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Harriet Jennings awarded 2nd place in the RGS-IBG Participatory Geographies Research Group

Congratulations to Harriet Jennings, who received national recognition for undergraduate dissertation research!
Geography Building Sign

Dr Sarah Knuth shortlisted for Postgraduate Teaching Award

Dr Sarah Knuth, in the Department of Geography, has been shortlisted for Masters Teacher of the Year for her work on our Risk Masters program. Congratulations Sarah!
Banner image of teaching award

Amy Campbell, Geography Student, Publishes Article in Columbia Undergraduate Research Journal

Amy Campbell, an undergraduate student and Laidlaw Scholar in the Department of Geography, has authored an article entitled "Illiberal Democracy: Israeli Democratic Erosion" in the Columbia Undergraduate Research Journal. Congratulations Amy!
Columbia UG Journal Banner

Dr Andrew Dwyer coauthors major new report on UK cyber security

A new report, co-authored by Dr Andrew Dwyer at Durham University’s Department of Geography, explores the formation of the new UK National Cyber Force (NCF). With academics from King’s College London and the UK Offensive Cyber Working Group, the report details how the UK is consolidating offensive cyber activity under this new force.
Cover image of cyber taskforce report

Ákos Holányi, 3rd Year Geography Student, Wins Essay Prize from Hungarian National Council of Student Research Societies

Ákos Holányi has been awarded 1st prize in the Political and Historical Geography category by the Hungarian National Council of Student Research Societies.
Geography Building Sign

Dr Erin Torkelson wins AAG Award for Best Dissertation in Economic Geography

Dr Erin Torkelson was awarded the 2021 prize for the Best Dissertation in Economic Geography for her dissertation, "Taken for Granted: Geographies of Social Welfare in South Africa."
Geography Building Sign

Prof Harriet Bulkeley and Dr Pippa Whitehouse interviewed for International Women's Day

Prof Harriet Bulkeley and Dr Pippa Whitehouse were interviewed for International Women's Day. The UN theme for International Women’s Day 2021 is: ‘Women in leadership: achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world’. This theme is aligned to the priority theme of the Commission on the Status of Women: 'Women's full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, as well as the elimination of violence, for achievinggender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls'.
International Women's Day Logo

Interview with Katy Simms: Winner of the Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group dissertation prize

Katy Simms received the Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group 2020 award for her undergraduate dissertation. Recently, the Royal Geographical Society featured an interview with Katy about her award winning research.
Department of Geography sign outside the West Building

Dr Jonny Darling on BBC discussing asylum in the UK

Asylum seekers say they are being mistreated and ignored by the government - and by UK companies paid billions to house them.

New Online International Boundaries Course

IBRU, Durham University's Centre for Borders Research, has launched a new online training course 'Introduction to International Boundaries: Definition, Delimitation and Dispute Resolution'. The first of its kind, the new course hopes to both educate those who are new to the area of boundaries but also refresh the knowledge of those who have an existing interest.
US Mexico boundary

PhD Student Wins Award at UK Glaciology Conference

Congratulations to PhD student Josh Leigh who recently won the John Glen Prize for the best student poster presentation at the International Glaciological Society's British Branch meeting online.
A glacier in Norway