Global Studies Centre (GSC)
The Global Studies Centre provides a supportive, uplifting and energising home for internationally-focused researchers who share a passion for discovery, especially that is featured with relevant aspects particularly to emerging markets, and Grand Challenges with aspiration to generate impact and enhance research quality at Durham University.
Our research themes include emerging economies, Grand Challenges, international marketing strategy, global strategy, international human resource management, internationalisation, digitalisation, and SMEs.
Our Centre is in partnership with Aalto Centre for Qualitative Management Research, Aalto University, the Department of Strategy and International Business, University of Birmingham, and the International Business Group, Newcastle University. Our research is driven by wide-range international collaborations, e.g. with scholars from Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and the USA, and businesses and entrepreneurs from emerging markets across the world.
We regularly organise research events to enhance our research capacities, and have hosted world leading scholars such as Prof Russell W. Belk (York), Prof Keith Brouthers (King’s College London), Prof Peter Buckley (Manchester), Prof Ajai Gaur (Rutgers), Prof David Griffith (Texas A&M), Prof Jean-Francois Hennart (Tilburg), Prof Jiatao Li (HKU), Prof Fabrice Lumineau (HKU), Prof Rose Xuewei Luo (Instead), Prof Xueming Luo (Temple), Prof Grazia Santangelo (Copenhagen), Prof Martin Schreier (WU), Prof Siri Terjesen (FAU).
GSC’s main focus lies in understanding businesses and consumers in the globalising markets.
Explore Our Research Centre
Our members are highly inter-disciplinary in the named research areas and have been working extensively together in a wide spectrum of scholarly work.
Our Research
Our People
Our Publications
Upcoming events
Centre for Consumers and Sustainable Consumption Seminar with Dr Aarron Atkinson-Toal (Durham)
EFAG Seminar with Dr Andrea Mennicken (LSE)
ICOPA Seminar with Prof Zuzana Murdoch (University of Bergen)
Centre for Strategy, Technological Innovation, and Operations Seminar with Prof René de Koster (Erasmus University)
Get in Touch
If you would like to find out more about the Global Studies Centre, please email Prof Xinming He, Director and Professor of Marketing.
Global Studies Centre (GSC)
Durham University Business School
Waterside Building
Riverside Place
Durham DH1 1SL, UK
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 5200