A new book about Arabic manuscripts spreading culture and learning around Indian Ocean in the Early Modern times

Chris Bahl's book Mobile Manuscripts. Arabic Learning across the Early Modern Western Indian Ocean has been published by Cambridge University Press.
Mobile Manuscripts describes the emergence of Arabic learning as a crucial form of transoceanic mobility from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries. From Egypt to the Hijaz, Yemen and further on to Gujarat and the Deccan, networks of manuscript circulation created shared social and cultural spaces across the early modern western Indian Ocean, in which South Asia was a key node of connection. Largely unstudied Arabic manuscripts from collections in eight different archives offer a new source base to explore the region as a hub of Arabic scholarly culture, while marginalia and notes provide an empirical treasure trove for the study of social spaces and cultural practices. This is the first book to trace these truly transoceanic encounters between scholars, sultans, scribes, readers, and librarians.