’s degree (Diplom bakalari astichan) awarded after 2004, a Specialist Diploma (Diplom masnageti) or Master’s degree (Diplom magistrosi astichan) from an accredited University with an average GPA of at least 3.3/4, 4.5/5, or 80% depending on grading system.
Reifeprüfung / Matura (Allgemeinbildende Hoehere Schule)
Pass with high distinction (Mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg bestanden) with the majority of subjects at grade 1 (sehr gut).
Pass with distinction (mit gutem erfolg bestanden) with the majority of subjects at least grade 2.
Bachelor’s degree (3 years) with minimum GPA 2.3/5 (Gut).
The Атэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi (Certificate of General Secondary Education) is not accepted for undergraduate direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
A Specialist Diploma or Master’s Diploma with a score of 8.5/10 or 4.25/5 with a minimum of 5 years of study completed from an accepted institution.
Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs/Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur/Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts
85% or 8.5/10 or 18/20 overall with minimum of 90% or 9/10 or 19/20 in three subjects
85% or 8.5/10 or 18/20 overall
80% or 8/10 or 17/20 overall
70% or 7/10 or 15/20 overall
Licentiaat/ Licencié with a final classification of Satisfaction/Op voldoende wijze/Geslaagd and overall average mark of at least 70% or 14/20.
Bachelor’s degree (from 2004) with a final classification of Satisfaction/Op voldoende wijze/Geslaagd and an overall average mark of at least 70% or 14/20.
Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (RS) / Diploma o završenoj srednjoj školi (FiBH) (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)
4.8 overall
4.6 overall
4.4 overall
4.2 overall
4.0 overall
Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja/ Diplomirani (Advanced Diploma of Higher Education/ Bachelor degree) in an appropriate subject with a score of 9/10, 4.5/5 or grade B from an accepted institution.
Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)
Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie
5.8 overall, to include 3 state examinations, with 5.85 specified subjects
5.7 overall, to include 3 state examinations, with 5.85 in specified subjects
5.6 overall, to include 3 state examinations, with 5.75 in specified subjects
5.5 overall, to include 3 state examinations, with 5.75 in specified subjects
5.4 overall, to include 3 state examinations, with 5.65 in specified subjects
Бакалавър (Bachelor degree) / Професионален бакалавър (Professional Bachelor degree) with a minimum overall grade of 4.5/6 from an approved University.
Svjedodžba o Maturi (Certificate of Maturity) in conjunction with the Drzavna Matura
5 overall in the Svjedodžba, with at least 5 at Higher Level in required subjects in the Drzavna Matura. At least three exams must be taken at Higher Level and a minimum grade of 4 should be achieved in any additional subjects.
4.9 overall in the Svjedodžba, with at least 5 at Higher Level in required subjects in the Drzavna Matura. At least three exams must be taken at Higher Level and a minimum grade of 4 should be achieved in any additional subjects.
4.8 overall in the Svjedodžba, with at least 4.75 at Higher Level in required subjects in the Drzavna Matura. At least three exams must be taken at Higher Level and a minimum grade of 4 should be achieved in any additional subjects.
4.7 overall in the Svjedodžba, with at least 4.75 at Higher Level in required subjects in the Drzavna Matura. At least three exams must be taken at Higher Level and a minimum grade of 4 should be achieved in any additional subjects.
4.6 overall in the Svjedodžba, with at least 4.75 at Higher Level in required subjects in the Drzavna Matura. At least three exams must be taken at Higher Level and a minimum grade of 4 should be achieved in any additional subjects.
A Diploma Visoko Obrazovanje (Advanced Diploma of Education – when awarded before 2005) of at least four years or Bacclaureus (Bachelor’s – started after 2005) with a minimum grade of 4 (Vrlo Dobar).
Apolytirion of Lykeion
19/20 or above in the Apolytirion and 2 A-levels with grades between A*-B
18.5/20 or above in the Apolytirion and 2 A-levels with grades between A*-B
Ptychio (Bachelor degree) from an approved University with a minimum overall grade of 7.5/10 or GPA of 3.3.
Maturitni Zkouška / Maturita (minimum of four subjects)
1 in three subjects, with 2 or better in all other subjects, with 1 in required subjects.
1 in the majority of subjects, with 2 or better in all other subjects, with 1 in required subjects.
2 or better in all subjects, with 1 in required subjects.
Bakalář (Bachelor degree) issued post 2002 with a minimum of 1.5; B (velmi dobre).
Studentereksamen (STX, HHX or HTX or HF)
an average of 10 overall with 10 in at least four level A subjects, including 12 in required subjects.
an average of 10 overall with 10 in at least three level A subjects, including 12 in required subjects, and at least 8 in another level A subject.
an average of 10 overall with 10 in at least two level A subjects, including 10 in required subjects, and at least 8 in two other level A subjects.
Bachelor degree / Candidatus Philosophiae (3 years) or Diplomingeniør (Engineer) with a minimum grade of 7/12.
Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Secondary School Certificate) including the Rligieksum
Overall score of 5 in the Gumnaasiumi loputunnistus with scores of 95%, 95%, 90% in 3 state (Riigeksam) exams and a minimum of 90% in required subjects.
Overall score of 5 in the Gumnaasiumi loputunnistus with scores of 95%, 90%, 90% in 3 state (Riigeksam) exams and a minimum of 90% in required subjects.
Overall score of 5 in the Gumnaasiumi loputunnistus with scores of with scores of 90%, 90%, 90% in 3 state (Riigeksam) exams and a minimum of 90% in required subjects.
Overall score of 4.5 in the Gumnaasiumi loputunnistus with scores of 90%, 90%, 85% in 3 state (Riigeksam) exams
Overall score of 4.5 in the Gumnaasiumi loputunnistus with scores of 90%, 90%, 85% in 3 state (Riigeksam) exams and a minimum of 90% in required subjects.
Bakalaurusekraad with a grade of 4/ B.
A levels
Pass with overall result of 85%
Pass with overall result of 80%
Pass with overall result of 75%
Pass with overall result of 70%
Where specific subjects are required:
A* = 9 in the required subject(s)
A = 8.5 in the required subject(s)
B = 8 in the required subject(s)
Ylioppilastutkinto / studentexamen
Pass with 7776 in four subjects with 7 in required subjects.
Pass with 7766 in four subjects with a minimum of 6 in required subjects.
Pass with 7666 in four subjects with a minimum of 6 in required subjects.
Pass with 6666 in four subjects with a minimum of 6 in required subjects.
Kandidaati/ Kandidat with 2.3/3 or 4/5.
Baccalaureate General (including Option International du Baccalaureate, OIB)
17 Très bien overall – minimum of 17 in required subjects.
16 Très bien overall – minimum of 16 in required subjects.
15 Bien overall – minimum of 16 in required subjects.
14 Bien overall – minimum of 15 in required subjects.
14 Bien overall – minimum of 14 in required subjects.
Licence (obtained since 2008)/Maitrise/ Diplôme d'Ingénieur / Architecte Diplômé d'État with 13/20.
The General Education Diploma (Sashualo Ganatlebis Atestasi) is not currently accepted for direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
Bachelor’s degree (Bakalavris Khariskhi) /Specialist Diploma (Umaghlesi Ganatlebis Diplomi) when awarded after 4 years or more of study/ Master’s degree (Magistris Khariskhi) with an average GPA of at least 4.0/5 or 80%.
At least 1.2 overall with minimum 13/15 in required subjects at Higher Level (Leistungkurse)
At least 1.4 overall with minimum 13/15 in required subjects at Higher Level (Leistungkurse)
At least 1.6 overall with minimum 12/15 in required subjects at Higher Level (Leistungkurse)
At least 1.8 overall with minimum 12/15 in required subjects at Higher Level (Leistungkurse)
At least 2.0 overall with minimum 12/15 in required subjects at Higher Level (Leistungkurse)
First State Exam (Erstes Staatsexamen: Jura / Sekundarstufe II / Sonderpädagogische Lehrämter) - when awarded up to and including 2002/ Erste Staatsprüfung (Primarstufe / Sekundarstufe I) / Bachelor’s (post-2002)/ Zeugnis über den Zweiten Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung with minimum overall grade of 2.4/4.0 or 2.59/5.0.
19/20 or above in the Apolytirion and 2 A-levels with grades between A* and A
18.5/20 or above in the Apolytirion and 2 A-levels with grades between A* and A
Ptychio (Bachelor degree) from an approved University with a minimum overall grade of 7.5/10.
Erettsegi / Matura
5 final subjects taken in the Hungarian Matura. 95%, 90% in two Advanced level subjects and 85%, 85%, 80% in three Intermediate level subjects
5 final subjects taken in the Hungarian Matura. 90%, 90% in two Advanced level subjects and 85%, 80%, 80% in three Intermediate level subjects
5 final subjects taken in the Hungarian Matura. 85%, 85% in two Advanced level subjects and 80%, 80%, 80% in three Intermediate level subjects
5 final subjects taken in the Hungarian Matura. 80%, 80% in two Advanced level subjects and 80%, 80%, 75% in three Intermediate level subjects
Alapfokozat or Egyetemi Oklevél with minimum 3.51/5.
Studentsprof (from Gymnasium)
Overall average score of 9/10 with 9 in required subjects
Overall average score of 8.5/10 with 8.5 in required subjects
Overall average score of 8/10 with 8.5 in required subjects
Overall average score of 8/10 with 8 in required subjects
Overall average score of 7.5/10 with 8 in required subjects
Baccalaurreatus or Bakkalárpróf or Candidatus with a minimum of 7.25/10.
Irish Leaving Certificate (Higher level)
H1, H1, H1, H2, H2
H1, H1, H2, H2, H2
H2, H2, H2, H2, H2
H2, H2, H2, H3, H3
H2, H2, H3, H3, H3
H3, H3, H3, H3, H3
For specified subjects:
H1 = A*, H2 = A, H3 = B, H4 = C
Esame di Stato
Overall average grade of 97% or above, with 90% in required subjects.
Overall average grade of 95% or above, with 90% in required subjects.
Overall average grade of 92% or above, with 90% in required subjects.
Overall average grade of 88% or above, with 90% in required subjects.
Overall average grade of 85% or above, with 85% in required subjects.
Laurea (a three-year bachelor’s degree)/Diploma Accademico di Primo Livello/ Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti/ Diploma di Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche with a minimum overall grade of 97/110, with a minimum of 26/30 in core courses.
Diplomë për kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë is currently not accepted for direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
Baҫelor / Baccalaureus (Bachelor Degree) from an approved Kosovan institution, with a GPA score of at least B or 9/10 (Very Good).
The Latvian Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu is currently not accepted for direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
Postgraduate Taught
A minimum of four years study and been awarded the Bakalaurs degree (commenced after 2000) with a minimum final grade of 8/10 or better.
Liechtenstein Matura
6.0 overall including at least 6 in two subjects and 5 in one
6.0 overall including at least 5 in three subjects
5.5 overall including at least 5 in two subjects and 4 in one
5.5 overall including at least 5 in one subject and 4 in two
Bachelor Degree / Dipl Ing (FH) - Fachhochschule Diplom / Dipl Arch (FH) / Magister Philosophiae with an overall grade of 5/6 or Good.
Brandos Atestatas (Certificate of Maturity from a Gymnasium or Secondary School)
Overall average 9.5 in the school matura, to include at least three state examinations at 95%, 95%, 90%
Overall average 9.5 in the school matura, to include at least three state examinations at 95%, 90%, 90%
Overall average 9 in the school matura, to include at least three state examinations at 90%, 90%, 90%
Overall average 9 in the school matura, to include at least three state examinations at 90%, 90%, 85%
Overall average 9 in the school matura, to include at least three state examinations at 90%, 85%, 85%
Bakalauro Diplomas (Bachelor's Degree) or Profesinis Bakalauras (Professional Bachelor's Degree) with minimum 9/10 or 84%.
Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires
Pass with an overall score of 50 or above with a minimum of 50 points in required subjects.
Pass with an overall score of 48 or above with a minimum of 50 in required subjects.
Pass with an overall score of 47 or above with a minimum of 48 in required subjects.
Pass with an overall score of 46 or above with a minimum of 46 in required subjects.
Pass with an overall score of 45 or above with a minimum of 45 in required subjects.
A Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 16/20.
Advanced Matriculation (AM) / Matriculation Certificate Examination- (as examined by University of Malta (MATSEC) only)
Pass with AA at Advanced Level and AAA at Intermediate level. Excludes Intermediate Level in Systems of Knowledge
Pass with AA at Advanced Level and AAB at Intermediate level. Excludes Intermediate Level in Systems of Knowledge
Pass with AB at Advanced Level and ABB at Intermediate level. Excludes Intermediate Level in Systems of Knowledge
Bachelor’s degree with minimum of 70% (Upper Second Class).
The Diploma de Bacalaureat is currently not accepted for direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
Diploma de Licenţă (Diploma of Licentiate) with a minimum score of 9/10 from an approved institution.
Diploma o polozenom maturskom ispitu
5,5,5,5 with 5 in required subjects.
5,5,5,4 with 5 in required subjects.
5,5,4,4 with 5 in required subjects
5,4,4,4 with 4.5 in required subjects.
Diploma o završenim osnovnim akademskim studijama (Diploma of Completed Academic Undergraduate Studies) or Diploma primenjenih osnovnih studija (Diploma of Professional Undergraduate Studies) with overall grade of 9 and above, or B and above.
VWO (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs)
Minimum of grade 8.5 overall plus three subjects with a minimum of grade 9, 9, 8 – with minimum of 8.5 in any required subject(s).
Minimum of grade 8.3 overall plus three subjects with a minimum of grade 9, 8, 8 – with minimum of 8 in any required subject(s).
Minimum of grade 8 overall plus three subjects with a minimum of grade 8, 8, 8 – with minimum of 8 in any required subject(s).
Minimum of grade 7.8 overall plus three subjects with a minimum of grade 8, 8, 7 – with minimum of 8 in any required subject(s).
Minimum of grade 7.5 overall plus three subjects with a minimum of grade 8, 7, 7 – with minimum of 7.5 in any required subject(s).
A bachelor’s degree or doctoraal with a minimum of 7/10.
Macedonian Secondary School Leaving Diploma/Matura
An overall grade of 5.0, with 5.0 in required subject(s).
An overall grade of 4.9 – 4.99, with 5.0 in required subject(s).
An overall grade of 4.8 – 4.89, with 5.0 in required subject(s).
An overall grade of 4.7 – 4.79, with 5.0 in required subject(s).
A Baccalaureus/Baccalaurea/Bachelor’s Degree (4 – 6 years) or Magistar/Master’s degree with a minimum of 9/10.
Norweigan Vitnemål fra den Videregående Skole (VVO)
Overall grade 5 with minimum of 5 in required subject(s).
Overall grade 4.9 with minimum of 5 in required subject(s).
Overall grade 4.8 with minimum of 5 in required subject(s).
Overall grade 4.7 with minimum of 5 in required subject(s).
Students applying for mathematics or science-based programmes which require mathematics and further mathematics at A- level will require VVO mathematics at R1 followed by R2 level
S2 mathematics is required for applicants to Social Science programmes which require Maths A- level
Bachelorgrad (2003 onwards), Candidatus/a Magisterii (cand. Mag.), Sivilingeniør (siv.ing) (Engineering degree), Siviløkonom (siv. øk.) with a minimum of grade B or 2.0.
Polish Swiadectwo Dojrzałości / Matura
Overall average of 90% or above to include at least 3 advanced level courses, 2 of which are at 90% or above with the other advanced level course at 85% including required subject(s).
Overall average of 90% or above overall (to include at least 3 advanced level courses, 1 of which is at 90% or above with the other 2 advanced level courses at 85%) including required subject(s).
Overall average of 85% or above overall (to include at least 3 advanced level courses at 85%) including required subject(s).
Overall average of 80% or above (to include at least 3 advanced level courses, 1 of which is at 85% or above with the other 2 advanced level courses at 80%)
Overall average of 80% or above (to include at least 3 advanced level courses, 2 of which are at 80% or above with the other advanced level course at 75%)
Licencjat / Inżynier (Bachelor degree) (post-2005) with an overall grade of 4.5/5, B or Better than good.
Diploma Nível Secundário de Educação / Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação
Overall average score of 19 or above with 19 in at least three subjects including required subject(s).
Overall average score of 18 or above with 19 in at least two subjects including required subject(s) and one subject at 18.
Overall average score of 18 or above with 18 in at least three subjects including required subject(s).
Overall average score of 18 or above with 18 in at least two subjects including required subject(s) and one subject at 17.
Overall average score of 17 or above with 18 in at least one subject including required subject(s) and two subjects at 17.
Licenciado or Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados - DESE with 16/20, Bom com distinção (good with distinction).
Diplomă de Bacalaureat
Minimum 9.5 overall with at least 9.5 in two subjects plus at least 9.0 in one subject to include required subject(s).
Minimum 9.3 overall with at least 9.5 in two subjects plus at least 9.0 in one subject to include required subject(s).
Minimum 9.0 overall with at least 9.0 in three subjects to include required subject(s).
Minimum 8.7 overall with at least 9.0 in two subjects plus at least 8.5 in one subject to include required subject(s).
Minimum 8.5 overall with at least 9.0 in one subject plus at least 8.5 in two subjects to include required subject(s).
Diploma de Licenta/Diploma de Inginer degree with a minimum final grade of 8/10 or better.
The Russian (Attestat) Certificate of Secondary Education at grade 11 is not sufficient for direct entry.
Applicants with at least two years of a Bachelor’s Degree or Specialist Diploma in a relevant subject with an average score of 4/5 may be considered for first year entry to undergraduate programmes.
Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma with 4/5.
Диплома о стеченом среднем образованиy / Diploma o stecenom srednem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) / Matura (less than 5 years)
Overall average score of 5, with 5 in required subject(s).
Overall average score of 4.5, with 5 in required subject(s).
Diplomirani or Diplom Visokog Obrazovanja with 9/10 from a recognised University in Serbia.
Maturitná skúška / Maturita
výborný (1) in the majority of subjects, and at least 4 subjects should be taken, with 85% in required subject(s).
Bakalár awarded since 2005 with grade B or 1.5 or 86% minimum.
Slovenian Matura / Secondary School Leaving Diploma
Successfully complete the Matura examinations with a minimum score of 5,5,5,5,5 in five individual subjects (including two higher level subjects).
Successfully complete the Matura examinations with a minimum score of 5,5,5,5,4 in five individual subjects (including two higher level subjects).
Successfully complete the Matura examinations with a minimum score of 5,5,5,4,4 in five individual subjects (including two higher level subjects).
Successfully complete the Matura examinations with a minimum score of 5,5,4,4,4 in five individual subjects (including two higher level subjects).
Successfully complete the Matura examinations with a minimum score of 5,4,4,4,4 in five individual subjects (including two higher level subjects).
Note: Higher level mathematics or higher level in a language may be required for some programmes (any programme requiring an A-level in maths or an A-level in a language) and students should achieve a mark of between 6 – 8. In such a case, this grade would replace one of the specified grades.
University Diploma (Univerzitetni Diplomant) with a minimum of grade 8.5/10.
Curso de Orientación Universitaria (COU) / Título de Bachillerato
Overall 9.2 or above
Overall 9.0 or above
Overall 8.8 or above
Overall 8.5 or above
Overall 8.0 or above
Note: 9 may be required in specified required subjects, and Faculty of Science courses/departments require the Science and Technology strand.
Titulo Universitario Oficial de Graduado/Titulo Universitario Oficial de Ingerio/Titulo Universitario Oficial de Licenciado with minimum 7.5 out of 10.
Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola (previously Studentexamen) (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
2500 credits taken with an overall score of 19.5 including ABB in specified subjects
2500 credits taken with an overall score of 19.0 including BBB in specified subjects
2500 credits taken with an overall score of 16.0 including BBC in specified subjects
Bachelor’s degree with VG (Väl godkänd) - Pass with distinction.
Federal Maturity Certificate/Maturitätszeugnis/ Certificat de Maturité/ Baccalauréat/ Attestato di Maturità
Overall score of 5.5 with 5.5 in required subject(s)
Overall score of 5.2 with 5 in required subject(s)
Overall score of 5 with 5 in required subject(s)
Overall score of 4.8 with 5 in required subject(s)
Overall score of 4.6 with 4.5 in required subject(s)
Diplôme/Diplom/Diploma/Diplôme d'État/Staatsdiplom/Diploma di Stato/Licence/Lizentiat/Licenza with an overall a grade of 5 out of 6, or 8 out of 10, or 2 out of 5 (where 1 is the highest grade)
Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School Diploma) or Lise Bitirme Diplomasi (Private High School Finishing Diploma)
Final year (year 12) grade of 86% or higher – with 85% in required subjects – provided the school is on the approved high school list
Final year (year 12) grade of 85% or higher – with 85% in required subjects – provided the school is on the approved high school list
Final year (year 12) grade of 84% or higher – with 85% in required subjects – provided the school is on the approved high school list
Final year (year 12) grade of 83% or higher – with 85% in required subjects – provided the school is on the approved high school list
If you are unsure whether your school is on our approved high school list for the Turkish Diplomasi please contact us here to confirm.
Students studying IB, American APs/SATs, or other recognised international qualifications in addition to the Turkish Diplomasi will ordinarily be made an either/ or offer on both systems.
Lisans Diplomasi with a GPA of 3.0+ depending on institution ranking, from an approved institution. Please note this GPA requirement will be lower or higher depending on the institution ranking; please contact us here to confirm our normal GPA requirement for your institution.
The Ukrainian Certificate of Secondary School Education (Atestat pro Povnu Zagal'nu Sersdniu Osvitu) is currently not accepted for direct entry to any of our bachelor degree programmes. Candidates should take a foundation course, or other suitable programme such as A-levels.
Dyplom Bakalavra (when awarded after 2007) with GPA 3.4/4 or 4.2/5.