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Seminars and Events for 2024-25

Date Speaker(s) Title of Paper/Event
07/10/2024 Matt van Essen (University of Tennessee) Equity Equilibrium for Cooperative Games
15/10/2024 Dan Friedman (UC Santa Cruz & University of Essex) Flow Trading: A Laboratory Test
04/02/2025 Agustina Martinez (University of Leicester) Raise your Voice! Activism and Peer Effects in Online Social Networks
24/02/2025 Darren Duxbury (Newcastle University Business School) Decomposing Unrealized Returns into Adapted and Unadapted Components Using Reference Points
03/03/2025 Todd Kaplan (University of Exeter)  TBC
31/03/2025 Rules, Norms, and Complexity Workshop TBC
28/04/2025 Larbi Alaoui (Pompeu Fabra University) TBC
29/04/2025 Daniel Zizzo (University of Queensland) TBC
30/04/2025 Yan Chen (University of Michigan) TBC
15/05/2025 3rd Durham - Newcastle Behavioural & Experimental Economics Mini-Workshop TBC

Seminars and Events for 2023-24

Date Speaker(s) Title of Paper/Event
04/12/2023 Margaret Samahita, University College Dublin

Can social pressure stifle free speech? 


Morgan Beeson, Newcastle University

Aleksei Chernlich, Durham University

Diego Marino-Fages (Durham University)

Till Weber (Newcastle University)

1st Durham - Newcastle Behavioural & Experimental Economics Mini-Workshop.
22/02/2024 Katharina Momsen (University of Heidelberg)

How do defaults affect information acquisition and processing?

22/04/2024 Danae Arroyos-Calvera (University of Birmingham)

Beyond Social Influence: Understanding the Efficacy of Non-Social Recommendations

16/05/2024 TBC 2nd Durham - Newcastle Behavioural & Experimental Economics Mini-Workshop
17-18/06/2024 See full programme in link. International Workshop in Experimental and Environmental Economics