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Undergraduate Study

Whether you want to create a joint degree not formally offered by Durham University, or combine up to 4 subjects in a unique way to suit your interests, the Durham Combined Honours in Social Sciences degree can provide you with a bespoke programme of study.

Subjects within the programme

Why choose Combined Honours?

You can combine modules from top-ranking departments in unusual ways, perhaps focusing on a particular area of interest from a number of disciplinary perspectives.

We support your studies with a range of workshops tailored specifically to the needs of Combined Honours students, with sessions on employability, CV writing and disciplinary differences in academic writing to ensure that you are equipped for success.

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BA Combined Honours in Social Sciences

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Students standing in a line with

What Is Combined Honours in Social Sciences?

Combined Honours in Social Sciences allows you to create your own bespoke programme suited to your individual interests, strengths and career plans. You can choose to study up to 4 subjects within Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.

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Find out more about Combined Honours in Social Sciences

Combined Honours in Social Sciences

Durham University

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Lower Mountjoy

South Road



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