Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 41886 |
- BA (Hons), St. David's University College, University of Wales, Lampeter, 1982
- MSc, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, 1984. Glacial Geomorphology and Chronology in the Selamiut Range/Nachvak Fjord Area, Torngat Mountains, Northern Labrador, Canada
- PhD, University of Alberta, Canada, 1988. Late Quaternary History of Phillips Inlet and the Wootton Peninsula, North West Ellesmere Island, Canadian High Arctic
- Busk Medal (Royal Geographical Society), 2017, for excellence and originality in the study of glacial landscapes and processes and empowering the next generation
I am a glacial geomorphologist and my research focuses on three themes which lie at the interface of glacial geology and Quaternary science, concentrating specifically on palaeoglaciology or the reconstruction of former glaciers and ice sheets through time:
Glacial Landsystems
My glacial geomorphological research develops conceptual landsystems models for assessments of glacial process-form relationships, concentrating primarily on modern analogues from a variety of glacierized catchments, ranging from the arid high arctic to hyper-humid, mid latitude mountains. Around the North Atlantic this has included photogrammetric survey and mapping of glacier snouts and the initiation of long term process-form monitoring projects. I employ glacial landsystems models in palaeoglaciological reconstructions at the SW margin of the former Laurentide Ice Sheet in western Canada, mountain glaciations in Norway, South Georgia, Iceland New Zealand and Britain, the Innuitian Ice Sheet in the Canadian arctic and the British and Irish Ice Sheet, the latter being reported through the BRITICE-CHRONO GIS database and the Glacial Map of Britain. More recently I have been collaborating with the Engineering Geology group of the Geological Society in assembling technical guides for engineering investigations in glaciated and periglaciated terrains.
Selection of recent key publications:
- Evans D.J.A. (2017) Conceptual ground models: British and Irish case studies. In, Griffiths, J.S. & Martin, C.J. (eds.) Engineering Geology and Geomorphology of Glaciated and Periglaciated Terrains. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publication 28, 369-500
- Evans D.J.A. (2013) The glacial and periglacial research - Geomorphology and Retreating Glaciers. In, Shroder J. (ed. in chief), Giardino R. & Harbor J. (eds.), Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego. Volume 8, Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology, 460-478
- Benn D.I. & Evans D.J.A. (2010) Glaciers and Glaciation. Second edition. Hodder Education, London: 802pp
- Evans D.J.A. (ed.) (2003) Glacial Landsystems. Arnold, London: 535p
Glacial Sedimentology
My research on glacial sedimentary environments focuses on ice-marginal settings, especially in the understanding of the relationships between subglacial till genesis and glacier dynamics. This includes the development of a genetically framed classification scheme for tills and glacitectonites, which has reconciled process data with geological criteria and has elucidated the concept of a temporal and spatial mosaic of till formation. I have further linked subglacial process-form relationships to models of landform development at modern glacier margins through a combined macro- and micro-scale approach to glacial sedimentology.
Selection of recent key publications:
- Evans D.J.A. (2018) Till: A Glacial Process Sedimentology. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester: 390p
- Evans D.J.A. & Benn D.I. (eds.) (2004) A practical Guide to the Study of Glacial Sediments. Arnold, London: 266p
- Evans, D.J.A., Roberts, D.H., Hiemstra, J.F., Nye, K.M., Wright, H. & Steer, A. (2018) Submarginal debris transport and till formation in active temperate glacier systems: the southeast Iceland type locality. Quaternary Science Reviews 195, 72-108
Quaternary Palaeoenvironments of Glaciated Basins (Palaeoglaciology)
I contribute to reconstructions of former glacier ice cover in various locations around the Earth, using my expertise in palaeoglaciology and glacial sedimentology. This includes histories of glaciation and associated relative sea level change in the Canadian High Arctic and Arctic mainland, Svalbard, Arctic Norway, Iceland and South Georgia. On longer timescales this includes also the detailed records of the onset of Quaternary glaciation in western Canada based upon the evolution of preglacial valley systems and their glacigenic infills.
Selection of recent key publications:
- Evans D.J.A. (2018) Glaciation - A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press
- Clark C.D., Ely J.C., Greenwood S.L., Hughes A.L.C., Meehan R., Barr I.D., Bateman M.D., Bradwell T., Doole J., Evans D.J.A., Jordan C.J., Monteys X., Pellicer X.M. & Sheehy M. (2018) BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Boreas 47, 11-27
- Evans D.J.A. (2016) Landscapes at the periphery of glacierization - retrospect and prospect. Scottish Geographical Journal 132, 140-163
Vatnajökull National Park (Southern Region): Guide to a Glacial Landscape Legacy
Professor David J.A. Evans. Reykjavík: Vatnajökull National Park, 2016. ISBN 978-9935-9343-0-7
"Professor Evans has not only produced that 'more than normal' textbook, he has also provided a magnificent array of maps, diagrams, tabulated data, and photographs, mostly in colour. Many of the full-page colour photographs stand independently as breathtaking works of art that I long to have on my living room walls. His written expression is excellent and parallels the outstanding exposition of his unsurpassed scientific competence".
(Jack Ives, Arctic 70(2): 220).
Iceland Maps
- Glacial Geomorphology of the Ice Cap Piedmont Lobe Landsystem of East Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland
- Glacial Geomorphology of Hoffellsjökull, South East Iceland
- Glacial Geomorphology of Hoffellsjökull, South East Iceland
- Glacial Geomorphology of Teesdale, Northern England: Impacts of Local and Regional Ice Streams in the British-Irish Ice Sheet
- Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland: glacial geomorphology recording glacier recession since the Little Ice Age
Research interests
- Quaternary palaeoenvironments
- palaeoglaciology and landsystems
Authored book
- O Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2019). Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and Glacial History of Southern Ireland - INQUA Field Guide. (New ed.). Irish Quaternary Association
- Evans, D. (2018). Till - A glacial process sedimentology. (1). Wiley
- Evans, D. (2018). Glaciation - A Very Short Introduction. (New ed.). Oxford University Press
- Benn, D., & Evans, D. (2010). Glaciers and Glaciation. (Second). Hodder Education
- Evans, D., & Rose, J. (2003). C. Green, M. Naish, & S. Naish (Eds.), Classic Landforms of the Loch Lomond Area. Geographical Association
Chapter in book
- Evans, D., & Evans, I. (2022). Glacial Processes and Landforms. In T. Burt, A. Goudie, & H. Viles (Eds.), The History of the Study of Landforms or the Development of Geomorphology. Volume 5: Geomorphology in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century (333-377). The Geological Society.
- Evans, D. J. (2021). Loch Lomond, Menteith and the Forth Valley. In Landscapes and Landforms of Scotland (407-424). Springer Nature.
- Hansom, J. D., & Evans, D. J. (2021). The Solway Lowlands and Coast. In Landscapes and Landforms of Scotland (467-478).
- Evans, D. (2021). Geomorphology and glacial legacy. In S. Gater (Ed.), The Natural History of Upper Weardale (75-106). (New ed.). Durham Wildlife Trust
- Evans, D. J. (2021). Glacifluvial and Glacilacustrine Landforms of the Midland Valley. In Landscapes and Landforms of Scotland (425-437).
- Evans, D. J. (2021). The Midland Valley: Ice-Moulded Lowlands. In Landscapes and Landforms of Scotland (439-452).
- Chandler, B. M., & Evans, D. J. (2021). Glacial Processes and Sediments. In Encyclopedia of Geology (830-856).
- Evans, D. (2020). Exploration science on the shore of the Arctic Ocean: a personal experience. In T. Burt, & D. Thompson (Eds.), Curious about Nature - A Passion for Fieldwork (195-198). (New ed.). Cambridge University Press
- Evans, D. (2020). Bodmin Moor. In A. Goudie, & P. Migon (Eds.), Landscapes and Landforms of England and Wales (257-268). (New ed.). Springer Nature.
- Evans, D. (2020). Lake District. In A. Goudie, & P. Migon (Eds.), Landscapes and Landforms of England and Wales (483-513). (New ed.). Springer Nature.
- Evans, D. (2018). Geomorphology and Quaternary glacial legacy. In S. Gater (Ed.), The Natural History of Upper Teesdale (59-87). (5th ed.). Durham Wildlife Trust
- England, J., Evans, D., & Lakeman, T. (2017). Holocene history of Arctic ice shelves. In Arctic Ice Shelves and Ice Islands (185-205). Springer Verlag
- Evans, D. (2013). Geomorphology and Retreating Glaciers. In J. Shroder, R. Giardino, & J. Harbor (Eds.), Treatise on Geomorphology (460-478).
- Evans, D. (2012). The Late Quaternary glaciation of northern Canada. In H. French, & O. Slaymaker (Eds.), Changing Cold Environments (26-47). Wiley.
- Carr, S., Coleman, C., Evans, D., Porter, E., & Rea, B. (2007). An alternative interpretation of Craig-y-Fro based on mass balance and radiation modelling. In S. Carr, C. Coleman, A. Humpage, & R. Shakesby (Eds.), Quaternary of the Brecon Beacons, Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (2007). Glacial erratics and till dispersal indicators. In S. Elias (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (975-978). Elsevier
- Evans, D. (2007). Glacial landsystems. In S. Elias (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (808-818). Elsevier
- Evans, D. (2007). Glacitectonic structures and landforms. In S. Elias (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (831-838). Elsevier
- Evans, D. (2007). Moraine forms and genesis. In S. Elias (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (772-784). Elsevier
- Carr, S., Coleman, C., & Evans, D. (2007). Glacier reconstruction and energy balance modelling of scarp-foot landforms at the Mynydd Du (Black Mountain). In S. Carr, C. Coleman, A. Humpage, & R. Shakesby (Eds.), Quaternary of the Brecon Beacons, Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (2007). Tills. In S. Elias (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (959-975). Elsevier
- Evans, D. (2007). Glacial Landforms. In S. Elias (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (757-772). Elsevier
- Clark, C., Greenwood, S., & Evans, D. (2006). Palaeoglaciology of the last British-Irish ice sheet: challenges and some recent developments. In P. Knight (Ed.), Glacier Science and Environmental Change (248-264). Blackwell
- Scourse, J., Hiemstra, J., & Evans, D. (2006). The glacial landscape of NE St Martin's and White Island. In J. Scourse (Ed.), The Isles of Scilly, Field Guide (102-103). Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (2006). Glacial Landsystems. In P. Knight (Ed.), Glacier Science and Environmental Change (83-88). Blackwell
- Scourse, J., Evans, D., Hiemstra, J., McCarrol, D., Rhodes, E., & Furze, M. (2006). Pleistocene stratigraphy, geomorphology and chronology. In J. Scourse (Ed.), The Isles of Scilly, Field Guide (13-22). Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D., Scourse, J., Hiemstra, J., Rhodes, E., McCarroll, D., & Furze, M. (2006). Bread and Cheese Cove. In J. Scourse (Ed.), The Isles of Scilly, Field Guide (111-122). Quaternary Research Association
- Benn, D., & Evans, D. (2006). Subglacial megafloods: outrageous hypothesis or just outrageous?. In P. Knight (Ed.), Glacier Science and Environmental Change (42-46). Blackwell
- Evans, D. (2005). The Glacier-marginal landsystems of Iceland. In C. Caseldine, A. Russell, J. Hardardottir, & O. Knudsen (Eds.), Iceland - Modern Processes and Past Environments (93-126). Elsevier
- Benn, D., & Evans, D. (2004). Introduction and rationale. In D. Evans, & D. Benn (Eds.), A Practical Guide to the Study of Glacial Sediments (1-10). Arnold
- Evans, D. (2004). Moraines. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic (1320-1321). Routledge
- Evans, D. (2004). Glaciers. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic. Routledge
- Evans, D. (2004). Fjords. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic (641-642). Routledge
- Evans, D. (2004). Ice sheets. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic. Routledge
- Benn, D., Evans, D., Phillips, E., Hiemstra, J., Walden, J., & Hoey, T. (2004). The research project - a case study of Quaternary glacial sediments. In D. Evans, & D. Benn (Eds.), A Practical Guide to the Study of Glacial Sediments (209-234). Arnold
- Evans, D. (2004). Eskers. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic. Routledge
- Evans, D. (2004). Nunatak. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic (1571-1518). Routeldge
- Evans, D. (2004). Kames. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic. Routledge
- Evans, D., & Benn, D. (2004). Facies description and the logging of sedimentary exposures. In D. Evans, & D. Benn (Eds.), A Practical Guide to the Study of Glacial Sediments (11-51). Arnold
- Evans, D. (2004). Glacial Geomorphology. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic (739-741). Routledge
- Evans, D. (2004). Glacial Deposition. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic (734-735). Routledge
- Evans, D. (2004). Glacial erosion. In M. Nuttall (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Arctic (735-738). Routledge
- Evans, D. (2003). Ice marginal terrestrial landsystems: active temperate glacier margins. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (12-43). Hodder Arnold
- Wilson, S., & Evans, D. (2003). The Menteith and Buchlyvie moraines. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (150-153). Quaternary Research Association
- Rea, B., & Evans, D. (2003). Plateau icefield landsystems. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (407-431). Hodder Arnold
- Evans, D. (2003). Esker. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (340-341). Routledge
- Evans, D. (2003). Bedrock geology and physiography of the Western Highland Boundary. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (2-4). Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D., & Rea, B. (2003). Surging glacier landsystem. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (259-288). Hodder Arnold
- Evans, D. (2003). Surging glacier. In S. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopeida of Geomorphology (1028-1029). Routledge
- Evans, D. (2003). Ice-stagnation topography. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (556-557). Routledge
- Evans, D., & Rose, J. (2003). Late Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Western Highland Boundary. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (21-29). Quaternary Research Association
- Dyke, A., & Evans, D. (2003). Ice-marginal terrestrial landsystems: northern Laurentide and Innuitian ice sheet margins. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (143-165). Hodder Arnold
- Hiemstra, J., Evans, D., & Benn, D. (2003). Drumbeg: zooming in on Unit III (an alternative scenario for deformation phase D2). In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (104-110). Quaternary Research Association
- Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & England, J. (2003). Ice-marginal terrestrial landsystems: sub-polar glacier margins of the Canadian and Greenland high arctic. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (44-64). Hodder Arnold
- Evans, D., & Hansom, J. (2003). The Whangie and Paraglacial landslides of the Campsie Fells. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (76-80). Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (2003). Bergschrund. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. Routledge
- Phillips, E., Auton, C., Evans, D., & Benn, D. (2003). Drumbeg: glacial sedimentology and tectonostratigraphy. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (88-103). Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (2003). Introduction to glacial landsystems. In D. Evans (Ed.), Glacial Landsystems (1-11). Hodder Arnold
- Evans, D., Wilson, S., & Rose, J. (2003). Glacial geomorphology of the Western Highland Boundary. In D. Evans (Ed.), The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary - Field Guide (5-20). Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (2003). Fjord. In A. Goudie (Ed.), Encyclopeida of Geomorphology (374-376). Routeldge
- Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Kelsey Hill (TA 239 266). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (77-81). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Castlethorpe (SE 978 077). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (589-583). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Speeton (TA 146 759). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (65-71). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Dimlington (TA 390 220). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (139-144). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Evans, D. (2002). Glacial Geology and Geomorphology. In R. Meyers (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (719-751). (3rd ed.). Academic Press
- Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Sewerby (TA 198 683). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (71-77). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Evans, D. (2002). Site Report: Gransmoor (TA 113 597). In D. Huddart, & N. Glasser (Eds.), Quaternary of Northern England (257-264). Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Evans, D., Thomson, S., & Clark, C. (2001). Introduction to the Late Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire: The Glacial History of East Yorkshire. In M. Bateman, P. Buckland, C. Frederick, & N. Whitehouse (Eds.), The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire: Field Guide (1-12). Quaternary Research Association
- Thomson, S., & Evans, D. (2001). Site Report: Gembling (TA 120 580). In M. Bateman, P. Buckland, C. Frederick, & N. Whitehouse (Eds.), The Quaternary of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire: Field Guide (73-81). Quaternary Research Association
Edited book
- Evans, D., & Benn, D. (Eds.). (2021). A Practical Guide to the Study of Glacial Sediments. Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (Ed.). (2018). Glacial Landsystems of Southeast Iceland: Quaternary Applications - Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D. (Ed.). (2017). The Quaternary Landscape History of Teesdale and the North Pennines - Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
- McDougall, D., & Evans, D. (Eds.). (2015). The Quaternary of the Lake District - Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
- Evans, D., & Benn, D. (Eds.). (2004). A Practical Guide to the Study of Glacial Sediments. Arnold
- Evans, D. (Ed.). (2004). Geomorphology: Critical Concepts in Geography - Volume IV, Glacial Geomorphology. Routledge
- Evans, D. (Ed.). (2003). Glacial Landsystems. Hodder Arnold
- Evans, D. (Ed.). (2003). The Quaternary of the Western Highland Boundary: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
Journal Article
- Evans, D. (in press). Chapter 4 Conceptual glacial ground models: British and Irish case studies. Engineering Geology Special Publication, 28(1), 369-500.
- Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Bateman, M. D., Ely, J., Medialdea, A., Burke, M. J., Chiverrell, R. C., Clark, C. D., & Fabel, D. (in press). A chronology for North Sea Lobe advance and recession on the Lincolnshire and Norfolk coasts during MIS 2 and 6. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association,
- Lukas, S., Preusser, F., Evans, D., Boston, C., & Lovell, H. (in press). Chapter 2 The Quaternary. Engineering Geology Special Publication, 28(1), 31-57.
- Chandler, B. M., Evans, D. J., Chandler, S. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Lovell, H., Roberts, D. H., Schaefer, M., & Tomczyk, A. M. (in press). The glacial landsystem of Fjallsjökull, Iceland: Spatial and temporal evolution of process-form regimes at an active temperate glacier. Geomorphology,
- Evans, D., Twigg, D., & Shand, M. (online). Surficial geology and geomorphology of the þorisjokull plateau icefield, west-central Iceland. Journal of Maps, 17-29
- Evans, D., Twigg, D., Rea, B., & Shand, M. (online). Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Bruajokull surging glacier landsystem. Journal of Maps, 349-367
- Giles, D., Griffiths, J., Evans, D., & Murton, J. (in press). Chapter 3 Geomorphological framework: glacial and periglacial sediments, structures and landforms. Engineering Geology Special Publication, 28(1), 59-368.
- Stoker, B. J., Dulfer, H. E., Stokes, C. R., Brown, V. H., Clark, C. D., O'Cofaigh, C., Evans, D. J., Froese, D., Norris, S. L., & Margold, M. (2025). Ice flow dynamics of the northwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation. The Cryosphere, 19(2), 869–910.
- Leigh, J. R., Jones, R. S., Stokes, C. R., Evans, D. J. A., Carr, J. R., & Andreassen, L. M. (2024). Reconstructing the Holocene glacial history of northern Troms and western Finnmark, Arctic Norway. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 53(4, Special issue: Late Middle Pleistocene (MIS 11‐6) in Europe), 619-654.
- Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., & Phillips, E. (2024). The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135(3), 217-236.
- Norris, S. L., Margold, M., Evans, D. J. A., Atkinson, N., & Froese, D. G. (2024). Dynamical response of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet to rapid Bølling–Allerød warming. The Cryosphere, 18(4), 1533-1559.
- Balaban, C., Roberts, D., Evans, D., & Jamieson, S. (2024). Past glaciation of temperate‐continental mountains: A model for a debris‐charged plateau icefield/cirque glacier landsystem in the Southern Carpathians, Romania. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(2), 601-621.
- Carling, P. A., Evans, D. J. A., Abbas, M., Ou, X., & Lai, Z. (2024). Late Wolstonian and Ipswichian (MIS 6/5e) sediment fill in a limestone sinkhole, Askham Fell, northern England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 39(2), 224-233.
- Śledź, S., Ewertowski, M. W., & Evans, D. J. A. (2023). Quantification of short‐term transformations of proglacial landforms in a temperate, debris‐charged glacial landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland. Land Degradation and Development, 34(17), 5566-5590.
- Wytiahlowsky, H., Stokes, C. R., & Evans, D. J. (2023). Remote sensing of glacier change (1965 - 2021) and identification of surge-type glaciers on Severnaya Zemlya, Russian High Arctic. Journal of Glaciology,
- Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Tomczyk, A., & Chandler, B. M. (2023). Active temperate glacial landsystem evolution in association with outwash head/depositional overdeepenings. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(8), 1573-1598.
- Newton, M., Stokes, C. R., Roberts, D. H., & Evans, D. J. (2023). Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 1 - morphometric analyses. Geomorphology, 427,
- Evans, D. J., Newton, M., Roberts, D. H., & Stokes, C. R. (2023). Characteristics and formation of bedrock mega-grooves (BMGs) in glaciated terrain: 2 – conceptual models of BMG initiation. Geomorphology, 427,
- Clark, C. D., Ely, J. C., Hindmarsh, R. C., Bradley, S., Ignéczi, A., Fabel, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., Chiverrell, R. C., Scourse, J., Benetti, S., Bradwell, T., Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Burke, M., Callard, S. L., Medialdea, A., Saher, M., Small, D., Smedley, R. K., Gasson, E., …Wilson, P. (2022). Growth and retreat of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet, 31 000 to 15 000 years ago: the BRITICE‐CHRONO reconstruction. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 51(4), 699-758.
- Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M., Roberts, D. H., & Tomczyk, A. M. (2022). The historical emergence of a geometric and sinuous ridge network at the Hørbyebreen polythermal glacier snout, Svalbard and its use in the interpretation of ancient glacial landforms. Geomorphology, 406, Article 108213.
- Harriott, S., & Evans, D. J. (2022). Periglacial landforms of Dartmoor: an automated mapping approach to characterizing cold climate geomorphology. Scottish Geographical Journal, 138(1-2), 45-72.
- Sutherland, J. L., Evans, D. J., Carrivick, J. L., Shulmeister, J., & Rother, H. (2022). A model of ice-marginal sediment-landform development at Lake Tekapo, Southern Alps, New Zealand. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 104(3), 151-182.
- Evans, D. J., Phillips, E. R., & Atkinson, N. (2021). Glacitectonic rafts and their role in the generation of Quaternary subglacial bedforms and deposits. Quaternary Research, 104, 101-135.
- Small, D., Bentley, M. J., Evans, D. J., Hein, A. S., & Freeman, S. P. (2021). Ice-free valleys in the Neptune Range of the Pensacola Mountains, Antarctica: glacial geomorphology, geochronology and potential as palaeoenvironmental archives. Antarctic Science, 33(4), 428-455.
- Scourse, J., Chiverrell, R., Smedley, R., Small, D., Burke, M., Saher, M., Van Landeghem, K., Duller, G., Cofaigh, C. Ó., Bateman, M., Benetti, S., Bradley, S., Callard, L., Evans, D., Fabel, D., Jenkins, G., McCarron, S., Medialdea, A., Moreton, S., Ou, X., …Clark, C. (2021). Maximum extent and readvance dynamics of the Irish Sea Ice Stream and Irish Sea Glacier since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(5), 780-804.
- Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Bateman, M. D., Clark, C. D., Medialdea, A., Callard, L., Grimoldi, E., Chiverrell, R. C., Ely, J., Dove, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., Saher, M., Bradwell, T., Moreton, S. G., Fabel, D., & Bradley, S. L. (2021). Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British–Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(5), 723-751.
- Ó Cofaigh, C., Callrd, S., Roberts, D., Chiverrell, R., Ballantyne, C., Evans, D., Saher, M., Van Landeghem, K., Smedley, R., Benetti, S., Burke, M., Clark, C., Duller, G., Fabel, D., Livingstone, S., McCarron, S., Medialdea, A., Moreton, S., & Sacchetti, F. (2021). Timing and pace of ice-sheet withdrawal across the marine-terrestrial transition west of Ireland during the last glaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(5), 805-832.
- Evans, D., Smith, I., Gosse, J., & Galloway, J. (2021). Glacial landforms and sediments (landsystem) of the Smoking Hills area, NWT, Canada: implications for regional Pliocene-Pleistocene Laurentide Ice Sheet dynamics. Quaternary Science Reviews, 262, 1-50.
- Leigh, J., Evans, D., Stokes, C., Andreassen, L., & Carr, R. (2021). Glacial and periglacial geomorphological map of central Troms and Finnmark county, Arctic Norway. Journal of Maps, 17(2), 348-366.
- Roberts, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., Ballantyne, C., Burke, M., Chiverrell, R., Evans, D., Clark, C., Duller, G., Ely, J., Fabel, D., Small, D., Smedley, R., & Callard, S. (2020). The deglaciation of the western sector of the Irish Ice Sheet from the inner continental shelf to its terrestrial margin. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 49(3), 438-460.
- Blauvelt, D. J., Russell, A. J., Large, A. R., Tweed, F. S., Hiemstra, J. F., Kulessa, B., Evans, D. J., & Waller, R. I. (2020). Controls on jökulhlaup-transported buried ice melt-out at Skeiðarársandur, Iceland: Implications for the evolution of ice-marginal environments. Geomorphology, 360, Article 107164.
- Chandler, B. M., Chandler, S. J., Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Lovell, H., Roberts, D. H., Schaefer, M., & Tomczyk, A. M. (2020). Sub‐annual moraine formation at an active temperate Icelandic glacier. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(7), 1622-1643.
- Evans, D. J., Atkinson, N., & Phillips, E. (2020). Glacial geomorphology of the Neutral Hills Uplands, southeast Alberta, Canada: The process-form imprints of dynamic ice streams and surging ice lobes. Geomorphology, 350, Article 106910.
- Storrar, R. D., Ewertowski, M., Tomczyk, A. M., Barr, I. D., Livingstone, S. J., Ruffell, A., Stoker, B. J., & Evans, D. J. (2020). Equifinality and preservation potential of complex eskers. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 49(1), 211-231.
- Leigh, J., Stokes, C., Evans, D., Carr, R., & Andreassen, L. (2020). Timing of Little Ice Age maxima and subsequent glacier retreat in northern Troms and western Finnmark, northern Norway. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 52(1), 281-311.
- Davies, B., Livingstone, S., Roberts, D., Evans, D., Gheorghiu, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2019). Dynamic ice stream retreat in the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 225, Article 105989.
- Phillips, E., & Evans, D. (2019). Synsedimentary glacitectonic deformation within a glacilacustrine-esker sequence, Teesdale, Northern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 130(5), 624-649.
- Sutherland, J. L., Carrivick, J. L., Evans, D. J., Shulmeister, J., & Quincey, D. J. (2019). The Tekapo Glacier, New Zealand, during the Last Glacial Maximum: An active temperate glacier influenced by intermittent surge activity. Geomorphology, 343, 183-210.
- Roberts, D. H., Grimoldi, E., Callard, L., Evans, D. J., Clark, C. D., Stewart, H. A., Dove, D., Saher, M., Ó Cofaigh, C., Chiverrell, R. C., Bateman, M. D., Moreton, S. G., Bradwell, T., Fabel, D., & Medialdea, A. (2019). The mixed‐bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(6), 1233-1258.
- Ewertowski, M. W., Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Tomczyk, A. M., Ewertowski, W., & Pleksot, K. (2019). Quantification of historical landscape change on the foreland of a receding polythermal glacier, Hørbyebreen, Svalbard. Geomorphology, 325, 40-54.
- Evans, D., Gudmundsson, S., Vautrey, J., Fernyough, K., & Southworth, W. (2019). Testing lichenometric techniques in the production of a new growth-rate (curve) for the Breidamerkurjokull foreland, Iceland, and the analysis of potential climatic drivers of glacier recession. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 101(3), 225-248.
- Leigh, J., Stokes, C., Carr, J., Evans, I., Andreassen, L., & Evans, D. (2019). Identifying and mapping very small (
- Ewertowski, M., Tomczyk, A., Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., & Ewertowski, W. (2019). Operational Framework for Rapid, Very-high Resolution Mapping of Glacial Geomorphology Using Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure-from-Motion Approach. Remote Sensing, 11(1), Article 65.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2019). The glacial landsystem of Hoffellsjokull, SE Iceland: contrasting geomorphological signatures of active temperate glacier recession driven by ice lobe and bed morphology. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 101(3), 249-276.
- Evans, D. J., Dinnage, M., & Roberts, D. H. (2018). Glacial geomorphology of Teesdale, northern Pennines, England: Implications for upland styles of ice stream operation and deglaciation in the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 129(6), 697-735.
- Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Bateman, M. D., Medialdea, A., Ely, J., Moreton, S. G., Clark, C. D., & Fabel, D. (2018). Sedimentation during MIS 3 at the eastern margins of the Glacial Lake Humber basin, England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 38(3), 871-891.
- Small, D., Smedley, R., Chiverrell, R., Scourse, J., Ó Cofaigh, C., Duller, G., McCarron, S., Burke, M., Evans, D., Fabel, D., Gheorghiu, D., Thomas, G., Xu, S., & Clark, C. (2018). Trough geometry was a greater influence than climate-ocean forcing in regulating retreat of the marine-based Irish-Sea Ice Stream. GSA Bulletin, 130(11-12), 1981-1999.
- Chiverrell, R., Smedley, R., Small, D., Ballantyne, C., Burke, M., Callard, S., Clark, C., Duller, G., Evans, D., Fabel, D., van Landeghem, K., Livingstone, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., Thomas, G., Roberts, D., Saher, M., Scourse, J., & Wilson, P. (2018). Ice margin oscillations during deglaciation of the northern Irish Sea Basin. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(7), 739-762.
- Newton, M., Evans, D., Roberts, D., & Stokes, C. (2018). Bedrock mega-grooves in glaciated terrain: a review. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 57-79.
- Chandler, B. M., Lovell, H., Boston, C. M., Lukas, S., Barr, I. D., Benediktsson, Í. Ö., Benn, D. I., Clark, C. D., Darvill, C. M., Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M. W., Loibl, D., Margold, M., Otto, J.-C., Roberts, D. H., Stokes, C. R., Storrar, R. D., & Stroeven, A. P. (2018). Glacial geomorphological mapping: A review of approaches and frameworks for best practice. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 806-846.
- Cross, M., Attya, A., & Evans, D. J. (2018). The susceptibility of glacigenic deposits to liquefaction under seismic loading conditions: a case study relating to nuclear site characterization in West Cumbria. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 62, 116-132.
- Roberts, D. H., Evans, D. J., Callard, S. L., Clark, C. D., Bateman, M. D., Medialdea, A., Dove, D., Cotterill, C. J., Saher, M., Ó Cofaigh, C., Chiverrell, R. C., Moreton, S. G., Fabel, D., & Bradwell, T. (2018). Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank. Quaternary Science Reviews, 198, 181-207.
- Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Hiemstra, J. F., Nye, K. M., Wright, H., & Steer, A. (2018). Submarginal debris transport and till formation in active temperate glacier systems: The southeast Iceland type locality. Quaternary Science Reviews, 195, 72-108.
- Barlow, N., McClymont, E., Whitehouse, P., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Woodroffe, S., Bentley, M., Callard, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., Horrocks, J., Lloyd, J., Long, A., Margold, M., Roberts, D., & Sanchez-Montes, M. (2018). Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial. Nature Geoscience, 11, 627-634.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., Orton, C., & Graham, D. (2018). The Glacial Geomorphology of the Ice Cap Piedmont Lobe Landsystem of East Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland. Geosciences, 8(6), Article 194.
- Norris, S., Evans, D., & O Cofaigh, C. (2018). Geomorphology and till architecture of terrestrial palaeo-ice streams of the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet: a borehole stratigraphic approach. Quaternary Science Reviews, 186, 186-214.
- Phillips, E., Evans, D., van der Meer, J., & Lee, J. (2018). Microscale evidence of liquefaction and its potential triggers during soft-bed deformation within subglacial traction tills. Quaternary Science Reviews, 181, 123-143.
- Bickerdike, H., Evans, D., Stokes, C., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2018). The Glacial Geomorphology of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial in Britain: a review. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33(1), 1-54.
- Bateman, M. D., Evans, D. J., Roberts, D. H., Medialdea, A., Ely, J., & Clark, C. D. (2018). The timing and consequences of the blockage of the Humber Gap by the last British−Irish Ice Sheet. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 47(1), 41-61.
- Clark, C. D., Ely, J. C., Greenwood, S. L., Hughes, A. L., Meehan, R., Barr, I. D., Bateman, M. D., Bradwell, T., Doole, J., Evans, D. J., Jordan, C. J., Monteys, X., Pellicer, X. M., & Sheehy, M. (2018). BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 47(1), 11-e8.
- Bickerdike, H., Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Stokes, C. (2018). Glacial landsystems, retreat dynamics and controls on Loch Lomond Stadial (Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 47(1), 202-224.
- Swift, D., Cook, S., Graham, D., Midgley, N., Fallick, A., Storrar, R., Toubes Rodrigo, M., & Evans, D. (2018). Terminal zone glacial sediment transfer at a temperate overdeepened glacier system. Quaternary Science Reviews, 180, 111-131.
- Evans, D. J., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2017). Skaftafellsjökull, Iceland: Glacial geomorphology recording glacier recession since the Little Ice Age. Journal of Maps, 13(2), 358-368.
- Evans, D. J., Kalyan, R., & Orton, C. (2017). Periglacial geomorphology of summit tors on Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, SW England. Journal of Maps, 13(2), 342-349.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2017). The glaciated valley landsystem of Morsárjökull, southeast Iceland. Journal of Maps, 13(2), 909-920.
- Phillips, E., Everest, J., Evans, D. J., Finlayson, A., Ewertowski, M., Guild, A., & Jones, L. (2017). Concentrated, ‘pulsed’ axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(13), 1901-1922.
- Storrar, R. D., Jones, A. H., & Evans, D. J. (2017). Small-scale topographically-controlled glacier flow switching in an expanding proglacial lake at Breiðamerkurjökull, SE Iceland. Journal of Glaciology, 63(240), 745-750.
- Phillips, E., Evans, D. J., Atkinson, N., & Kendall, A. (2017). Structural architecture and glacitectonic evolution of the Mud Buttes cupola hill complex, southern Alberta, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 164, 110-139.
- Dove, D., Evans, D., Lee, J., Roberts, D., Tappin, D., Mellett, C., Long, D., & Callard, S. (2017). Phased occupation and retreat of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: geomorphic and seismostratigraphic evidence of a dynamic ice lobe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 163, 114-134.
- Evans, D., Bateman, M., Roberts, D., Medialdea, A., Hayes, L., Duller, G., Fabel, D., & Clark, C. (2017). Glacial Lake Pickering: stratigraphy and chronology of a proglacial lake dammed by the North Sea Lobe of the British–Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(2), 295-310.
- Evans, D., Hughes, A., Hansom, J., & Roberts, D. (2017). Scottish Landform Examples 43: Glacifluvial landforms of Strathallan, Perthsire. Scottish Geographical Journal, 133(1), 42-53.
- Barlow, N., Bentley, M., Spada, G., Evans, D., Hansom, J., Brader, M., White, D., Zander, A., & Berg, S. (2016). Testing models of ice cap extent, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 154, 157-168.
- Chandler, B., Evans, D., & Roberts, D. (2016). Recent retreat at a temperate Icelandic glacier in the context of the last ~80 years of climate change in the North Atlantic region. Arktos (Cham. Internet), 2(1), Article 24.
- Ewertowski, M., Evans, D., Roberts, D., & Tomczyk, A. (2016). Glacial geomorphology of the terrestrial margins of the tidewater glacier, Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard. Journal of Maps, 12(sup1), 476-487.
- Chandler, B., Evans, D., Roberts, D., Ewertowski, M., & Clayton, A. (2016). Glacial geomorphology of the Skálafellsjökull foreland, Iceland: A case study of ‘annual’ moraines. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 904-916.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., Jamieson, S., & Orton, C. (2016). Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Kumtor Gold Mine, Kyrgyzstan: human impacts on mountain glacier landsystems. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 757-769.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2016). Fláajökull (north lobe), Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe glacial landsystem. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 777-789.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., & Orton, C. (2016). Eiríksjökull plateau icefield landsystem, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 747-756.
- Bickerdike, H., Evans, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Stokes, C. (2016). The glacial geomorphology of the Loch Lomond Stadial in Britain: a map and geographic information system resource of published evidence. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1178-1186.
- Darvill, C., Stokes, C., Bentley, M., Evans, D., & Lovell, H. (2016). Dynamics of former ice lobes of the southernmost Patagonian Ice Sheet based on a glacial landsystems approach. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(6), 857-876.
- Evans, D., Roberts, D., & Evans, S. (2016). Multiple subglacial till deposition: a modern exemplar for Quaternary palaeoglaciology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 145, 183-203.
- Evans, D. (2016). Landscapes at the periphery of glacierization - retrospect and prospect. Scottish Geographical Journal, 132(2), 140-163.
- Evans, D., Storrar, R., & Rea, B. (2016). Crevasse-squeeze ridge corridors: diagnostic features of late stage palaeo-ice stream activity. Geomorphology, 258, 40-50.
- Chandler, B., Evans, D., & Roberts, D. (2016). Characteristics of recessional moraines at a temperate glacier in SE Iceland: Insights into patterns, rates and drivers of glacier retreat. Quaternary Science Reviews, 135, 171-205.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., Orton, C., Harris, C., & Gudmundsson, S. (2016). Snæfellsjökull volcano-centred ice cap landsystem, West Iceland. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 1128-1137.
- Bateman, M., Evans, D., Buckland, P., Connell, E., Friend, R., Hartmann, D., Moxon, H., Fairburn, W., Panagiotakopulu, E., & Ashurst, R. (2015). Last glacial dynamics of the Vale of York and North Sea lobes of the British and Irish Ice Sheet. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 126(6), 712-730.
- Livingstone, S., Roberts, D., Davies, B., Evans, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Gheorghiu, D. (2015). Late Devensian deglaciation of the Tyne Gap Palaeo-Ice Stream, northern England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(8), 790-804.
- Hiemstra, J., Matthews, J., Evans, D., & Owen, G. (2015). Sediment fingerprinting and the mode of formation of singular and composite annual moraine ridges at two glacier margins, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Holocene, 25(11), 1772-1785.
- Storrar, R., Evans, D., Stokes, C., & Ewertowski, M. (2015). Controls on the location, morphology and evolution of complex esker systems at decadal timescales, Breiðamerkurjökull, southeast Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(11), 1421-1438.
- Evans, D., Roberts, D., & O'Cofaigh, C. (2015). Drumlin sedimentology in a hard-bed, lowland setting, Connemara, western Ireland: implications for subglacial bedform generation in areas of sparse till cover. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(6), 537-557.
- Jamieson, S., Ewertowski, M., & Evans, D. (2015). Rapid advance of two mountain glaciers in response to mine-related debris loading. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(7), 1418-1435.
- Evans, D., & Orton, C. (2015). Heinabergsjökull and Skalafellsjökull, Iceland: active temperate piedmont lobe and outwash head glacial landsystem. Journal of Maps, 11(3), 415-431.
- Storrar, R., Stokes, C., & Evans, D. (2014). Morphometry and pattern of a large sample (>20,000) of Canadian eskers and implications for subglacial drainage beneath ice sheets. Quaternary Science Reviews, 105(1), 1-25.
- Evans, D., England, J., La Farge, C., Coulthard, R., Lakeman, T., & Vaughan, J. (2014). Quaternary geology of the Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, Arctic Canada: a re-investigation of a critical terrestrial type locality for glacial and interglacial events bordering the Arctic Ocean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 91, 82-123.
- Vaughan, J., England, J., & Evans, D. (2014). Glaciotectonic deformation and reinterpretation of the Worth Point stratigraphic sequence: Banks Island, NT, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 91, 124-145.
- Hodgson, D., Graham, A., Griffiths, H., Roberts, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., Bentley, M., & Evans, D. (2014). Glacial history of sub-Antarctic South Georgia based on the submarine geomorphology of its fjords. Quaternary Science Reviews, 89, 129-147.
- Storrar, R., Stokes, C., & Evans, D. (2014). Increased channelization of subglacial drainage during deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Geology, 42(3), 239-242.
- Evans, D., Young, N., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2014). Glacial geomorphology of terrestrial- terminating fast flow lobes/ice stream margins in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet. Geomorphology, 204, 86-113.
- Evans, D., & Lemmen, D. (2014). Quaternary glaciations and sea level change in the Canadian Arctic: special theme in honour of the career of Professor John England. Quaternary Science Reviews, 91, 77-81.
- Storrar, R., Stokes, C., & Evans, D. (2013). A map of large Canadian eskers from Landsat satellite imagery. Journal of Maps, 9(3), 456-473.
- Roberts, D., Evans, D., Lodwick, J., & Cox, N. (2013). British–Irish Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum at Upgang, North Yorkshire, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124(3), 503-519.
- Chiverrell, R., Thrasher, I., Thomas, G., Lang, A., Scourse, J., Van Landeghem, K., McCarroll, D., Clark, C., O´ Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Ballantyne, C. (2013). Bayesian modelling the retreat of the Irish Sea Ice Stream. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28(2),
- Evans, D., Rother, H., Hyatt, O., & Shulmeister, J. (2013). and geomorphological evolution of an outwash head/moraine-dammed lake, South Island, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology, 284-285, 45-75.
- Brown, V., Evans, D., Vieli, A., & Evans, I. (2013). The Younger Dryas in the English Lake District: reconciling geomorphological evidence with numerical model outputs. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 42, 1022-1042.
- Lukas, S., Benn, D., Boston, C., Brook, M., Coray, S., Evans, D., Graf, A., Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Kirkbride, M., Krabbendam, M., Lovell, H., Machiedo, M., Mills, S., Nye, K., Reinardy, B., Ross, F., & Signer, M. (2013). Clast shape analysis and clast transport paths in glacial environments: a critical review of methods and the role of lithology. Earth-Science Reviews, 121, 96-116.
- Evans, D., Hiemstra, J., Boston, C., Leighton, I., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Rea, B. (2013). Reply to John Shaw “Correspondence – Alberta flow paths: a need for balance”. Quaternary Science Reviews, 63, 144-148.
- Evans, D., Hiemstra, J., Boston, C., Leighton, I., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Rea, B. (2012). Till stratigraphy and sedimentology at the margins of terrestrially terminating ice streams: case study of the western Canadian prairies and high plains. Quaternary Science Reviews, 46, 80-125.
- Evans, D., Harrison, S., Vieli, A., & Anderson, E. (2012). The glaciation of Dartmoor: the southernmost independent Pleistocene icecap in the British Isles. Quaternary Science Reviews, 45, 31-53.
- Ó Cofaigh, C., Telfer, M., Bailey, R., & Evans, D. (2012). Late Pleistocene chronostratigraphy and ice sheet limits, southern Ireland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 44, 160-179.
- Hyatt, O., Shulmeister, J., Evans, D., Thackray, G., & Rieser, U. (2012). Sedimentology of a debris-rich, perhumid valley glacier margin in the Rakaia Valley, South Island,New Zealand. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(7), 699-712.
- Evans, D., Strzeleckia, M., Milledge, D., & Orton, C. (2012). Hørbyebreen polythermal glacial landsystem, Svalbard. Journal of Maps, 2012, 1-11
- Evans, D., Harrison, S., Vieli, A., & Anderson, E. (2012). Dartmoor’s overlooked glacial legacy. Geology Today, 28(6), 224-229.
- Bennett, G., & Evans, D. (2012). Glacier retreat and landform production on an overdeepened glacier foreland: the debris-charged glacial landsystem at Kvíárjökull, Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37(15), 1584-1602.
- Evans, D., Hiemstra, J., & O´ Cofaigh, C. (2012). Stratigraphic architecture and sedimentology of a Late Pleistocene subaqueous moraine complex, southwest Ireland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 51-63.
- Livingstone, S., Evans, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., Davies, B., Merritt, J., Huddart, D., Mitchell, W., Roberts, D., & Yorke, L. (2012). Glaciodynamics of the central sector of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet in Northern England. Earth-Science Reviews, 111, 25-55.
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- Brown, V., Evans, D., & Evans, I. (2011). The Glacial Geomorphology and Surficial Geology of the South-West English Lake District. Journal of Maps, 2011, 221-243
- Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Hiemstra, J. (2011). Formation of a stratified subglacial 'till' assemblage by ice-marginal thrusting and glacier overriding. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 40(1), 1-14.
- Rea, B., & Evans, D. (2011). An assessment of surge-induced crevassing and the formation of crevasse squeeze ridges. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, Article F04005.
- Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Smith, I. (2010). Large-scale reorganization and sedimentation of terrestrial ice streams during late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet deglaciation. GSA Bulletin, 122(5-6), 743-756.
- Kilfeather, A., Ó Cofaigh, C., Dowdeswell, J., van der Meer, J., & Evans, D. (2010). Micromorphological characteristics of glacimarine sediments: implications for distinguishing genetic processes of massive diamicts. Geo-Marine Letters, 30(2), 77-97.
- Livingstone, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2010). A major ice drainage pathway of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet: the Tyne Gap, northern England. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(3), 354-370.
- Evans, D., Nelson, C., & Webb, C. (2010). An assessment of fluting and “till esker” formation on the foreland of Sandfellsjökull, Iceland. Geomorphology, 114(3), 453-465.
- Bennett, G., Evans, D., Carbonneau, P., & Twigg, D. (2010). Evolution of a debris-charged glacier landsystem, Kvíárjökull, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 2010, 40-67.
- Evans, D. (2009). Glacial geomorphology at Glasgow. Scottish Geographical Journal, 125(3-4), 285-320.
- Shulmeister, J., Davies, T., Evans, D., Hyatt, O., & Tovar, D. (2009). Catastrophic landslides, glacier behaviour and moraine formation – A view from an active plate margin. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(11-12), 1085-1096.
- Evans, D., Livingstone, S., Vieli, A., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2009). The palaeoglaciology of the central sector of the British and Irish Ice Sheet: reconciling glacial geomorphology and preliminary ice sheet modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(7-8), 739-757.
- Evans, D. (2009). Modern analogues in Quaternary palaeoglaciological reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(3-4), 181-182.
- Evans, D. (2009). Controlled moraines: origins, characteristics and palaeoglaciological implications. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(3-4), 183-208.
- Evans, D., Twigg, D., Rea, B., & Orton, C. (2009). Surging glacier landsystem of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 2009, 134-151.
- Evans, D., Shand, M., & Petrie, G. (2009). Maps of the snout and proglacial landforms of Fjallsjökull, Iceland (1945, 1965, 1998). Scottish Geographical Journal, 125, 304-312
- Evans, D. (2008). Geomorphology: Avalanches and moraines. Nature Geoscience, 1(8), 493-494.
- Hansom, J., Evans, D., Sanderson, D., Bingham, R., & Bentley, M. (2008). Constraining the age and formation of stone runs in the Falkland Islands using Optically Stimulated Luminescene. Geomorphology, 94(1-2), 117-130.
- Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., & Hiemstra, J. (2008). Till sedimentology and stratigraphy on the Dingle Peninsula, SW Ireland: implications for Late Quaternary regional ice flow patterns. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 119(2), 137-152.
- Evans, D., Clark, C., & Rea, B. (2008). Landform and sediment imprints of fast glacier flow in the southwest Laurentide Ice Sheet. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23(3), 249-272.
- Livingstone, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2008). Glacial geomorphology of the central sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of Maps, 2008, 358-377.
- England, J., Lakeman, T., Lemmen, D., Bednarski, J., Stewart, T., & Evans, D. (2008). A millennial-scale record of Arctic Ocean sea ice variability and the demise of the Ellesmere Island ice shelves. Geophysical Research Letters, 35,
- Evans, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2008). The sedimentology of the Late Pleistocene Bannow Till stratotype, County Wexford, southeast Ireland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 119(3-4), 329-338.
- Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2007). Radiocarbon constraints on the age of the maximum advance of the British-Irish Ice Sheet in the Celtic Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(9-10), 1197-1203.
- Bentley, M., Evans, D., Fogwill, C., Hansom, J., Sugden, D., & Kubik, P. (2007). Glacial geomorphology and chronology of deglaciation, South Georgia, sub-Antarctic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(5-6), 644-677.
- Rea, B., & Evans, D. (2007). Quantifying climate and glacier mass balance in North Norway during the Younger Dryas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 246, 307-330.
- Bentley, M., Evans, D., Fogwill, C., Sugden, D., Hansom, J., & Kubik, P. (2007). Reply to Comment by Van der Putten and Verbruggen. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, 2684-2691
- Hiemstra, J., Evans, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2007). The role of glacitectonic rafting and comminution in the production of subglacial tills: examples from SW Ireland and Antarctica. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 36, 386-399.
- Evans, D., Hiemstra, J., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2007). An assessment of clast macrofabrics in glacigenic sediments based on A/B plane data. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 89(2), 103-120.
- Evans, D. (2006). The Loch Lomond readvance: glacial geomorphology and palaeoglaciology. Scottish Geographical Journal, 122(34), 251-255.
- Evans, D., & Wilson, S. (2006). A temporary exposure through the Loch Lomond Readvance end moraine/ice-contact delta complex near Drymen, Stirlingshire. Scottish Geographical Journal, 122(4), 344-351.
- Evans, D., & Wilson, S. (2006). Scottish landform example 39: The lake of Menteith glacitectonic hill-hole pair. Scottish Geographical Journal, 122(4), 352-364.
- Evans, D., Phillips, E., Hiemstra, J., & Auton, C. (2006). Subglacial till: Formation, sedimentary characteristics and classification. Earth-Science Reviews, 78(1-2), 115-176.
- Evans, D., Rea, B., Hiemstra, J., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2006). A critical assessment of subglacial mega-floods: A case study of glacial sediments and landforms in south-central Alberta, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(13-14), 1638-1667.
- Evans, D., Wilson, S., & McGregor, D. (2006). Scottish Landform Example 37: 'The Kaims' of Bedshiel. Scottish Geographical Journal, 122(1), 76-83
- Hiemstra, J., Evans, D., Scourse, J., McCarroll, D., Furze, M., & Rhodes, E. (2006). New evidence for a grounded Irish Sea glaciation on the Isles of Scilly, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(3-4), 299-309.
- Swift, D., Evans, D., & Fallick, A. (2006). Transverse englacial debris-rich ice bands at Kviarjokull, southeast Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 1708-1718
- Evans, D., & Hiemstra, J. (2005). Till deposition by glacier submarginal, incremental thickening. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 30(13), 1633-1662.
- Evans, D., Clark, C., & Mitchell, W. (2005). The last British Ice Sheet: A review of the evidence utilised in the compilation of the Glacial Map of Britain. Earth-Science Reviews, 70(3-4), 253-312.
- Ó Cofaigh, C., Dowdeswell, J., Allen, C., Hiemstra, J., Pudsey, C., Evans, J., & Evans, D. (2005). Flow dynamics and till genesis associated with a marine-based Antarctic palaeo-ice stream. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(5-6), 709-740.
- Hiemstra, J., Rijdsijk, K., Evans, D., & van der Meer, J. (2005). Integrated micro- and macro-scale analyses of Last Glacial Maximum Irish Sea Diamicts from Abermawr and Traeth y Mwnt, Wales, UK. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 34, 61-74.
- Evans, D. (2005). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 29(1), 114-121.
- Evans, D., & Rea, B. (2005). Late Weichselian deglaciation and sea level history of St. Jonsfjorden, Spitsbergen: a contribution to ice sheet reconstruction. Scottish Geographical Journal, 121(2), 175-202
- Mark, B., Harrison, S., Spessa, A., New, M., Evans, D., & Helmens, K. (2005). Tropical snowline changes in the last glacial maximum: A global assessment. Quaternary International, 138-139, 168-201
- Clark, C., Evans, D., Khatwa, A., Bradwell, T., Jordan, C., Marsh, S., Mitchell, W., & Bateman, M. (2004). Map and GIS database of glacial landforms and features related to the last British Ice Sheet. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 33(4), 359-375.
- Evans, D., Campbell, I., & Lemmen, D. (2004). Holocene alluvial chronology of One Tree Creek, Southern Alberta, Canada. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 86(2), 117-130.
- Evans, D. (2004). Sissons, J. B. (1958). Supposed ice-dammed lakes in Britain with particular reference to the Eddleston Valley, southern Scotland. Geografiska Annaler 40, 159-187. Scottish Geographical Journal, 120(3), 219-226
- Salt, K., & Evans, D. (2004). Superimposed Subglacially Streamlined Landforms of Southwest Scotland. Scottish Geographical Journal, 120(1), 133-147
- England, J., Atkinson, N., Dyke, A., Evans, D., & Zreda, M. (2004). Late Wisconsinan buildup and wastage of the Innuitian Ice Sheet across southern Ellesmere Island, Nunavut. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 41, 39-61.
- Evans, D. (2004). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 28(2), 294-305
- Evans, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2003). Depositional evidence for marginal oscillations of the Irish Sea ice stream in southeast Ireland during the last glaciation. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 32(1), 76-101.
- Clark, C., Evans, D., & Piotrowski, J. (2003). Palaeo-ice streams: an introduction.
- Evans, D. (2003). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 27(2), 261-274
- Evans, D., & Twigg, D. (2002). The active temperate glacial landsystem: a model based on Breiðamerkurjökull and Fjallsjökull, Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21(20-22), 2143-2177.
- Phillips, E., Evans, D., & Auton, C. (2002). Polyphase deformation at an oscillating ice margin following the Loch Lomond Readvance, central Scotland, UK. Sedimentary Geology, 149, 157-182
- Spedding, N., & Evans, D. (2002). Sediments and landforms at Kvíárjökull, southeast Iceland: a reappraisal of the glaciated valley landsystem. Sedimentary Geology, 149, 21-42.
- Evans, D., Rea, B., Hansom, J., & Whalley, W. (2002). Geomorphology and style of plateau icefield deglaciation in fjord terrains: the example of Troms-Finnmark, north Norway. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(3), 221-239
- Evans, D., & Russell, A. (2002). Modern and Ancient Ice-marginal landsystems. Sedimentary Geology, 149(1-3),
- Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2001). Deforming bed conditions associated with a major ice stream of the last British ice sheet. Geology, 29(9), 795-798.
- Ó Cofaigh, C., & Evans, D. (2001). Sedimentary evidence for deforming bed conditions associated with a grounded Irish Sea glacier, southern Ireland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16(5), 435-454.
- Evans, D. (2001). Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 25(3), 428-439
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Evans, D., Twigg, D., Rea, B., & Shand, M. (2007). Bruarjokull: surficial geology and geomorphology of the surging glacier landsystem. 1:30,000 scale map poster. Universities of Glasgow, Durham, Loughborough and Aberdeen
- Evans, D., Twigg, D., & Rea, B. (2006). Surging glacier landsystem of Tungnaárjökull, Iceland. 1:25,000 scale map poster
- Evans, D., & Twigg, D. (2004). Thórisjökull: Surficial Geology and Geomorphology of a Plateau Icefield. 1:25,000 scale map poster