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A newspaper-style magazine with the headline 'Truth Tellers' in pink text and a black and white photograph of a man holding his left hand aloft

Global leaders in investigative journalism gathered for a summit in honour of the late, great Durham graduate Sir Harry Evans.

The second Sir Harry Evans Global Summit in Investigative Journalism, held at the Royal Institute of British Architects, in London, on Wednesday 15 May, was part of a landmark partnership between Sir Harry’s widow Tina Brown CBE and her family, Reuters and Durham University.

The Sir Harry Evans Memorial Fund also includes a prestigious Fellowship in Investigative Journalism and, it was announced at the Summit, will in future also offer a Fellowship in Photojournalism.

The greatest newspaper editor of all time

Sir Harry was famous for his campaigning journalism, including as editor of The Times and Sunday Times. In 2002, he was voted by his peers as the greatest newspaper editor of all time. He died in 2020, aged 92.

A stunning line-up

The Global Summit’s theme is Truth Tellers and it brought together more than 400 reporters, broadcasters, editors, media leaders, and cultural and political influencers.

Speakers included the BBC’s CEO of News and Current Affairs Deborah Turness, International Editor Jeremy Bowen, Radio 4 Today programme presenter Mishal Husain, and Analysis Editor Ros Atkins; Reuters Editor-in-Chief Alessandra Galloni; Youmna El Sayed and Safwat Kahlout from Al Jazeera’s Gaza team; CNN’s Chief International Anchor Christiane Amanpour CBE; Emma Tucker, Editor-in-Chief of The Wall Street Journal; legendary photographer Sir Don McCullin; and many others.

Tina Brown introduced and closed the event, and our Vice-Chancellor and Warden Professor Karen O’Brien also addressed the event, speaking of our commitment to open discourse.

One of the speakers was Rosa Furneaux, the 2024 Sir Harry Evans Global Fellow. Her predecessor and the first Fellow, Waylon Cunningham, who was part of a Reuters team that recently won the Pulitzer Prize, the most prestigious award in journalism, also attended.

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Woman standing behind lectern, giving speech

Professor Karen O’Brien, Vice-Chancellor and Warden, Durham University speaks at the Sir Harry Evans Investigative Journalism Summit 2024. Picture by James Whatling / Parsons Media

Woman standing behind lectern, giving speech

Tina Brown CBE, editor and author speaks at the Sir Harry Evans Investigative Journalism Summit 2024. Picture by Andrew Parsons / Parsons Media

Woman standing behind lectern, giving speech

Alessandra Galloni, Editor-in-Chief, Reuters, speaks at the Sir Harry Evans Investigative Journalism Summit 2024. Picture by Andrew Parsons / Parsons Media

Man sitting smiling facing camera, blurred woman in foreground

BBC International Editor Jeremy Bowen at the Sir Harry Evans Investigative Journalism Summit. Picture by Andrew Parsons / Parsons Media

Woman sitting speaking to male, blurred, in foreground

Catherine Gicheru, Director, Africa Women Global Project during the Sir Harry Evans Investigative Journalism Summit 2024. Picture by James Whatling / Parsons Media

Woman standing behind lectern, giving speech

Rosa Furneaux, 2024 Sir Harry Evans Global Fellow, at the Sir Harry Evans Investigative Journalism Summit 2024. Picture by Andrew Parsons / Parsons Media