17th February - 29th February 2025
Access to experimental and early hardware versions is pivotal for researchers working at the forefront of compute- and data-intensive workloads. Durham is blessed with a magnitude of different systems on various scales, and notably with an HPC Hardware Lab (https://durham.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hardwarelab/index.html). Such testbeds are absolutely mandatory to facilitate horizon scanning for both system architects and software developers to master the transition into exascale. Similar clusters do exist in the US. A prime example is the The Rogues Gallery (https://crnch-rg.cc.gatech.edu/) at GeorgiaTech.
With support through ExCALIBUR’s H&ES programme, we organise a one-week gathering in Durham to bring together colleagues from all over the UK with our friends from Atlanta to discuss experiences and plans for future hardware installations, to discuss how modern hardware trends affect algorithm and system design, and to identify pathways how to collaborate in the near future. The central questions are:
The programme will consist of a series of talks, and various 1:1 conversations.
17th, 10:00-12:00: Prof Edmond Chow
18th : 10:00-12:00 Prof Rich Vuduc
20th : 10:00-12:00 Dr Jeffrey Young
This project has received funding through ExCALIBUR’s H&ES programme.
1:1 conversations
Please get in touch with Thomas Flynn (thomas.a.flynn@durham.ac.uk) to arrange your individual meetings.
Travel support
We have a limited number of travel funds available to support visits from across the UK to come to Durham and join us for the talks and 1:1 conversations. Please get in touch with Thomas Flynn (thomas.a.flynn@durham.ac.uk) to arrange details.