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Prince William visits Durham University spinout Low Carbon Materials

His Royal Highness made a visit to Earthshot Prize 2022 Finalist Low Carbon Materials (LCM) this week to learn more about how they create their innovative, low-carbon construction materials.
Prince William on a visit to Low Carbon Materials pictured with CEO and Co-Founder Dr Natasha Boulding

Our Choral Society joins Royal Northern Sinfonia for spectacular performance

Durham University Choral Society (DUCS) performed with the Royal Northern Sinfonia (RMS) and Chorus of Royal Northern Sinfonia last term. This stunning display of regional collaboration was part of the 'Big Bruckner Weekend' at the world-renowned Glasshouse International Centre for Music in the North East of England.
An orchestra and chorus standing on stage

App brings Alice in Wonderland to our Botanic Garden

Our Botanic Garden just got “curiouser and curiouser” with the introduction of an interactive family game based on classic children’s story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
A mobile phone camera view of a woman and child on the grass next to a giant ant sculpture with AR artwork superimposed on the picture

Why the Catholic Church should listen more to victims and survivors of abuse

New research by our Centre for Catholic Studies finds aspects of Catholic culture were implicated in how clerical child sexual abuse happened.
Lots of colourful fabric ribbons in bows tied to a fence.

Chancellor Fiona Hill on navigating a world in turmoil

Our Chancellor, Fiona Hill, has shared her experience of, and advice for, navigating ‘a world in turmoil’ at a prestigious annual lecture.
Four people standing outside an old building. They are Hueston Finlay, Justin Welby, Fiona Hill and Karen O'Brien

Landmark Syriac Studies conference brings international research excellence to UK

A landmark conference about Syriac Studies brought more than 70 researchers from 20 countries to Durham last month. The event was a hub for academic collaboration and knowledge sharing. It was also a formative experience for early-career scholars. Here, the organisers reflect on the key highlights of the conference and why there has recently been a major revival of academic interest in Syriac Studies.
A group photo taken at the Syriac Studies in the UK conference

International Dance Day: Looking at literature’s relationship to dance in 19th and 20th century modernism

On International Dance Day (Monday, 29 April) Dr Megan Girdwood from our Department of English explains how her research concentrates on late nineteenth and twentieth-century modernism, with a particular focus on literature’s relationship to performance, dance and the human body.
The dancer Vaslav Nijinsky in the ballet Le spectre de la rose as performed at the Royal Opera House in 1911.

Scientists explain why some exoplanets are spiralling towards their stars

In a new study, our pioneering scientists think they have solved a mystery about exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) that are getting closer and closer to the stars they orbit around.
An artist's impression of exoplanet WASP-12b

Experts urge action as research reveals extent of sewage pollution in major UK river

A new study examining nitrogen pollution in the Mersey Estuary over the last 200-years has found concerning levels of sewage in the water today – and our experts say immediate action is needed to clean it up. 
The wide Mersey Estuary in north west England

Things to do this Spring and Summer

Our new ‘Things To Do’ Guide listing free, family-friendly events, activities and exhibitions taking place across University visitor attractions this Spring and Summer season is now available.
Things TO DO COver 2024

Celebrating our work in our community

Durham is a world-leading university and proudly part of North East England. From inspiring learning to sharing our facilities, from driving economic growth to helping our region become more sustainable: we ensure that the benefits of a world-leading university are shared across our city, county and region.

Shadow Education Secretary praises Durham for widening access

UK Shadow Secretary of State for Education Bridget Phillipson has praised our work to widen access to university during a visit to campus.
Five people standing outside Teaching and Learning Centre. Bridget Phillpson is centre, with four university leaders